Volume 11 Chapter 1 Part 1

Chapter 51: Adventurer

Character Name:
『Kaga Michio』

Current Levels & Equipment:
Explorer Lv.49
Hero Lv.47
Mage Lv.49
Jobeless Lv.42
Cook Lv.1

Rod of Offerings
Hardened Leather Helmet
Hardened Leather Gloves
Dragon Leather Boots
Sacrificial Misanga

I managed to acquire a Priest Job for myself.

After coming to this world from my old one, I now spend my days fighting against monsters in the Labyrinths, where battles are getting progressively more difficult as you advance to the higher floors.

In order to deal with that increasing difficulty level, I said that I want my Party to learn Jobs that can use Recovery Magic.

Considering the current state of our battles against the monsters, being able to completely heal our wounds is a necessary Skill to have, even though we can still fight without having to rely on healing too often.

However, as we continue to climb up to the higher floors healing is definitely going to be needed at some point, especially considering that a certain someone wants to go higher and higher still.

「Now that we managed to obtain Jobs that can use healing, the next step is obviously going to be the battle against the Floor Boss of the 36th floor, right?」

Roxanne the culprit asked me with her eyes shining brightly.

Really now, how can I say no to her when she is looking at me like that?
「Well, first of all, I should check various things. We didn’t have much time to do it today, but after we confirm that there are no problems, then we can go and challenge the Floor Boss of the 36th floor tomorrow, okay?」

「Yes! Let’s have ourselves a whole day-long battles on the 36th floor!」

Even if there are no problems, I should at least add a condition like that. But even if I say that, it still means that Roxanne will push us to go to the 37th floor and battle the Floor Boss there. I don’t like us advancing at such a quick pace, but if I say that I don’t want to go there she’ll probably think that I’m afraid, and I don’t want that as well.

If I ask him if he doesn’t like it, he’ll probably say, 「I’m going because I don’t want to,「 so I won’t say that.

「Well… I think that it’s a good idea.」
Sherry, it’s nice that you agree, but make it clear which part exactly you agree with.

「I think we’re going to be alright.」

No Vesta, I don’t think we’re going to be alright.

from the day after tomorrow Roxanne will force us to push forward again. In other words, I have to make sure that we’ll be dealing with only one thing at a time instead of two.

A single task will be much more manageable.

Let me evaluate what I can do in order to make sure that the rest period is going to be prolonged, even if only for a single day. Although in our case, that rest might mean the difference between life and death for us, since in this other world pretty much everything is possible.

On the contrary, there is also the possibility of us falling into a real pinch at some point, and at that time we might end up regretting not spending more time getting stronger while advancing onto the higher floors.

The higher you go, the stronger the monsters on each floor are going to get, but they will also give more EXP points, so maybe advancing just a little higher is not going to be a bad thing after all?

The only way to get stronger is through training, after all. If so, then the best choice is to fight against stronger monster and train more faster.

That means that I can’t refuse Roxanne’s proposal.

「T-Then, we’re going to do the battle against the Floor Boss of the 36th floor tomorrow.」

In the end, I had no choice but to ride along with what Roxanne wanted once more. I just hope that it won’t swallow us like a big wave in the ocean.

After that, the day ended with a random test of the overall capabilities of the Priest Job, since I thought that there’ll be nothing wrong with trying it out.

It’s Recovery Magic after all, so I need to know how it works and what its limits are.

I’m really just going to try it, and that will be the end for today.

After the battle, I murmured something in a serious tone while pretending to cast the chant for the healing Spell, but neither Roxanne nor Sherry said anything about it, probably because they were taken aback by me being able to use Recovery Magic now as well.

「It’s almost evening, master.」

「Then let’s finish things up in here for today.」

The last battle of the day was a Boss battle against Canary Camelia. With the most recent drop from it, we have harvested a lot of Camellia Oil today. And since we need it, no amount of this is ever going to be enough.

「Master, while we’ll be preparing dinner, could I ask you to prepare a board as well?」

「A board?」

Sherry asked me to prepare a board for her when we go back home. I wonder what she needs it for? Is there a spot somewhere in the house that requires urgent repairs?

「I’m going to use the board as a raw material to create a Warning Stick. It’s an anti-Beep Sheep measure.」

If I remember correctly, a board is a Drop Item from Rub Shrub.

「A Warning Stick?]

「It’s a wooden stick with a flattened tip. It’s a weapon, but it does almost no damage, because it is something that you’re supposed to use to wake up the person who’s asleep or almost asleep.」

Ahh, she’s probably talking about the thing that’s used to keep those who practice cross-legged meditation from falling asleep. Yeah, I’m pretty sure that the Waring Strick is the name of the tool used for it.

I’m pretty sure that’s what it was called. And even though cross-legged meditation might not actually be the thing in this world, they probably have something similar if Warning Stick exists here as well.

The boss of the 4th floor of Quratar’s Labyrinth is Beep Sheep, so that means that when we go past the 36th floor, we should start seeing it appear as a regular enemy instead of a Floor Boss from the 37th floor and above, and the main tactic that the Beep Sheep is utilizing during battle is putting its prey asleep by emitting some kind of strange noises.

Beep Sheep is a monster that puts you to sleep by making strange noises.

「I see. Does it wake you up when you fall asleep?」

「Yes, that’s the main purpose of its usage. Right now we probably have enough materials to only make two of them at best, but ideally, I would like all of the Party Members to have at least one on them, so four or five in total.」

Isn’t that for almost everyone then?

Well, Sherry’s reasoning makes sense. If we only had one Warning Stick and the person responsible for holding it would end up falling asleep themselves, then we would be pretty screwed. That’s why we need at least two of them, and if we consider the possibility that two Party Members might be put to sleep at the same time, it’s natural to want to have more of them just in case. And since Sherry herself asked me to get it and wants to eventually make enough for all of us, then that’s all the more reason why we should have her make it.

That’s why we made a little detour to get more boards from the Rub Shrubs, and when that was done, we proceeded to go back home, where I had Sherry make us the Warning Stick

It was a flat wooden stick.

It’s not looking like a dangerous kind of weapon, but taking a hit from it to the head would definitely hurt like hell.

But if it’s possible to make something like that, then I wonder if we could make a Harisen here? Or perhaps a squeaky hammer?

After looking at the process of Sherry creating the Warning Stick, I left her to her own devices halfway through and proceeded to go prepare a bath.

Also, now that I have gathered a substantial amount of Camelia Oil, it is probably high time to finally use it today.

And so, after we have finished eating dinner, I had the girls give me an oil massage with the Camelia Oil dripping all over us.

As we warmed it, the camelia Oil proceeded to shimmer and sway unstably in the girl’s hands and smoothed their skins.

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Comments (3)

  1. ranomeinon

    Thanks for the chapter.

    Cook Lv.1 <- That HAS to be a typo. Just one fight against a school of Mabreams should have levelled it up several times, and he's been using it regularly to farm Whole Fush and nice cuts of meat…

    1. littlemephi

      context suggests it should be priest.

      1. zigzagzarf

        yeah its priest….he said cook was 1 of the jobs he had leveled to above lvl30 a while back

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