Chapter 63 Part 3 – An unexpected reunion. A nightmare that comes back to life. I am greatly perplexed by the stupid girl that is out of control.

「He」 seemed to have already left Bradd’s body and the peculiarly fierce atmosphere had disappeared.

「…… For some reason, I feel pain all over my body. I wonder what happened?」

Bradd tilted his head curiously.
That must be caused by the physical exertion when 「he」 borrowed his body.
It looks like Bradd has no memory of what happened during that period of time.

I quickly checked my surroundings.

First, my mother and Seraphy.

Just like me, both of them were protected by Phantasma and were unharmed.
If he hadn’t protected the two of them, those two who are unconscious would have been blown up high into the sky by the blast.
Thank you Phantasma.
He is reliable and tolerant. We also get along well.
He reminds me of Matzo, who protected me until the very end when I was a queen.
I really want him to be on my side.
The current Matzo is the captain of the Imperial Guards, so he can’t stay right by my side.

But Phantasma, to whom I was making a heartfelt appeal inside my mind, stood there stunned like a huge rock. Even though he didn’t seem like someone who would be intimidated by the sight of a giant demon dog.

Ageros, who had fought fiercely with 「him」 who borrowed Bradd’s body, was nowhere to be seen.
Maybe he was injured and so retreated.
After all, 「he」 had the upper hand.

The hooded girl that was previously Mr. Queer Witch was also gone.

「…… Why are you here ……」

Muttered Phantasma as he stared at us with wide-open eyes.
Cold sweat was running down his cheeks.

Ah, do you guys know each other? Is this demon dog also related to the Seven Phantoms?
They seemed to be in some kind of evil organization, so I wonder if this demon dog came to execute him as they would not tolerate any failure?
Well, if you’re going to devour someone to death, please start with the demonic monkey Addis over there.
Addis is unconscious and just lying on the ground so it’s very easy to eat him.
You might get a stomach ache though.
If you don’t need Phantasma, we will gladly accept him.

「Umm, wanwan, waoonn」

At any rate, I’ll first try to negotiate in dog language since there’s nothing wrong with trying.

To my surprise, the silver demon dog tilted his head slightly in confusion.
If it were the demon dog Gallam, he would have snickered and bared his fangs toward us. Could this guy be the mischievous type?

「Hey!! Scarlet!! What the heck are you doing!!」

Bradd, who was single-handedly fighting against the demon dog, was angry with me.
I’m sorry.
Even so, there is no place for me to play an active role ……
Just having the ruby mentioned in the subtitle is a miracle ……

Looking apologetic, my partner ruby came back automatically and settled into its place on top of my chest. It even avoided hitting the girl as it went back to me. How skillful ……

It’s okay, don’t worry about it.
I’m going to practice the curving throw and sliding from now on.
Let’s get stronger together.
Until one day, I’ll be known as the magic ball user of Hydrangea.
For now, this little girl will concentrate on rescue operations.

「Ah, you woke up? Is there anywhere that hurts?」

I tried not to scare the girl and spoke to her as gently as possible, just like an elder sister.

To avoid crushing her face on the ground when we rolled over, I quickly held the girl’s head so that it was pressed against my chest. We were still in such a close position that I immediately realized that the girl had regained consciousness and moved.

「Don’t be afraid. I …… we won’t hurt you. Rest assured.」

Just in case everyone has forgotten, to the outside world, I am a boy.

「I’m wearing this dress due to some special circumstances, but I’m a boy.」

I explained to her.

The girl’s shoulders trembled as she said in a quivering voice.

「…… Please …… help me ……!! …… Don’t eat me ……!!」

My heart ached at the pitiful plea.
A feeling of pity welled up inside me.
The demon dog had been holding her in its mouth until just a moment ago.
She must have felt like she had no chances of surviving.
Moreover, she was still so young. How horrified she must have felt.

「I’m not going to eat you. You really did your best even though you were scared.」

When I stroked her back and encouraged her, she buried her face in my chest and burst into tears.
I made my best prince smile and tried to ease the girl’s shock.


The girl put her arms around my back and hugged me.
So I stayed in the same position and let her do so.

…… It hurts. It feels like my spine is going to break. I’m suffocating.
Maybe it’s because she’s in a panic, but her strength is unbelievably strong.
But I have to endure it for a bit.

「…… It was …… so scary ……!! Please hug me tight ……!!」

The girl requested as she sobbed convulsively.
I responded to her request and hugged her, but then she hugged me even tighter.
Guoohhhhh!! It feels like my guts are about to burst out.

「…… C-Can you …… please let go of me …… for a bit ……」

「No!! I won’t let go of you!! Don’t leave me!!」

The girl refused and I fell into a panic.
Did I just hear a 「crack」 sound coming from my back!?

「Don’t worry. I won’t leave you. I’m not going to leave you. So can you please lessen your strength a little ……」

「No!! I can’t believe it if it’s just words!! Give me a kiss of promise!!」

Now it makes sense to me why god made men’s muscles stronger than women’s.
It was an unreasonable request, but I have no other choice but to agree since it was made by such a young child.
And with my rib cage being constricted and my body struggling from the lack of oxygen, I didn’t have time to think about the meaning of her words.

「I – I got it. I’ll kiss you so ……」

The girl’s hold loosened after I said so.
I desperately devoured the air.
T-That was close.
I nearly blacked out.
My vision is still flickering.
Without waiting for my vision to fully recover, I hurriedly kissed the girl on the cheek.
I wouldn’t be able to stand it if she started to give me that extremely strong hug again.

The girl smelled awfully sweet.
Not the milky smell of a little child.
It was a flowery, dizzying smell.
My head was dazed.
It felt like I was kissing the petals of a flower.
The girl’s cheeks puffed up.

「Not there. Kiss me on the lips.」

I tilted my head at the familiar words.
Her voice also sounds familiar though?
Have I met this girl before?

My eyesight recovered and the girl’s face became clear.
I gasped.
A scream rumbled in the back of my throat.

It was a stunningly pretty girl.
Blond hair brighter than gold.
Eyes bluer than the sky.
Skin whiter than snow.
A face that could be mistaken for a doll.
She’s like an angel.
999 out of 1,000 people would agree.

But only I would vote against it without any hesitation.
Because, for me, this girl is the devil itself.

I was so shocked that words couldn’t come out of my mouth.
My mouth was repeatedly opening and closing just like a goldfish.
But she smiled at me. Like a bride at her wedding.

「…… I found it. Alisa’s fated prince.」


A scream so loud that it even startled myself gushed out from my throat.
It was to the point that the unconscious mother and Seraphy opened their eyes and seemed as if they’re about to jump.

「W-What is it!? What’s wrong!? Scarlet!!」

Bradd, who had been absorbed in the battle, turned around in a panic.
He even forgot to use my alias, Rufus.
But I was so shocked that I couldn’t pay attention to that.
The shock was greater than when I woke up and came face to face with a demon dog.

Alisa Diamondi Noel Fontaine.

This girl is the only person I will never forget.

In the previous 「108 times」, she was the perpetrator that cornered me to death when I was a queen.
My former best friend whom I have an undesirable, but inseparable relationship with.
The idiotic girl who I had vowed to never to get involved with ever again in this life was gazing at me with an enraptured expression, looking so happy that it made me feel irritated.

Stop it!! Don’t stare at me with that kind of gaze. It’s giving me goosebumps.

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