Chapter 287 Part 1

I’ve logged in.
This place is undoubtedly the Silent Bamboo Forest.
Still, with all that’s going on here, it should be called Noisy Bamboo Forest.
What’s going on?
Well, I am aware that players are gathering here.

「Ah, good morning, Keith!」

「Breakfast is ready.」

Adele and Irina are baking something.
Bamboo shoots, huh?
Grilled bamboo shoots?
They may get a little bitter if they’re not young enough, but still…
They smell really good.
It’s a shame that we don’t have any miso.

「What’s up with all this ruckus?」

「It’s a temporary base for the event!」

「We also flew here from the Wind Spirit Village just a little while ago.」


When I asked, they told me that we’re getting forces continuously sent in via Return Home.
That’s a frightening amount of energy!
There’s so many people here!

It wasn’t just Adele and Irina. Reina, Fudo, and Mio had also joined.
We all had breakfast together.
At the same time, we talked about various things.

How do I feel about that?
How many players are participating in the event?
Besides, they had set up a logistics route very quickly.
Too quickly!
Although the area portal here is also temporary, the supply system that has been set up was very solid.

It seems that the players who had formed a union are still advancing.
I noticed that it’s a union of two parties where every single one of their members are able to ride.
All of them seem to be two-seaters, so could it be a union of four parties?

「It’s been recommended that several parties, including the Guide Team, form a union and explore!」

「Are Summoners coming too?」

「Haven’t Haruna and Konohana logged in yet?」

「They should have. They said they’d participate in the event, so they’ll be coming here too, right?」

「I see.」

And what am I going to do?
I’ll pick up where I left off yesterday.
I’d like to verify whether hunting Majins can be made more efficiently even during the daytime.
If Adele and Irina also come along, I’ll get even better results.
There is even a possibility that we can hunt a whole team of three Lesser Gryphons with their three Majin riders without even taking damage.
That’s as long as our surprise attack works, though.

「I’m going to W6 again today, what are you going to do?」

「We’ll go with you!」

「If you don’t mind.」

They’re raring to go, huh?

I asked Reina for advice with something.
What was it?
It was about javelins.
I haven’t acquired the 【Javelin】skill yet.
The same goes for 【Pole Weapon】.
Learning either comes with using up my Bonus Points, so I was hesitating about getting either of them.

【Javelin】 costs 9 Bonus Points.
【Pole Weapon】 costs 8.
I currently have 24 Bonus Points.
That’s enough to get both of them, but what should I do?
I wouldn’t be this hesitant if I only had one choice.

It looks like the Production Job Players’ Guild are handing out things like Potions and Mana Potions.
But I already have some of those on me, so I decided to ask for something else.
If they’re giving these away, I might as well get some for myself!

【Weapon: Javelin】 Needlefish Javelin Grade C+ Rarity 4
 AP+24 M・AP+4 Power 0+ Weight 1+ Durability 80 Throwable, range 50
 Continuous Damage on successful piercing attacks [Slight]
 A javelin with the jaw of a needlefish as its tip.
 With obsidian embedded in its tip, it has a good balance between ease of throwing and offensive power.
 It can be used as a regular spear, but please mind that it breaks easily!
 It has high piercing power, and deals extra damage when it pierces through an enemy.

A needlefish!
Could I maybe make one of these myself?
Probably, yeah.
Is it as long as I am tall?

I’m left with 7 Bonus Points in total.
I added both 【Javelin】 and 【Pole Weapon】 to my weapon skills.
I don’t regret it.
Since I’ll be using both this Needlefish Javelin and Indra’s Halberd, getting both skills is a good idea!
That’s how it’s always been!

There was also a large stock of these Needlefish Javelins, so I got myself a decent amount of them.

I also got myself some wood.
I was able to get my hands on some kaya wood, oak, and ebony.

My 【Dagger】 skill has reached level 12, and I think there’s also a 【Greatsword】 skill that can be obtained.
Ebony is quite heavy.
If I use it to make a wooden sword and use that in battle, maybe I’ll be able to get that 【Greatsword】 skill someday?
That’s what I’m hoping for.

「Then let’s get moving.」

「Roger that!」


It seems that both Adele and Irina were restocking on arrows.
They also procured some more food.
It’s not like this is going to be a drawn-out war, you know?
Oh well, I guess I can leave that to you.

What is my formation?
Wolf, Zangetsu, Helix, Ninetails, and Kyokuya.

Adele’s is White Horse, White Wolf, Fighting Falcon, Fairy, and Orthros.

Irina’s is Battle Hawk, Battle Horse, Black Wolf, Pixie, and Fairy.

Lots of fairies!
Well, it’s nice to be lively once in a while.

There’s a soft drizzle falling on the plains.
It looks like things aren’t going to go all that smoothly after all.
I can also see some players around the area portal.
Most likely a union formed by three or four parties.
There’s only a group of Racchangos around, but they seem to be struggling with them.
They’re probably only meant to stand by around the portal.
They’re using some flashy spells, and I think they’ll be gaining a lot from this hard fight.
I think Airavatas ,a pack of Minor Gryphons, and Lesser Gryphons could be good opponents for them as well.
At least in terms of earning experience points.

Well, our job is to hunt Majins.
I also want to confirm how far that large monster army has advanced.
So we head west.

While we were moving, I brought Adele and Irina up to speed regarding my battle with the Majins last night.
I have the impression that they were quite shocked.
But if it’s possible, you’d like to see for yourselves, right?

『That’s definitely possible.』

『Aren’t Instant Portals traps in themselves?』

「Well, let’s just give it a try.」

We won’t know if we don’t try.
Will there be a change in behavior patterns between night and day?
That’s the only thing I’m worried about.

We continued to hunt smoothly as we moved.
Or rather, should I say that it was a bit monotonous?
But there’s been some big changes.
Adele’s Fairy, Fae-chan, Class Changed into a Pixie.
Irina’s Fairy, Shirley, also turned into a Silky.
It seems that our fighting power is growing smoothly.
I also have a Summoned Monster that I want to make stronger.
That’s right.
Should we train for ambushes as well?

The time is 9:10 am.
As expected, there are no players around.
On the wide area map, we can see we’re approaching the ​​W6 area.
The place where the tower is is likely to be a relay portal.
What should we do?
After all, this is a place we want to be able to use, isn’t it?
There was also a relay portal at the southern edge of the S5 map.
And there were also huge rocks on the two borders leading to the S3W3 map.

「There’s a possibility that the area around the tower is a relay portal.」

『Are we going to make it usable?』

『There are no Sphinxes or Spinxes here, I wonder what we’re going to find?』

I had expected to receive some negative responses.
But that’s alright.
There is nothing better than getting this place ready to be used.
We can’t trust Instant Portals after all.
Since it’s close to the front lines, this place is very convenient.

「Then, shall we start?」

『Ah! I have to refresh my buffs! 』

『I’m going to make some changes to my formation. Please give me a moment.』

Irina seems to have replaced her Silky with a Chimera.
After that, we proceed to use our strengthening spells.
I also use Sense Magic to keep an eye on the surroundings.
What about the entrance to the tower?
It seems to be sealed.
I can’t see anything that looks like a gatekeeper.


I think the spell worked.
It must have worked.
It seems that it will take some time for the Info screen to appear…
Why is that?

《We engraved the sealed name.》
《And yet, that name was lost.》
《We tell the history of the people who have fallen to ruin.》
《But there is no one to tell it to.》
《Know that being swept into oblivion is the only thing that awaits you as well.》


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Comment (1)

  1. Hikikomori

    Thanks for the treat.

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