Volume 10 Chapter 5 Part 3

I wonder if it’s thanks to these leaves that Fire Magic is not its weak point even though it’s a tree.

I cast 「Fire Storm」 twice and put 「Abnormal Status Resist Down」 on Canary Camellia on the left where Miria and Vesta are heading. I also bypassed the Boss whom I didn’t use the 「Abnormal Status Resist Down」 and fought it with Durandal.

Priority is given to Roxanne and Vesta who are standing in front of the Floor Boss
Sherry, who is in charge of nullifying the Skill chants, and Miria, who is in charge of petrification, are next in almost the same rank, so it can’t be helped that I, who was the last one, will have to make a big detour.

It’s not that I am trying to run away. I’m less likely to be attacked by monsters if I’m on the edge of the Boss Room.
It would be nice if the battle could be over soon.

I read in a book once that every warrior should be able to win against dogs and beasts alike.

「I did it, desu!」

Miria petrified the first Floor Boss. After that, we surround the remaining Canary Camellia and swiftly dispose of it.

Whenever something like that happens, it will always be a battle of which is faster, defeating the remaining monster or Miria turning it into stone again.

There’s no way Roxanne will be hit by an attack, and if it’s a magic or Skill attack, Sherry and I will cancel it with our weapons.

There is also room to choose whether or not to apply 「Status Ailment Resist Down」 to the second monster.

This time, it took some time to petrify the first one, so I won’t put it on.

I defeated the remaining Floor Boss with Durandal before it got petrified, and then we could finally move on to clean up the petrified one.

The Canary Camellia is a tree monster that not only has thick leaves but also flowers on its body. When I heard the name for the first time, I thought it might be a canary perched on a branch, but that’s not the case. Instead, a yellow flower just like a face was blooming on the top of it.

Maybe that where the name’s from? Because its color is yellow like a canary?

After we cleaned up the petrified Canary Camelia, the monster turns into smoke. At the same time, yellow flowers fell down from it. It doesn’t scatter, it falls entirely.
「Oops. It’s going to be like this, huh?」

Since it fell so suddenly, a surprised voice leaked out of my throat.

I didn’t notice it before. Is this because I had room to look at it because it was petrified?

「Yes. Some people say it’s an unlucky monster because the flower falls off of it, it looks just like the human head falling down after beheading.」

Sherry tells me.

Yeah, something tells me that this monster has shitty luck indeed. If it had good luck, then it would actually be quite troublesome for me.

Or rather, people here are comparing it to a human neck, even though the flower was clearly in a position that made it look like a face?

When the Canary Camelia’s flower hit the ground with a loud thud, the center part of it has been left intact while the petals that surrounded it melted and disappeared in smoke.

It would seem that this flower is actually the Drop Item.

「Is it a flower, or is the remaining fruit a Drop Item?」
「It’s Camellia Oil.」

As Sherry told me, it also turned out to be Camellia Oil when I used 「Identify」on it. So this fruit is supposed to turn into oil, huh? I guess it means that it has to be pretty easy to squeeze, right?

「Uhm…. It’s a high-class product whether it’s used as a cooking oil or regular oil. It looks delicious.」
Sherry’s tone was strange, so I asked her back. For some reason she was not exactly clear with her words, so I felt like I needed some clarification from her.

It’s just a hunch though.

「… Uhm…」

「I heard that it is used to care for furniture. It looks like it can give them some beautiful luster improve their texture when it is used on them. They say it’s also good for your body」「
Roxanne explained that to me on behalf of Sherry.

Do you mean that it will also be used for health care and skin care?


「Also, um, if you use it for massage, it seems to have effects such as improving blood circulation and recovering from fatigue.」

Seeing Sherry’s shy expression when Roxanne continued, I understood everything.

Since it is called a massage, it involves direct skin-to-skin contact while kneading the muscles of the one who’s receiving it.

That means that I would get to rub Roxanne and the other’s bodies thoroughly, and get my body massaged by everyone as well.

While having my body lubricated with oil.

「I-Is that so?」


I want to do it! I so want to do it!

Do they want to do it as well?

「Is it okay if we collected Camellia Oil today?」

I check it with everyone, and hear no objections being directed towards me, and even if they did, I would pay them no heed.

The rebels are going to be punished. The heretics will be made to abandon their heretical ways. The buds of rebellion will be plucked away before they’ll be able to bore fruit.

「Yes. Boss hunting, desu!」


Roxanne nodded with an affirmative face, and Sherry did the exact same thing. Both of them seem to have a bit of a misunderstanding about my purpose of doing it, but that is not going to be much of a problem in a grand scheme of things.

「Yes, desu!」

「Umu. I think we’re going to be fine.」

Miria and Vesta also nodded affirmatively. Good. There seems to be no signs of any threat of rebellion so far, so I can rest assured. Everything’s right with the world so far. I just wonder if Miria and Vesta were even capable of understanding what we were talking about in the first place?

Is that also due to Roxanne’s influence? Even if it is, it’s not going to be that big of a deal.

「Miria, since Camelia Oil is supposed to be a high-class cooking ingredient, then I was wondering if it could be used by you to cook fish with? I’m sure that if you used it, it would turn out even more delicious than usual.」

「Collect it quickly, desu!」

Miria started walking towards the exit as soon as I stopped talking. She walks briskly, at a very fast pace. And when she gets to the exit, she turns around on her feet, just like Benkei.

Her eyes say that she’s clearly angry. She probably wonders why are we all still lingering about in here.

Her anger seems to be the of the same kind as the one that the father of Fujiwara no Yasuhira’s father felt towards his son for his incompetence in going against his father’s will and killing Yoshitsune and yielding to Yoritomo.

Seeing that angry expression of hers, we all rushed over to her while feeling a little guilty, even though we have literally done nothing wrong here.

Well, Roxanne also ran over with me, so it’s okay.

We exit the Boss Room after saying a brief goodbye to it.

However, Milia didn’t start moving as if she was flying when we left the Boss Room, so she got some of her personal points deduced for that.

I’m going to remember that and remind her of it some other time.

「It was a little hot this morning, so how about some fried food? Let’s have another cool day.」

In the Kabuki play 『Kanjincho』, when Benkei leaves the Hanamichi, he does moves exactly like that, as if he was flying through the air.

When you think of assuming an imposing stance, you think of Benkei, and similarly, in kabuki, Benkei is synonymous with moving as if you were flying.

It is a common sense in history that John Kay is synonymous with flying in the west, and Benkei is synonymous with flying in the east.

Even though there’s no way for Miria to know about all of it.

「…I will do it, desu!」

「No tartar sauce.」

「Lemon, desu!」

Oi, now wait a minute.

Don’t be silly. What is it, some kind of war? If it’s just for myself then it would be fine, but if I put lemon on fried food, it would mean a war now.

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