Chapter 126: Senpai’s Great Adventure ②

〜A certain ex-zombie’s point of view〜

I’m a former zombie, and I don’t have a name yet… Well, you can call me whatever you like. Right now, I am a Hellfire Knight.

But that’s not important right now.

More importantly… I noticed something important today.

“This volcanic island is a labyrinth”.

I didn’t expect to enter another dungeon immediately after escaping from one.

How did I know? Because the dead monsters were absorbed into the ground.

Do I know who killed those monsters? Well, of course I do. He is me!

I mean, at first I was running around scared. …The monsters on this island look really strong, after all!

Magma-like sea slug, fire monkeys, lamia with flaming hair, wyverns and such…

No way I can win, right?

I’m a former zombie, after all? The weakest monster that can make even crying children burst into laughter… Normally you wouldn’t think you became stronger just because of a couple of evolutions right?

Even though I’ve leveled up a lot, I’ve only been riding on Golem-kun’s back as he mowed down the enemies. Besides, I only have Golem-kun as armor, and no weapons…

Come to think of it, it was all thanks to Golem-kun that I was able to come this far. Golem-kun is the real hero. All hail Golem-kun!!

Well, joking aside, I was able to win only because the monsters and I were too compatible with each other.

The monsters on this island basically attack with fire, but I seem to be extremely resistant to the fire attribute. I don’t take any damage at all. It just feels warm.

I suppose it’s only obvious. I went through a strange evolution after barely withstanding a dragon’s breath.

And so, my attack methods are [Hell Bite], [Flare Knuckle] and [Burn Stamp].

How did I name the technique? I don’t know! It just pops into my head without permission!

It might be some kind of illness.

Thus, I can deal damage one-sidedly without taking damage for the opponents… Huh? Could this be paradise?

If that’s the case, then I’ve got a plan. If I raise my level enough to catch a wyvern, I can escape somehow.

Defeat the boss? Impossible! The boss is that fire dragon, you know? You have to choose who to pick fights with!

Since I came in by flying from the sky, then the correct answer is to fly out through the sky.

In which case, I’ll have to fight those around me and strengthen myself even more! I’ll do my best!

◇ ◇ ◇ ◇

Hello, this is the former zombie on Volcano Island.

The current temperature is around 60 degrees Celsius. Which is refreshing in this place…

It’s been about two years since I was burned by the Fire Dragon. I don’t think I can escape from this place at all.

Hmm? Wyvern? Oh… That is a suicide act.

I was able to ride on its back and fly a few times, but then it suddenly went on a rampage and crashed into rocks, into the sea, into the fire dragon’s nest… I almost died 10 times!

But there were some good things.

What comes to mind when you think of dungeons? That’s right, treasure chests!

If you walk around for two years, you’ll naturally find many treasure chests. Just like Mimic-kun.

Most of the items in them were water and medicinal herbs in clean containers. After drinking it, my HP recovered, so I’m sure it’s good for my body. I ain’t certain though.

Also, I got one bad-looking weapon. A spear whose blade is wrapped in flames by absorbing mana when grasped! It looks cool and strong, but it doesn’t have much of an effect on this volcanic island. After all, the opponents also have the fire attributes. It does damage even without the flames. I am using it for now, though.

I’ve been on this island for two years and my level has risen like crazy. I’m level 69 right now. Evolution was terrible though.

Ah, right… After testing out the different things I can do, I’ve come to understand the “status”. Though, it’s meaningless because the numbers are arranged in a way that I don’t understand. Up until then, I had intuitively understood things like levels and races, but now I know things like titles and skills.

It’s a strange feeling to get a glimpse of the fundamental principles of this world.

You wonder how a 100 year old rotting corpse can change in a few years, right?

That person who called me “senpai” was the reason… I wonder if he’s doing well. I’m worried about him… Never talked to him, though!

I’ve strayed from the topic… So, the [Tame] skill was one of those skills in my status. It seems that if I ride on a monster’s back for a certain amount of time, I’ll become friends with that monster. It was because of this skill that the Wyvern started rampaging.

Also, it said that I became good friends with Golem-kun and Trent-kun because I clung to them for a certain amount of time…

You should have told me sooner!

Had I known that, I wouldn’t have had to die almost ten times!

Wait, who am I even angry at?!

Huh… Well whatever.

I am a positive zombie. Lets’ learn from all my failures.

Now that I’ve leveled up and learned a lot about the ecology of this island, I think I can subdue even a wyvern.

The only thing I can’t beat on this island right now is the fire dragon boss.

Is it really that impossible, you ask? There’s no way I can beat a monster like that! Compared to Fire Dragon, I am just a pebble on the side of the road. A simple poke on the head will kill me… even though I’m already dead!

With that being said, the “Wyvern Capture Operation” has begun!

This is the strategy I came up with with my rotten brain.

1. Hit a wyvern until it is near death.

2. Carry the dying Wyvern to the cave where I live.

3. Anchor the wyvern to a rock with sturdy ropes made from several vines.

4. Restore the wyvern’s health with medicinal herbs and clean water.

5. Climb on the back!

6. Become friends! !

What do you think!? Perfect ain’t it! It’s okay. You can go ahead and praise me.

In that case, let’s quickly go find a wyvern that looks…

Oh!? That guy is different! The other wyverns are green, but only this guy is reddish-brown!

Alright, alright! I like it!

If that’s the case, let’s lure him over here. Wait a minute!

Time out! Time out! Huh? What is this guy? Why’s he so strong!?

No! Stop it! No, stop… Pleaseeeeee! ! !

Phew… I lost my composure for a second. My lower half almost got eaten!

But I did it at the last minute. I managed to beat it. And now to carry this guy back to the cave…

The ropes were made in advance, so the preparations are perfect.

Hmmm, where should I tie him? Neck? Wings? Legs? Hmm, let’s tie them all up.

All right. It’s perfect so far. All that’s left is to heal myself and the Wyvern…

Time to ride! !

Oooh, how violent! But you can’t resist! Don’t underestimate my rope skills!

Huh? Did I get too excited and make the ropes too long!? A miscalculation!!

No! Don’t fly inside the cave! There is a ceiling! My head!!

“Ngafu, ngahfu, ngagagaga…”

Stop it! My skull’s gonna get shaven by the rocks!!

Wait? Just how long will the taming take?

Haa, haa, haa… I somehow seem to have succeeded. He finally grew quiet. It took about an hour.

That was perfect, wasn’t it? I won’t accept any objections!

There’s only a millimeter of my HP left, but success is all that matters! It doesn’t matter whether you win with a full HP or a millimeter of Hp, winning is winning!

Even so, this wyvern is really strong compared to the others.

Well… this guy’s race is called [Lava Wyvern]… Is he a mutant individual? It’s certainly the first time I’ve seen this color, and he’s bigger than the others!

Also, after taming, I can see things like race names and all.

Lucky to turn a disaster around, I guess!

And that’s how we became friends. Let’s give him a name. It’s hard to call him because his race name is too long!

But how do I do that… I’ve never given a name to anyone.

I mean, I myself don’t have a name…

Well, let’s just shorten the race name to “Lavan”! Nice to meet you, Lavan!!

Now then, let’s escape from this island after making preparations!!

◇ ◇ ◇ ◇

Finally! I can escape from this volcanic island!

It seems like it’s been a long time, but also a short one… The two years that I spent here were overwhelmingly more eventful than the 100 years I spent as a zombie. It’s making me emotional.

Alright! Let’s go, Lavan!

Oh!! He’s flying! He’s flying properly with me on his back this time!!

Flying through the sky feels good, after all!

Ah, I’m finally free!

I’ve become somewhat stronger!

I even made a friend!

…But the real thing starts from here onwards.

I’m still a long way from being a real “Zombie-senpai” who can proudly meet the Aun lad!

My adventure has only just begun!!


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