Chapter 286 (Forum) Part 1

【Air-raid alarm】 Separate thread regarding Monster info 【Bronze Dragon】

1. Mino
 This is a separate iteration of the Monster info compilation thread.
 Please refrain from posting about the Dragons from the source thread.

 Also, please proceed to the next thread once posts go over >>980.

 Source thread:
 Monster info compilation thread List Nº15

———————————- (Omitted) ———————————-

222. ∈(-ω-)∋
 Hi ∈(-ω-)∋ wants to have a chill time flying in the sky

223. Hinata
 I don’t mind dying and respawning, so I prefer having some encounters lol
 Naturally, the Fly spell requires some kind of cold-resistant equipment, right?

224. Klauser
 You can be at ease with the Fly spell…
 There was a time when I thought so

225. Cocoa
 Working on a mountain Map can improve your 【Cold Resistance】 naturally!
 I died the other day, but it wasn’t to a monster, I actually fell off a mountain cliff

226. Shinjiro
 Sorry for the late reply

 I don’t think it only has 3 stages (Dragon Puppy, Lesser Dragon, and Bronze Dragon)
 Isn’t it Dragon Puppy, Lesser Dragon, Dragon, then Bronze Dragon?
 I think the 4th stage is specialized according to its environment

227. Yasuhara
 Ah, so there was a separate thread
 Whether it’s here or the Tournament thread, I can’t settle down in a place if it’s not somewhere I can take it easy

228. Guren
 At the Twelve Heavenly Generals, let alone the Lessers, even the Puppies are giving me a hard time
 What am I supposed to do if I come across something like a Bronze Dragon?
 I’ll have no choice but to run away

 But ∈(-ω-)∋ has something to fight for, you know?

230. Nonomura
 If Summoners could summon Dragon-types, it would destroy this game’s balance lol
 They’d just trample over everything just by summoning Dragons constantly, eww

231. Cocoa
 Do you have any hints for beating them? Even if it’s just for Dragon Puppies

232. Milia
 I don’t think you’d stay so calm once you’re face to face with one of those
 I can say that with confidence because I panicked after finding a Mammoth 4 squares ahead

233. Guren
 Speaking of large monsters, the only ones I’ve seen directly are Mammoths and Skeleton Mammoths
 I don’t know exactly how large a Bronze Dragon is
 Why don’t you go see for yourself?

234. Yasuhara
 For the time being, I don’t want to think about that until all members of my party have done their Class Change

235. Shinjiro
 Ask Mr. Summoner directly!
 Though asking might not be very instructive
 Just watching the video isn’t enough for me to tell

 You devil lmao

236. Hinata
 Offer it food and beg for its mercy
 I’m still low Level

237. Klauser
 Barrier spells are essential to defend against their Breath attacks.
 Aside from that, if you have the courage to go in melee range, you should be fine

238. Nonomura
 I’m a Summoner, so I leave it to the Summoned Monsters

239. Guren
 I’m in the middle of a hard fight right now
 Being restricted to series of battles at the Twelve Heavenly Generals is tough
 I’ve let my guard down after clearing the Dragon Puppies and ended up dying before

 But someday even ∈(・ω・)∋ will be able to hunt Bronze Dragons!

241. Yasuhara
 Dealing with Lessers…
 I think it’s too early to worry about it now
 I’d like to be ready for them first

242. Shinjiro
 If you’re a Summoner, your dream is to have a Dragon as one of your Summoned Monsters
 And even if you’re not, your dream is to slay Dragons

 It’s a dream!
 Everyone, wake up!

243. Klauser
 But how do you even hunt a Bronze Dragon?
 In other games it’s pretty easy to defeat dragons
 This is just a guess of mine, but I feel that here they’re at a Level where you really wonder if they can even be defeated in the first place

244. Cocoa
 For the time being, I’ll focus on defeating Puppies

———————————- (Continued below) ———————————-

【Sake】 Fighting Tournament coverage laid-back thread Part 22

1. Shouryuu
 This is a laid-back Fighting Tournament coverage thread that doubles as a safe haven.
 Well, take a seat and have a drink.
 Let’s welcome the refugees from the live coverage warmly.

 Please proceed to the next thread once posts go over >>950.

 Previous thread:
 【Sake】 Fighting Tournament coverage laid-back thread Parts 1 – 21
 ※Refer to Archives

———————————- (Omitted) ———————————-

356. Kokonoe
 So, a Production Job wins once again
 But what has the Guide Team been doing?

357. Moko
 Even so, setting one’s trained skills is a heavy matter

358. Tsutsumishita
 You can’t avoid the 【Night Vision】 fixed skill from both Dwarves and Elves
 The same goes for Elves’ 【Spirit Summoning】
 I’m going to win despite that handicap
 Speaking of which, there was some Grappler girl there, that’s an extremely rare Job to come across lol
 That’s nice
 Now I kinda want to be pinned down

359. Derek
 I won’t be voting this time because of the event.
 Though it’s true that the battle itself is plain and unsuitable for PR

360. Muku
 A scarf hold = get a soft feeling against her breasts
 A triangle choke = get sniffing the area around her thighs
 A vertical four-quarter hold = get hugging as much as you want
 A north-south position = (I’ll stop right here)

361. zin
 Just as it was bound to happen in a separate thread you guys lol
 Muku means pure, right? Not very pure of you

362. Izumi
 Well that escalated quickly lol

363. Kokonoe
 You forgot to say that you want to be stepped on too lmao

 Come to think of it, there was no whip user this time around.

364. Tonami
 This reminds me that Mr. Summoner wasn’t there this time around either
 As expected, with those rules, the higher the Level, the harder it gets

365. Tsutsumishita
 A sliding collar choke = get squeezing some skin… lol

366. Kasasagi
 Or after restraining her = get rubbing all over her (I’ll stop right here)

 I saw him on the audience


367. Izumi
 I think he was in the audience

368. Mick
 This time an archer made it to the finals, so that was nice to see
 There was a magic user but I think it will be very informative for Hunters as well.

369. Akane
 Hunters can expand the range of things they can do depending on their combination of skills.
 I find that interesting
 It also depends on the terrain, but I think the terrain is something that can be used as well
 Okay, let’s go to the event!

370. Guren
 I’m sorry, Mr. Summoner.
 Considering the party members’ circumstances, I’m staying in the cave this time around…
 I’d love to see a Grappler in action
 So that’s a shame
 But I will participate in the event!

371. Tonami
 Ah yes, the event…
 The call for participation was announced early this year
 The Production Jobs are also making a big move and have announced they’d be doing logistical support, so maybe going is a good idea?
 I mean, not only there’s a source thread for that, but we have that separate thread for that as well huh? lol

372. Mick
 I’ll be participating in this event
 I want to go for bonus points
 I think points will vary depending on how active you are in a certain period of time, like last event.
 Active participation from an early stage is definitely the way to go

373. Tonami
 Well, since players gathered in Remut during the tournament, the population is quickly shifting between regions
 There’s also a lot of people dropping others there and then going back to pick them up lol
 Learn more here
 ➲ 【Event】 2nd Majin Invasion Countermeasures HQ 1st Group 【Looking for participants!】

374. Tsutsumishita
 So no taking it easy after the tournament, huh?
 Even the Summoners are moving quickly and starting to clean up monsters around the area portal.
 Something strange is happening this time, so be careful, okay?

375. Muku
 I think this tournament had an experimental aspect to it
 In a way, I think the rules did a good job balancing the participant’s fighting ability
 But on the other hand, battles were getting monotonous because of the large restrictions
 I wish they’d make it a team battle next time, like the second tournament
 And this time, without restricting skills

376. Guren
 Without restricting skills, a certain someone would suddenly have the upper hand, though…

377. Akane
 As always, it feels like this concentrated criticism is completely ignoring Summoned Monsters

378. Kasasagi
 I’d like for people to gather in Remut next time as well so we can have a party
 Though the best part was that I was able to get my hands on good equipment for once lol

379. Tsutsumishita
 See you next time at the Summoner meetup

———————————- (Continued below) ———————————-

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