Welcome to the light novel version of Rule Breaker. The story follows Hikaru, a young boy who died in a traffic accident. As he stands in line in the spirit realm, waiting for his soul to be judged, he receives an offer from a young aristocrat named Roland to transfer his soul to another world, one filled with magic, dungeons, and dragons. Upon arrival, he learns of his unique ability called the Soul Board, which allows him to view people's stats—and his own—and even edit them. When Roland tells him to kill someone in exchange for his body, Hikaru decides...
Aun, a solo C-rank adventurer, acquired a magic sword in a dungeon he had luckily discovered that day. However, that night, a party of A-rank adventurers from the royal capital fatally injured him and robbed him of his magic sword. Aun thought that his life would end just like that, but for some reason he became a zombie and acquired new skills. "I will become stronger than anyone else and live as I please!" Starting from the weakest of monsters, he repeatedly evolves to become stronger. By eating the "dungeon core" that forms the core of the dungeon and continuing...
Odamori Tooru is a high school boy that doesn't have a single friend, he got into an accident when he was going on the bus for a school excursion, furthermore he is reincarnated into a new world. The Job Class he obtains here, gives him the ability to control a person, a cheat like occupation, his occupation was called "Slavemancer". Using this power Tooru promptly begins enslaving the women. However one of Tooru's classmates Himeno Kirika, a Bishoujo who originated from his world, has a prestigious class occupation Princess Knight, she represents the side of justice and appears before him----??!?...
Zeff Einstein spent his whole life mastering red magic and was finally recognized for it, yet a new spell that was soon created revealed that his talent for red magic was his lowest. Bitter at the thought of all his wasted effort, he creates a spell to send his old self back in time to his younger body and together with the determined “genius” mage Milly and the handsome swordswoman Claude, he intends to master magic more efficiently this time.
Playboy. Lecher. Parasite. Pond Scum. The girls had a lot of names for me, but that never stopped the next one from spreading her legs. I never really trusted people, and given how pathetically I die, I don't think I would trust anyone ever again. What is this? I'm still alive? What is this place? Why can't I see? Species: Autotrophic Prokayote It looks like I have a long way to becoming human. Then again, why would I want to become human? To hell with humanity and the drama that comes with it. From the author of World of Women,...
「Senpai, you dropped this.」 That sudden call marked the beginning of a relationship of an aloof senpai and his cute overenthusiastic kouhai-chan. Despite not having any contact previously except for using the same train station to get to school, senpai unwillingly agreed to a promise: from that day on, they would have to answer one question every day no matter what it was without telling any lie. The disinterested senpai who doesn't want to give up on his peaceful commuting time, and the passionate kouhai-chan who doesn't want to give up on the only student taking the same train as...
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