The story revolves around a mother, Yukie Kitazawa, and her two adopted daughters, Rumi and Tomoko. Yukie has a car accident while her husband is away on a business trip, and is forced to repay the other party, a young man named Taketo Nogawa, by sexual means. Taketo and his father, a powerful and corrupt business owner, blackmail and have their way Yukie, Rumi and Tomoko.
As a reward for preventing the assassination of the current king, Rou Coral is rewarded with becoming and escort of the Royal Princess Reaina who the boy adores so much. Thus begins his new life of servitude under his beloved high-headed Princess full of happenings and happy little accidents. Surrounded with Busty Head Maid, young Loli Princess and a Childhood Friend Maid, for the boy knight today is yet another day of struggle in this womanly paradise!!
A psychic joins a wealthy paranormal enthusiast for an investigation into a mysterious house believed to be haunted due to its long lineage of tragedy and murder. As a realtor and the home's erratic owner beg the investigators to believe them, the entire group soon discover that the house's peculiar "emotional defects" may be more dangerous than they initially realized. Author's horror page