Chapter 66 Part 4 – A little happiness and the prelude to the tragedy.

Wendell made up his mind.

「…… I just met you. But, Rona. I sincerely wish this from the bottom of my heart.」

He tightly wrapped his hands around Rona’s hand and put his face close to hers so that his voice would reach her.

「Live, Rona. I have not seen your smile when you are happy.」

Marielle smiled at these words that came from Wendell’s heart that were neither flattering nor pretentious.

「That’s nice. Boys need to speak up and say how they feel, not just give encouragement. The girls look forward to that. Your words gave me courage as well. Although, in my case, the ones that made my heart flutter were not the boys, but these old men. These old men are extraordinarily strong when it comes to fighting, but they would immediately back away when confronted with girls. Isn’t that right, Bobby and Bill?」

The black-bearded Bobby and the brown-bearded Bill instantly froze at Marielle’s words.

「…… Damn it, that guy Brian knew this was going to happen.」

「…… How dare he run away. I’m not going to let him go with just treating us to a drink.」

The two of them grumbled and quietly cursed the white-bearded Brian who disappeared into the kitchen.

「Ahh, I hate it when you get old and cynical. As for me, I can still remember the good old days and those memories can always make me feel better. I remember the passion I had when I was young, when I thought that nothing was impossible if I just tried hard enough.」

Contrary to her talkative mouth, Marielle kept concentrating.
She took a deep breath. Held her breath. Then exhaled. Regulating her breathing.
The black-bearded Bobby and the brown-bearded Bill remained silent and watched with bated breath.

「…… Haa ……!!」

Along with a loud shout, a ‘paaannn’ sound came from Marielle’s hands that were placed on Rona’s body.
Rona’s body was shocked and created an arc in the shape of a bow.
Her complexion turned better.

「…… It succeeded ……!!」

Right after Marielle said so, her satisfied smile froze.

Rona began to convulse, and after making a flute-like sound, she stopped breathing.
Her complexion became increasingly pale and purple.

Marielle’s expression turned serious.

「…… This is not good. She’s experiencing cyanosis. This girl was so debilitated, both mentally and physically. No further treatment is possible. She can’t stand the burden. If I continue, she will die here. It’s a pity, but let’s give up ……」

Marielle was about to pull her hand away, but Wendell stopped her as he continued to stare at Rona.

「…… It’s okay. Keep going. Just now, Rona held my hand. Rona’s heart is not dead yet. Possibilities will surely emerge.」

When Wendell said so his red eyes sparkled as if they were shining from the bottom of his heart.
There was a seriousness in his eyes that could not be dismissed as the irresponsible wish of a child.
Later on, Marielle came to realize.
Wendell sometimes said the strangest things, but he always hit the truth.
In his red eyes, he can see something that others cannot see.
A glimpse of the hero who would return alive from any battlefield had already appeared at this time.

Of course, the black-bearded Bobby and the brown-bearded Bill are already well aware of that.
And so they urged Marielle with their eyes to continue the treatment.
Marielle smiled bitterly.

「…… Okay, it’s three to one, I lose. I’ll try, but don’t bear a grudge on me over the result.」

Wendell nodded.

「Marielle-san will not lose. Rona, too. …… I’ll continue to call out to her …… Rona, although being alive may be full of sorrows for you. But if you don’t live, you can’t become happy. So, come back.」

「…… Rona-chan, I can imagine that you have been through a lot. It may be natural to want to die. But there is a boy who wants you to come back. Will you respond to him? An excellent woman shouldn’t miss the highlight scene ……」

Marielle gently spoke to Rona.
The black-bearded Bobby and the brown-bearded Bill clenched their fists as if they were encouraging Rona inside their heart.
Then once again, the attempt for Rona’s treatment began.

At that moment, Rona was running around in a never-ending nightmare.
No matter how hard she ran, she could not shake off the countless hands that attacked her.
The hands tried to drag her down to the same dark muddy depths where they were.
No matter how hard she struggled with her hands and feet, no matter how much she writhed, the claws that had struck into her body would not come off.
Rona’s skin turned black from there.
Loud, mocking voices deafened Rona’s ears and muffled her screams and resistance.

‘…… I don’t want to resist anymore. I’m too dirty anyway ……’

Rona gave up.
The flame of Rona’s life in reality went out as well.

Even if she died, she thought that someone like her wouldn’t be able to go to the same place as her mother.
But that’s fine. She’s tired of living.
No matter how hard she struggles, it’s all futile, so she should just fall as far as she can.
She’s certain that the noble boy who tried to save her would not have come near her if he knew what they had done to her and what she had been through. At the very least, she wishes she could have met him before she became dirty ……

When the darkness swallowed her up to the tip of her nose, a white, shining hand reached out to her.

‘…… Rona, you are not dirty. Come back. The place where you belong is not inside the darkness.’

She heard a gentle voice calling her back.

‘Don’t give up, Rona. Hold that person’s hand.’

She heard her mother’s voice whispering in her ear and pushing her back.
Her mother, who was always kind.
She never laughed at Rona’s dreams of encountering a prince and quietly listened to her.
On sleepless nights, she sang lullabies to Rona with her beautiful voice.
Rona gathered her last bit of strength and looked up to the heavens.
She could see the light. It was dazzling.

‘Go, my sweet Rona.’

Guided by her mother’s voice, she reached out to the light as if to cling to it.
Then her body was pulled up.

Before she knew it, Rona had escaped the darkness and was in the arms of the noble boy she met on the bridge.
The development inside the dream was as extraordinary and vivid as the changes in a kaleidoscope.
Rona blushed and tried to move away, but the boy took Rona’s right hand and pulled her in a fluid motion. Rona flinched when she realized that she was being invited to a dance.

‘I-I have never danced before ……’

Rona felt so embarrassed she wanted to die.
A dance didn’t suit her at all.
But the boy was forceful, unlike his slender figure.

‘It’s okay. Just follow me. When I step in, you step back. When I step back, you step in.’

He led her skillfully and Rona’s body began to turn.

‘…… Pay attention to avoid hindering each other’s movements. Keep your back straight. Yes, that’s right, you’re good at this. Dance with a noble posture. Your way of life is aloof and beautiful. I knew you would surely be a good dancer.’

The praise made Rona blush.
Their feet flowed as they leapt close together.
They took a big step, then took two small steps to change places with each other.
This sequence of steps created a rotation.
And then, to prevent them from becoming dizzy, they reversed the rotation.
It was graceful and authentic, not like the drunken hopping and jumping of the adults in the slums.

‘B-but, I’m so dirty ……’

She was saddened by the way she was dressed and even more sorrowful when she remembered how many men had passed over her body. Compared to the sparkling boy, she was so miserable that tears welled up in her eyes.

The boy smiled at the nervous Rona.

‘Dirty? Rona, take a good look at yourself.’

Rona gasped.

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