Chapter 195

Some time had to pass before the dragons and the gods could discuss the results of their search at the front entrance of Caravis Tower.

After making the remnants of the two warring civilizations go completely silent, Dran and the others dragged the crystalline object out from where it was sealed by a higher being in the central core of the sun, and they tried to inspect its contents.

Although they had no prior knowledge about the contents of the crystal, they all decided from the quality and quantity of power that they could sense from the coffin-shaped crystal, that it wasn’t something that would pose any problems to Dran, the Ancient Celestial Dragon.

Therefore, it was only natural that they would unseal the crystalline object and try to observe and measure the danger level of whatever was inside it.

For now, from right next to the sun, they descended to one of the nearby planets which had a very similar environment to the planet that Dran had been born on, and they unsealed the crystal object in a corner of a grassy meadow, surrounded by a fresh breeze.

While Lynette reconfigured Gandoga’s armaments and power limits to match the atmosphere of this uninhabited planet, and Diadora stood by with her rainbow roses still blooming, and Ryoukichi and Liu Yu watched with bated breath, Dran gently touched the center of the crystalline object with his left hand.

Dran’s eyes had already changed to his shining, rainbow-colored Dragon Eyes, and he had already seen through all of the techniques that sealed this object, which made it possible for him to unseal it peacefully, rather than having to resort to his favorite method of “breaking through by force.”

「Fumu, if I try to rip off the seal forcefully, it might have a bad effect on its contents」

Dran muttered those words, with a slight hint of annoyance in his tone.

Because they have inexhaustible spiritual and magical power, and they boast a strong perception, the Seven Original Dragons, Dran included, tend to rely on using force, as it was the easiest way for them to solve things.

Dran quickly infused his own magic and consciousness into the seal through his finger that was touching it, and he broke the multiple layers of the god-level seal, with such ease, it was as if he was just humming a song.

「It’s a structure of two types. The outside is a compound of seals, set up by about eight different gods, and the inside contains a seal that was put up by whatever is inside」

When Dran muttered that, Liu Yu’s beautiful eyebrows furrowed.

「In that case, would it be reasonable to interpret that the thing inside it had hid themselves away in the middle of the fighting, to protect themselves?」

If the thing inside the crystal isn’t able to see what is going on outside due to the seal that was applied from the outside, they may try to harm Dran the moment he breaks the seal.

Now that Liu Yu knew Dran’s true identity, she knew that there was no need to worry about him, but of course she would still be concerned.

Sensing Liu Yu’s concern, Dran smiled back at her happily. He was simple-minded when it comes to others’ affection toward him, but that was just one of his special characteristics.

「That’s true. But it’s fine, it would be another thing if my siblings were trying to attack me by surprise, but these people inside the crystal can’t do anything to me, even if I were to act carelessly」

「I can’t even measure the power level of the people inside, but if Dran says so, then I have no reason not to believe you」

「Just stand back a little. I’m about to release the final seal. The people inside will be freed right after」

Obediently following Dran’s words, Liu Yu and Ryoukichi took a few steps away from Dran, while Lynette and Diadora, from inside of Gandoga, moved into a position where they could watch over him.

All of the seals melted away and disappeared, and Dran split open the crystal to the left and right with both his hands, as if he were opening a double door.

The moment the crystalline object was fully opened, it crumbled into sand, and the numerous human shaped figures inside were thrown out of it, and then they fell down onto the green grass growing in the meadow.

What had appeared in the meadows, exposed by the light of the sun, which continued to function normally even without the crystal core, was a wide variety of beautiful women. Their beauty would have fascinated any human, regardless of gender, race or age.

Their hair color, faces, and physiques all varied, but they all had horns growing from their heads of various shapes and sizes, they had bat-like wings extending from their backs, and long, thin tails with a heart-shaped tip grew from their rears.

「They’re succubi」

「Yes, they’re succubi」

「This is the first time I’ve seen a succubus. Young or old, they’re all so pretty」

Dran, Lynette, and Diadora, in that order, spoke their impressions aloud.

The people who had come out of the crystalline object were all, without any exceptions — succubi.

It was the first time for Lynette and Diadora to see a real succubus, and they were honestly astonished by their beauty, which was more than they had expected from their prior knowledge of succubi.

From her appearance, her atmosphere, and her usual speech and conduct, Diadora seemed to be a mature and fully grown woman, but perhaps it was because she was a spirit of the Black Rose, Dran and the others were well aware that she could act strangely childish sometimes.

While Diadora was honestly caught up in her admiration, Lynette strongly asserted that Diadora, whom she adored like a mother, would not lose to these succubi in beauty.

「I think Diadora is one or two levels above these succubi, in cuteness and prettiness and in attractiveness. No, I declare it so」

「My, fufu, thank you, Lynette. I’m happy, even if it’s just flattery」

「I’m not just flattering you. At the very least, you are a charming woman that captured Master Dran’s heart!」

Just as Lenia would do for Dran, Lynette praised Diadora, and Diadora gazed back at her affectionately. The relationship between these two had almost solidified as mother and daughter already.

While Diadora and Lynette were generating a warm and fuzzy atmosphere, the succubi were still in a deep sleep, as if they were dead, and they showed no signs of movement, even after being released from the crystal.

Each of the freed succubi were entangled with each other, in a strange, tapestry-like state with their limbs intertwined.

Ryoukichi, who had been checking the conditions of the succubi, spoke to Dran in a voice filled with concern.

As the world’s most powerful Water Dragon Emperor, she had found out before all the other women here, that the succubi were in grave danger.

「Dran, aren’t these people close to a hibernation state?」

「Yeah, that’s right, Ryoukichi. This is only my guess, but it’s likely they were cornered by their enemies, and they locked themselves inside this crystalline structure, then they all went to sleep so they wouldn’t starve to death」

「If that’s true, then they must have been pinning a singular ray of hope on the moment when they may one day awaken again. They must have been under a lot of pressure. I hope they don’t mistake us as enemies and attack us…」

「If they attack in the spur of the moment when they wake up, I would let it slide. Of course, that’s only if they don’t cause any harm to all of you. Now then, they should have a leader… probably that girl there」

The clothes all the women wore varied in appearance, but it was easy to find the one with the highest spiritual power amongst them.

The woman was lying almost in the center of the group of succubi, with the others clinging to her closely. She wore a black, long dress, as dark as the night, which covered her body, leaving only the neck up exposed.


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