Chapter 283 Part 1

The time is 5:40 a.m.
I logged in, but.
The landscape is… strange.
I think the W5 Map’s terrain is plains.
But I’m surrounded by a bamboo forest.
What happened?

After I collected magic stones from the Cintamini and cleaned up my tent, Adele came running up to me.
What’s going on?

「Oh my God! Keith!」

「Now now, calm down」

「I logged out properly but somehow I logged in here and I don’t know what’s what」

I don’t know what you’re saying!
At least use sentences.
Or just calm down!

I summon Volff.
Adele immediately attached herself to him and became docile.
What about all that energy you had a second ago?

Irina was working on preparing a meal.
At least she seems to be calm.

「Good morning, Keith」

「Ah, good morning. What’s up with all of this?」

「Something must have happened while we were logged out」

Apparently, similar anomalies are occurring elsewhere too.
Which areas?
It’s happened on the W5, W4, and W3 maps.
Even though you logged out with Instant Portal, you log in at the Area Portal.
That seems to be what’s happening.
But there’s no respawn penalty.
Strange things are afoot!

「There have also been reports of a monster seeming to attack Instant Portals themselves」

「What kind of monster?」

「There aren’t any screenshots. It’s said to be a Majin mounted on a Lesser Gryphon」

「A majin, huh」

「And the witnesses in the Instant Portal are suddenly zapped to an Area Portal」

「Is it decided where they’re jumped to?」

「From the few examples, it seems like they’re sent to the last area portal they passed through」

This is troublesome.
Instant Portals being disabled while logged out.
That’s a problem.
It’s a very big problem.
It’s become second nature to use it, but now that it’s in danger I realize just how extremely important a skill it is!

「Was there no more detailed information on that Majin?」

「All I have is a text description of their appearance, but」

I took a look at that post, but.
Is it a clown type?
It’s a bit of a shame that they couldn’t use【Identify】being inside an Instant Portal and all.

「On the Event Clear Thread, “take a screenshot” has become a motto」

「That’s right」

By the way.
It seems like food is ready, but Adele is still all over Volff.
She looks completely unstressed.
You’re too calm.

The time is 6:40 am.
While having a leisurely breakfast we discussed our future plans.
We were the only ones at the W5 area portal.
There are three areas experiencing anomalies.
Obviously, we need more hands.

「It looks like the recruitment for the west is gonna get serious starting today」

「Do you think they’ll come here?」

「There are plans to form a union and head out from W4. They’ll probably arrive before noon today」

I guess that’s how it is.
Then we should go west?
I’d like to see how W6 is.
Something’s happening.
Will we see a difference from yesterday, where we only reached W5?

「Let’s aim for highly mobile lineups」


「Are we going west?」

「Yes. Maybe there’s something related to the Majins」

「So we’re looking for that」

「And hunting them while we’re at it」

「It’d be nice to eliminate them completely, but we might have to retreat, okay?」



You don’t trust me?
I ran away from a Bronze Dragon the other day, remember?

Let’s check the lineups.
Mine’s Volff, Zangetsu, Helix, Heather, and Oma.

And Adele?
A White Horse, White Wolf, Gold Fox, Fighting Falcon, and Orthros.

And Irina?
She’ll have a Battle Horse, Battle Hawk, Black Wolf, Pixie, and Nue.

While we’re keeping mobility in mind and prioritizing exploration, we don’t feel lacking in strength.
This’ll work.
Apparently the Majin who messed with the Instant Portals was mounted on a Lesser Gryphon.
If a Lesser Gryphon is nearby?
Let’s take initiative and hunt them down.

《【Lance】Level Up!》
《【Grab】Level Up!》
《【Throw Object】Level Up!》
《Summon Monster『Heather』Level Up!》
《Please add 1 point to a desired stat》

After hunting a Racchango swarm, Heather leveled up.
The hunting itself is going well.
There are a lot of monsters, and we’re working efficiently.

Heather’s SPI has already increased.
I put the other point in STR.
And there’s an open skill.
It seems to be for attributes.
The choices are Light, Dark, Fire, and Water.
Let’s go with Water Attribute.

Heather Silkie Lv6 -> Lv7 (↑1)
AGI 24
INT 24
STR 8 (↑1)
SPI 27(↑1)

Flight Levitation Magic Resistance [Medium] MP Recovery [Medium] Wind Attribute
Earth Attribute Water Attribute (New!) Lightning Attribute

Heather still has plenty of MP left to spare.
Assuming we go with the current lineup, that is.

The problem is the Majins.
I don’t get the vibe that they’re around.
We’ve been hunting down all the Lesser Gryphons I can get my hands on.
Instead of heading straight west, we’ve wandered north and south in search of Lesser Gryphons.
Somehow the gold ore is piling up.
It’s chance of dropping shouldn’t be that high, but…

『Should we just head straight to W6 instead?』

『That might be smart』

How are Adele and Irina’s expressions?
They seem fine.
Let’s go!

On the border of the W6 map, I can see a place that could be the relay portal.
A river.
There’s an old tower standing next to the river.
And if we cross the river, we should be on the W6 map.
I’m curious about the tower.
But let’s check out W6 first.

So, how’s the W6 map?
The W5 map had a few trees, but this one feels more like a forest.
Rather than plains, this is more like a hilly area.
But that’s not a huge problem.
We have the eyes of Helix and the others in the sky above.

And we can use Call Monster to check our surroundings.
There they are.
There are Lesser Gryphons.
And there are a ton!
And there don’t seem to be many of them solo.
Groups, huh.
And I can tell that the three closest ones are approaching us at high speed.

Of course, that’s just what I want.
Come at me!

Knife Thrower Lv.5
Majin Enemy Target Active
Battle Location: Ground ???

Juggler Lv.5
Majin Enemy Target Active
Battle Position: Ground ???

Exorcising Priest Lv.4
Majin Enemy Target Active
Battle Position: Ground ???

Lesser Gryphon Lv.3
Demon Enemy Target Active
Battle Position: In the Air, Ground ???

There they are.
That exorcising priest is troublesome.
But how come I can’t see their attributes and resistances?
They’re definitely higher level than the ones I’ve seen before, but not by too much.
Seems like there’s some kind of trick to it.

「Exorcising Priests are annoying! Concentrate attacks and destroy them first!」

『O- okay!』

『We’ll prioritize bow and arrow!』

The two of them are holding Xiuyaojing Bows.
When they drew their arrows, changes appeared around the tips.
The scenery looks distorted around Adele’s arrow.
And the wind seems to be whipping around Irina’s arrow.
Helix and the others attacked the Lesser Gryphon that the Priest was riding.
After he lost a little altitude, the arrows were fired simultaneously.

Solid hit.
Both of them.

But that wasn’t enough to take down the Exorcising Priest.
I want to somehow pin the Lesser Gryphon he’s riding to the ground.

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