Volume 9 Chapter 4 Part 3

Additionally, since 「Critical Outbreak」 hardly ever invokes in first place, using 「Increase Critical Rate」 is useless. Instead, I should invest in Gambler’s skill set.

It is also quite a chore to use Gambler in addition to Explorer, Hero, Wizard, and Monk.

Honestly, I wanted to use Fourth Job and have 「Required EXP」 set at 1/20th, but am I going to have to compromise on that? Or maybe I should go and remove the Hero Job? No, if I reduced base offensive abilities by removing Hero in order to increase Critical Rate, It would be illogical, like putting a cart before the horse.

Because Job effects are shared by all the Party Members, the highly effective Hero is hard to take off, because the benefits that it grants to us are simply too good to pass by.

Should I remove Explorer then?

In case of Intelligence Card verification, I can always change my job to Monk, since when I am not using Item Box, Explorer is only useful for that exact purpose. As for Item Box and Party Formation, I can leave Explorer to either Roxanne or Sherry, but since the size of the Item Box is level dependent, it will be troublesome until it reaches a usable size though.

I don’t need to go that far, do I? For the bonus points will decrease a bit if I remove Explorer. If I forcibly use 「Required EXP l/20th」 along with 「Fourth Job」 after removing Explorer, I will not have enough Bonus Points to allocate towards 「Increase Critical Rate」. And it will not make a big difference using Gambler without using「Increase in Critical Rate」 , for the chance of 「Critical Outbreak」occurring is really small.

Apparently, Vesta is not hitting critical strikes as much with Dragon Knight, so it will likely be the same for Gambler, so wouldn’t it be better to select 「Sixth Job」 instead and make Explorer, Hero, Wizard, Monk and Gambler a base set for me to use at the current moment?

With this, I can also select Alchemist or Cook depending on the situation, and if I use Durandal, I can hit critical strikes by using Warrior and Gambler at the same time.

Nope, I think I should use Swordsman instead of Warrior.

Warrior’s 「Rush」and Swordsman’s 「Slash」 are roughly the same Skills. Because 「Slash」 is Swordsman’s Skill, it is exclusive to sword, and I will only be using Durandal as a weapon.

When I use Warrior, I bring out Durandal. Due to that, I reduce my gained EXP, so the conditions to level Warrior up will not be ideal. It is better to level Swordsman up to Lv.30 so that I can acquire its derivative Job, and with 「Sixth Job」, I can work on other Jobs.

I open Character Reset interface in order to select 「Sixth Job」. Gambler will stay as 「Fifth Job」. I will use Swordsman as 「Sixth Job」.

I should train Swordsman quickly as it will be the Job I will depend on when using Durandal from now on. As for 「Increase Critical Rate」, I will remove 「Increase Critical Rate 30%」 and will only use basic value of 「Increase Critical Rate」.

Because 「Increase Critical Rate」 uses Bonus Points, I can’t have it on all the time. I can’t be too greedy for when I remove it later, the difficulty level of the battles will go up, and there is a possibility that Sherry will question the difference in the frequency of its occurrence.

Since 「Critical Outbreak」 depends largely on the element of luck, I don’t think I should rely on it too much.

If I increase Critical Rate, it becomes ten percent. If I increase it further, it becomes fifteen percent. It means that basic Increase in Critical Rate is five percent. That’s neither big nor small.

I can manage it somehow, since each increment requires just one Bonus Point to increase. It will be good to try this out.

Let’s try basic「Increase Critical Rate」 first.

During the exploration, I took out the groups of monsters we encountered. The number of Spells it took to finish off the monsters was sometimes less, sometimes the same.

Criticals occur once every twenty Spells since the Critical Rate is five percent, huh?
I wonder if it is like this.

It is simple, and although simple, it is useful. Since the duration of battles has shortened, I am grateful. I am grateful for it being simple. Because the number of Spells it takes decreases by no more than one, I can’t notice unless I count. It is not to the extent where you can feel the difference.

On the other hand, if the effect were to the extent that it could be felt, I would be in trouble if it didn’t invoke it.

This also worries me. It feels just about right. Moderate. Just moderate. Neither an overkill nor non-existent. Moderate can sometimes be best.

I bring out Durandal since I have expended plenty of my MP. Since I have reached the point where I am using Six Jobs, the interval between having to use Durandal has become shorter.

「MP Recovery Rate 3x」, which I had been using, was effective.

I can’t keep insisting on this or that. It can’t be helped. I will fight the Hat Bat that appeared with 「Slash」. While watching the monster’s movement, I set my sights on the place to be cut, and invoke 「Slash」. While the bat, that was thrown into the air, was trying to regain its posture, I take a hack with a second 「Slash」.

Basically, there is not much difference between 「Rush」 and 「Slash」 when using a sword.

I will be able to fight as I am used to.

I avoid the charge of the next Hat bat, and hit it with a 「Slash」while it was trying to recover.

Ooh, this one was a critical strike! Durandal knocked the bat up powerfully into the air. The Hat Bat is trembling greatly.

Apparently, even 「Slash」 can become a critical hit. Well, even magic can do that, so there should be nothing weird about it.

As for 「Critical Outbreak」, it is like rolling a dice for it to invoke with any and every attack I can use.

「Did it, desu.」

Miria exclaims in a low voice. The Hat Bat that Miria was keeping company falls to the ground. It wasn’t related to my 「Critical Outbreak」. Rather, it seems she managed to successfully inflict petrifaction upon it.

Roxanne is confronting a Rub Shrub while Miria and Vesta are taking on a Hat Bat each, so no one noticed my critical hit. Even Sherry, ever since I brought Durandal out.

The fact that she knows about it possessing 「Chant Interruption」 skill, must mean that she didn’t feel the need to keep watch over me, knowing that I can take care of myself on my own.

I shift my focus back to the Hat Bat, and strike it with「Slash」 again while it was trying to regain its posture. The monster fell to the ground and turned into smoke. Next, I take on the Rub Shrub which Roxanne was keeping company. It was an easy kill since I was attacking it from the side. Finally, only the petrified Hat Bat remains.

「Ha, what do we do with this one?」

I must finish this Hat Bat off but it is tiny. Furthermore, since it has fallen onto the ground, it is hard to cut. Should I take it out with magic attack then?

「This one looks difficult.」

Roxanne, too, tilts her head, puzzled. I hold Durandal in reverse grip, and thrust it in as if I was digging the earth with a stick.

I can feel my MP recovering. Is it good enough?

「It seems to be working. It was thanks to Miria. As expected of Miria.」

「Yes, desu.」

Feeling relieved from seeing Miria smile, I invoke 「Slash」but it was troublesome, so I attack it without using 「Slash」next. I hit the Hat Bat mechanically. I feel like a worker on a construction site.

Oh, the blow right now went deep! It was probably a critical hit!

This time, everyone saw it but it doesn’t look like they have noticed it. How is that possible?

While attacking the petrified Hat Bat, I hit the ground several times. It looks like I have finished it off. The Hat Bat turns into smoke and disappears.

Thereafter, we continue to explore until the evening.

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