Volume 11 Chapter 5 Part 7

「There is always such a possibility, but still, it won’t have any effect on the emblem in the castle. If push comes to shove, you are allowed to produce the proof of trust between the household of the Duke of Hartz and the household of the Earl of Selmar. With this, you won’t be attacked unknowingly.」

So, you intend to use the proof of trust for a completely contradictory purpose? That is just nasty, man.

「Is it really alright for me to use the proof?」

「It is, but let that be the method of an extremely last resort. You should be able to deal with the minor injuries by yourself. Better yet if you use it in front of a member of the Earl of Selmar’s household, since my household and the household of the Earl of Selmar have a history of a deep bond of trust between each other.」

「Trust, huh?」

It looks more like selfishness from where I am standing right now.

However, it doesn’t absolve the household of the Earl of Selmar from what he did. Well, at the very least it does not look like they want to kill the Earl’s family. So does the Duke plan to remove the current Earl of Selmar and replace him with a substitute Earl instead?

「In the worst case scenario, Cassia and I will make a run to the emblem in the castle of the Earl of Selmar. You don’t have to be worried about it being of no use.」

「Yeah, but won’t you need an Adventurer to do that?」

「The Adventurer who came here with Cassia has seen the curtain, too. I just cannot use them this time, which is why I turned to you for help.」

「It’ll be troublesome, huh?」

After the marriage, there was an Adventurer who came with Cassia to the Hartz Duchy, so that they could be of service to her if she ever needed to go back home. In other words, they are someone who is on the Earl of Selmar’s side. If they were sent as a vanguard, there’s a high chance that they could betray the Duke in favor of the Earl.

「If you accept, then I will reward you with anything that is going to be within my capacity. You may also decline, of course. I guarantee you freedom of choice. However, if you decline, you will have to be confined to this room until the execution of the operation.」

Is that why you led us to this room? To confine us here in case we refused? With there being a custom of no one leaving the conference room until the conference is over, no one will ever suspect anything even if we don’t come out for a long time.

「After I have moved to the other side, then what?」

「During the first transfer, you’ll take a few Adventurers of the Knight Order of Hartz Duchy with you. After that, you’ll have to make a few more trips back and forth. However, I don’t intend to have Lord Michio fight any of the castle guards yourself. As an Elf, it is my duty to do what an Elf has to do by myself.」

「So I will only have to transport your people then?」

「There’s always that 1 in 10,000 chance that something might not go according to the plan, so I cannot completely guarantee you safety. Please do bear that in mind.」

Does the Duke want me to help him or decline him? But then, if it were a fail-safe, not taking it up would rather be better. He says that will not have to fight, but it is still going to be dangerous even in spite of that, don’t you think?

Certainly, just like the Duke said, even if the Earl is aware of the risk of invasion through the emblem curtain, it’ll be impractical for him to deploy a defense unit or an entire garrison of guards there at all times.

If he had such a war potential at his disposal, he should have put it to use in the Labyrinths.

If only he did that, there wouldn’t be the need for him to be removed from his position now.

However, there are other methods available, too.

When no one is deployed, the room can be filled with the poisonous gas. Firewood can be set ablaze in front of the curtain, so whoever came out would fall into it. A sword can be set in front of the curtain, so whoever came out would be pierced by it.

However, because it can allow one to escape in a contingency, they probably won’t do such a thing. Still, that does not mean that it is going to be absolutely safe in there, so it would be better and safer for me to refuse taking part in the Duke’s plan.

If I accept the offer, I would be invading Cassia’s home, and she might not like it.

「It’s a noble’s obligation to exterminate the Labyrinths. Because he didn’t perform his duty, there’s no other choice but to hold him accountable for it. It cannot be helped.」

When I try to observe Cassia’s state, she speaks her mind decisively.

「In case Lord Michio declines, we will have to invade the castle from the front, which will definitely result in casualties in the household of the Earl of Selmar.」

So, the reason why he wants me to get onboard with it is because he was being concerned about Cassia?

Is there no way out of it for me but to accept it then?

「I ask of you, please lend us your aid.」

Cassia asked me for my help directly.

「Alright, I understand. The moment I came here, I had already boarded this ship, so I might as well sail it until the end.」

With Cassia asking of me to help her, I have no other choice but to accept. Provided there’s no sword set up in front of the curtain of course.

「I am grateful. As expected of Lord Michio. I knew you would agree to help us.」

I agreed to play the role of vanguard for the invasion of the Earl of Selmar’s Castle, upon which the Duke seemed to be greatly pleased with himself.

I am not doing this for you, you bastard. I am only doing it for Cassia’s sake, you hear me? I could not care less if anything happens to you or not!

Sherry’s face suggested that she was feeling uneasy about the whole thing; however, she did not do anything to interrupt our talks, most likely because the other party was the Duke.

Probably because the other party is the Duke.

「Oh well. I guess it will all work itself out somehow.」

I speak optimistically in order to cheer Sherry up. On the other hand, Roxanne doesn’t seem to be worried at all. Maybe because she has absolute confidence in me as her master?

Has it never occurred to her that she might be overestimating my abilities?

「Since the operation is going to be carried out tonight, I am afraid that I cannot offer you any alcohol, however, you can eat and drink until you are all full.」

Is this what staying overnight was for?

I admit, though, that his preparations are good.

Since there is going to be no alcohol served for anyone, it will be impossible for anyone to participate in the operation while being drunk. Is this why he didn’t arrange for the Dwarf Killer this time, even though Sherry came with me?

Oh well, there is no helping it now.

Should I at least eat something to relieve the stress I am feeling then?

「Your Highness, Gozer here.」

While I was busy indulging myself in eating for a while, a knock comes from outside followed by a voice.

It was Gozer’s voice. He has finally returned.

The moment Gozer left on account of making the emergency call, the Duke has created all sorts of trouble for me. It really isn’t good for me when Gozer isn’t around to keep the Duke’s unreasonable shenanigans at bay.

「Gozer, is that you? I will open the door for you, but don’t enter just yet.」

The Duke stands up and heads to the door personally. Does it mean if he enters the conference room from the outside, the meeting will come to an end?

Speaking of which, until when are we not allowed to leave this room, exactly? Will we be on house arrest until the operation has been executed late into the night?

The Duke opens the door for Gozer, who was standing at the other side of it, alone.
「Operation Seni is progressing smoothly, all according to plan. About 80% of the personnel have already been contacted, and they have begun assembling here.」

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