Welcome to the light novel version of Rule Breaker. The story follows Hikaru, a young boy who died in a traffic accident. As he stands in line in the spirit realm, waiting for his soul to be judged, he receives an offer from a young aristocrat named Roland to transfer his soul to another world, one filled with magic, dungeons, and dragons. Upon arrival, he learns of his unique ability called the Soul Board, which allows him to view people's stats—and his own—and even edit them. When Roland tells him to kill someone in exchange for his body, Hikaru decides...
It is the year 526 of the Liturgical calendar. I, a half-man, half-beast mercenary, was running away from a witch. Now why was the witch even after me, you ask? Well apparently Beastfallen heads are extremely valuable for performing Sorcery. As I raced through the woods, I stumbled upon another witch who saved me. She called herself Zero. Zero was searching for a stolen book called the Grimoire of Zero. Written by none other than herself, the book contained knowledge of Magic, a mysterious new art that surpasses Sorcery. If anyone with the aptitude read its contents, they could easily...
A protagonist reborn in another world. Apparently he transmigrated into an abandoned child. Before his eyes were abandoned children like him. In order to survive, he led them into farming. Little by little, orphans gathered, and upon hearing rumors of a village, others began to migrate. The group that had been nothing but children had become a village before anyone realized. And then various countries in the surroundings started to have an eye on it… This is the epic tale of the man who would later be known as the Divine Emperor.
“I do not trust humans. They’ll betray you without fail.” Aur, the man who had obtained the ability and right to become the Maou at the end of his life of research. Summoning the succubus Lilu, he then sets out on creating his own domain, a gigantic labyrinthine dungeon… The misanthropic Maou taking on the world, the curtain rises on a dark harem fantasy!
Living carefree at home is the greatest shortcut---- My House is the world’s greatest Magic Power Spot, that being the case both my house and I were summoned to another world by some guys who are aiming for it. However, I’ve been living in this place for many years and my body is, apparently, abnormally overflowing with magic. Due to some unforeseen circumstances by those guys who summoned me, they quickly ran away. Be that as it may, there are some ill-mannered people who covet the magic leaking out of my house. I won’t give up my house to those...
It all started that day me and my friend were walking down the street, when all of a sudden my life ended. I found myself in a strange and unfamiliar place where I was offered a new chance to live. Cast out by those that call themselves gods. Picked up by a lazy and lecherous person. Dumped in the middle of nowhere. Watch me as I take on this world by a storm and stand above everyone and everything.
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