Chapter 76 – Part 2

Now that I think about it, today is the first time that I was calling upon them to fight for me.

For me, the Great Spirits, the Spirit King, and most of the gods were just good partners for conversation or were fun companions to play with. When it came to actually fighting, I had never really relied on their power before, because it was always faster, and victory was more certain, if I just fought by myself.

「I am the one who is happy to see such familiar faces. Though if it weren’t for this situation, I would be even more overjoyed」

『It’s the same for us too. Ever since you went and died, I haven’t had as many people to play with, you know』

Wondergust called out to me casually, but not in the way a human normally would; as in, her voice wasn’t passing as sound waves through the air.

No, she was transmitting her own thoughts directly into my mind.

It was similar to the mental magic called telepathy, but since the minds and thoughts of Great Spirits are too large and strong, it was extremely difficult for most humans and demi-humans to receive such transmissions.

For people like the Priestess Princess, who were born possessing superior skill, they might be able to grow the ability to receive these transmissions, after many years of training their minds and souls.

This is one of the reasons why, even among the people who specialize in utilizing spirits and have accumulated a lot of experience, there are still very few people in this world who are capable of summoning a Great Spirit.

「I’m sorry I just summoned you all here out of the blue, but this isn’t really a situation where we can take our time to catch up.

As you can see, this greedy lot from the demon world are baring their evil fangs against this young Yggdrasil tree and all of the residents here.

Would you mind helping me beat them back into their rightful places?」

『Of course we don’t mind, but is there really a need for us to exercise our power? I believe with your power alone, a mindless mob like this would not even make worthy opponents for you?』

「Tuaqua, it is exactly as you say, but I’ll be dealing with that idiot over there first」

When I lifted my right hand to point my index finger at the fissure in space where Niezheg was, the three Great Spirits all turned their gazes at the same time.

With just that, they understood who I had meant by ‘idiot,’ and with a gesture that was much like a regular human’s, they all heaved a big sigh as if saying, ‘Oh, that’s the one.’

It really was very human-like. Though on second thought, Selina often used the same gesture.

『That looks like the Niezheg clan to me. If I remember correctly, that’s the same clan as that one evil dragon you defeated together with the human heroes』

『Looks like they all want to gobble up li’l Yggdrasil~. So, it’s fine as long as we beat up those demons, right?』

「Yeah, that would be a big help. Though I want you all to keep in mind, if the people gathered here in the capital receive even a single scratch, then that means we have lost」

It couldn’t be avoided if the people get minor injuries, but I swore firmly in my heart that I wouldn’t let anyone here die.

『Now that you have called upon us for help, we must not show you an unsightly fight. If we disappoint you, who knows what our king will say to us?』

Tuaqua created spheres of water in the area surrounding her, and even started to turn parts of her own temporary physical form into waves of water as well.

『Ahahaha, that’s so true. Anyway, as long as those guys are around, the air around here will be all stale and gross. Let’s get rid of ‘em right away!』

Wondergust started blowing out wind, and although its range was small, it moved faster than the speed of sound, with herself standing at the center of the whirlwind. The wind immediately purified the atmosphere that had been polluted by all the miasma coming from Niezheg and the demons.

『If Yggdrasil is in danger, then we can’t remain uninvolved. The fairies also seem to be under threat too, it’s a good thing you called for us, yes』

Vaias swayed in the air as his large body floated higher, and started to create a rock shaped into a spear point out of thin air.

「All right, then I’ll entrust this place to you, Tuaqua, Wondergust, Vaias」

In response to my words, the three Great Spirits answered in unison.

「Leave it to us!」

The response from the Great Spirits had barely had the time to even reach my mind, before the high level of spiritual power that they had poured into their water, wind, and earth attacks, flocked toward the army of thousands of demons all at once.

Compared to any ordinary magic user, I had a much larger supply of magic to give to them. Since it was I who summoned them, I acted as the landmark for them in this world, allowing them to take form here in something close to their original bodies, with their full power.

The demons and the magic soldiers, with their large and powerful bodies, raised their arms and tails equipped in weaponry, and rushed toward the Great Spirits.

They had recognized the Great Spirits as the biggest threats in this area, and aimed to eliminate their enemies.

Upon seeing the forms of the Great Spirits, which even High Elves rarely get a chance to see in their long lifetimes, all the residents of Deep Green gazed up at the spirits while gulping nervously.

And of course among them were Fio, Marl, and Diadora too.

Shortly after that, the three attacks of wind, water and earth burst in the sky, which was blackened by the miasma, and the shockwave blew past the rest of us watching from the ground.

The wind was so strong that if you weren’t holding onto something, you were likely to be blown away. When we looked above, we saw the demons getting shredded by Wondergust’s wind, swallowed up and crumbling apart in Tuaqua’s whirlpools, and crushed by the rocks controlled by Vaias.

Leaving this place in the Great Spirits’ hands, Selina, Diadora and I split off from Fio and Marl, and the three of us moved through the crowd to head toward Yggdrassil, which was shining gold as it worked to purify the miasma around it.

As we ran toward Yggdrasil, above us, we could see that Niezheg wasn’t even giving the fighting Great Spirits the time of his day, and was instead leisurely pushing his foot through the dimension fissure, beginning to step out onto our side.

On our way to Yggdrasil, I used the leftover magic power in my soul to create a body double in the form of a white dragon, and let it take form from behind Niezheg. In other words, inside the demon world.

Niezheg was driven by his raging appetite, but when he finally realized that there was a growing amount of power rising behind him, similar in strength to his own, he wriggled his long body around to look back.

「Your reaction time is slow」

When he turned, craning his neck to look at my dragon form, I grabbed onto the back of his neck, and flung him away without meeting any resistance. I had to get him away from the fissure in the dimensions, and prevent him from entering the human world.


Unable to withstand my physical strength, Niezheg flew through the space of the demon world, crashing into several floating islands and pulverizing them upon impact, before he was able to bring himself to a stop.

Niezheg was confronted with the figure of a white dragon comparable to himself in size, which I had constructed behind him, in order to compensate for the newly opened dimensional fissure. Now that I have prevented any further leakage of miasma from both Niezheg and the demon world, I took a look at my surroundings.

「Hmmm. This is quite the view compared to the outside of the Great Demon World. If my memory isn’t failing me, then this should be a region where not the evil gods, but rather all the demons and their clans, should be coexisting」

Around us, there were many floating islands and continents, which contained the dwellings of the countless demons. Among these landmasses was one that was the size of a large planet, and the scent of Niezheg’s presence wafted from it particularly strongly.

That must be Niezheg’s nest. He must be controlling all of the demons living in that area with his power. It could be said that this was his territory, his domain.


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