Volume 9 Chapter 5 Part 3

Well, it should be fine.

It’ll be fine. He said 「If possible」, so the exact amount is going to be dependent on my efforts. And I would also like to remind you that this time, he did not specify neither the time nor the place.

In other words, I can go to the Duchy’s Labyrinths as often as I will see fit.

「If you’re going to go to the Nordsem Labyrinth, one of my maids should know where it is.」

Cassia also intervened. So the Labyrinth in question is called Nordsem, huh?

「I would be grateful for the instructions on how to get there.」

「Is that so, Lord Michio? Thank you very much.」

Cassia bows her beautiful head to me. Since on of her maids knows about it, then it probably means that this Labyrinth is somehow related to Cassia herself.

「Ah. Yes.」

「Lord Michio, if you want to fight Mabreams, then shouldn’t the twelfth floor of Bode’s Labyrinth be enough for that purpose?」

「That is how people who are strong usually think?」

「Umu, you might be right.」

The Duke of Hartz and Gozer seemed to be thinking like typical muscle-brains. Guys, you’re wrong about one thing: Miria is the one who wants to be fighting against Mabreams. It’s her, not me, believe me. I want to say that to them out loud, but maybe I shouldn’t to avoid getting myself into more needless trouble?

But come to think of it, I guess they might be right. We don’t necessarily need to be fighting Mabreams on the twenty-second floor of Quratar’s Labyrinth.

「Miria, do you really want to fight the Mabreams on the twenty-second floor?」

「Twenty-second floor, desu!」

When I asked Miria about it, she replied that it has to be done on the twenty-second floor, so it looks like she’s already made her mind about it. So reliable.

「I think it should be done on the twenty-second floor as well. As long as it’s Mabreams that we’re talking about, then we should achieve an easy victory as long as we’ll have master and Miria with us.」

Roxanne thinks that we’re going to win easily against Mabreams with me and Miria, but it’s actually the other way around.

「Right now, I don’t think that the exploration of the lower floors is going to be of any benefits to us at this point.」

「I think we should be just fine on the twenty-second floor.」

Leaving Vesta aside, even Sherry seems to be agreeing with the rest of us this time, and if Sherry thinks so, then it probably means that this is what everyone who’s entering this world’s Labyrinths is thinking.

In other words, the Duke of Hartz is the strange one here. Why was he even suggesting something like that to us? I also think that with our current strength we won’t be having any problems on the higher floors, you crazy Duke.

「Then I shall come to visit the castle tomorrow. Also, would it still be fine for me to continue holding onto the thing that you have borrowed to me?」

I asked after pushing the Duke and his ridiculous suggestion back.

The thing that I am talking about is the emblem of the Knight Order of Hartz Duchy that I have been entrusted with, although I haven’t had that many chances of actually using it while going into the Labyrinths. The Duke has lend it to me so that I could freely access all of the Labyrinths located in the Hartz Duchy without anyone asking me too many questions.

In other words, returning it to the Duke right now would be indicative of me not wanting to go to the Labyrinths of the Hartz Duchy anymore, so it would be better for me if I was allowed to continue holding onto it for a little while longer.

「Oh, right. About that…」

「It’s okay for you to keep it for the time being.」

Gozer agreed that it would be best for me to keep the emblem for now. Come to think of it, I think it was actually Gozer who handed me the emblem in the first place, not the Duke. Up until now I wasn’t using it for much anyway and it felt as if I was holding onto something that was way more valuable for someone like me to have, so I was thinking of giving it back before I would end up getting myself caught in something because of it, but it would seem like modesty and humility are going to be of no use for me here either.

Well, nothing that I can do about it now I guess. All that I can do now is to leave early before the Duke is going to have any more of these strange ideas of his pop into his head.

I bowed lightly to Cassia and was on my way.

「Since I’m going to be going to Bode tomorrow, then why don’t we go to the Labyrinth of Quratar today?」

「We might as well.」

「Let’s go with that.」

「Tomorrow, desu.」

「I think that should be fine.」

None of the girls seems to have any objections about my current plans, so with that out of the way I teleported us back home with 「Warp」while disguising is as 「Field Walker」. After arriving back home, I went and grabbed the map of Quratar’s Labyrinth.

「Alright then. Roxanne, you know the drill. Go and guide us straight to the Boss Room.」


I handed the map over to Roxanne and have her guide us straight to the Boss Room.

The Floor Boss for the twenty-first floor of Quratar’s Labyrinth was Bottle Mermaid. We have already fought against in in the Labyrinth of Haruba, so we didn’t have any problems dealing with it this time as well.

「Alright. Next stop, the twenty-second floor.」

「The monsters native to the twenty-second floor of Quratar’s Labyrinth are the Clam Shells.」

「So Clam Shells after all, huh? Okay then, let’s try fighting them for the time being. Roxanne, can you guide us to a place where we could fight Clam Shells?」

As usual, first I asked Sherry to tell us about the main monsters that we can expect to encounter on the new floor, and then I told Roxanne to guide us to it so we could try fighting it.

The first group of enemies that we happened upon was made of Clam Shells and Kettle Mermaids. Both of these are weak against Earth Magic, so I should be able to defeat them quite easily by using only 「Sand Storms」, and just like I expected, firing the Earth Magic Spells at the repeatedly allowed us to claim a relatively easy victory for ourselves.

「There seems to be a lot of monsters here whose weakness is Earth Magic.」
「Yes. That is why I will make sure to guide master to where the Clam Shell and Kettle Mermaids are as much as possible.」

Looks like I can once again leave the part with guiding us to Roxanne without worrying too much.

Combat-wise, the twenty-second floor of Quratar’s Labyrinth seems to be yet another one where we are going to have no problems fighting against the monsters.

「What about the people on this floor? Are there a lot of them?」

「There is much less of them here in comparison to the lower floors. As for what is happening near the Boss Room, then I have no idea, since we’re still to far away from it for me to sense anything, but I think we’ll be able to fight near there without any issues.」

「Starting from the twenty-third floor onwards, there are going to be even fewer people around, then it might be a good idea to fight in the Labyrinth of Quratar for a while.」

It would seem that the number of people present on this floor is decreasing again, so I think that the twenty-second floor of Quratar’s Labyrinth is not going to be a problem for us in that regard either. Depending on the situation, I might really end up staying in the Labyrinth of Quratar for a while longer.

That way, what I said to the Duke is not going to be just a convenient excuse. I don’t feel like we’re going to have any trouble on the twenty-second floor, so maybe we should try going to a higher one still?

I just wonder how much the difficulty is going to increase the higher we go.

「The Labyrinth of Quratar, huh? We do have a map of it so we know how many floors there are, but how high we’ll actually be able to go?」

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