Immoral Sisters Chapter 3 Part 6

Even though no one recorded that scene and it was already over, Rumi could feel that she would be unable to get that image of Tomoko out of her head anytime soon, and wanted to cover her eyes and ears in an attempt at forgetting what she saw and heard.

「Don’t worry, it’s your turn next, Rumi.」

「…… Huh?」

She should not have asked him back, but Rumi said it out loud still, completely unwillingly.

Taketo stares at Rumi. So that was the reason why the two of them came here. Rumi should have felt hesitation and uneasiness at this moment, but for some reason it was all gone from her at the current moment. Instead, she walked towards Taketo and stood right in front of him.

(This guy is not someone who is going to be satisfied with defiling just myself…… No, he is the worst kind of scum, someone who would lay his dirty hands on even Tomoko! So why…… just staring at him should make me feel repulsed! But why am I not feeling that way? Is it because I saw my little sister’s lewd figure just a moment ago when she was with him……? Huh? Yes, it surely must have been it……)

This bubbling, scorching and tingling sensation made Rumi’s body unable to move as she wanted right now. As she approached Taketo, her steps would grow even more unsteady and even heavier.

Taketo reached out to Rumi, who somehow managed to approach him completely, and grabbed Rumi’s chest tightly over the fabric of her uniform. Rumi’s body then stiffened up in the initial reaction of rejection.

「Tomoko is not quite bad, but your body is in a really good shape as well, you know?」

He teased her mercilessly, then violently raised her breasts with his hands, pulling on them as he pulled Rumi even closer towards himself. Rumi, who had lost her balance in that very moment, was seated on the bed, her legs spread apart and his body squeezed between them.

Under the palms of her hands, the futon she had just woke up from this very morning was really cold to the touch.

Taketo’s hands were rough, but they did not only inflict pain upon her. Something other than her pain warmed Rumi’s skin, and Rumi furrowed her brows and turned her face away from Taketo when she came to realize that.

(There’s no way that being touched like that can feel good…… There’s absolutely no way that something like this is possible……)

Her spread legs caused her skirt to roll up loosely, revealing her undergarments that lay beneath it. In the meantime, her breasts continued to be touched and groped without her permission. Of course, she could shake him off at any moment here, but for some reason her arms and her body were unable to react in any sort of way.

「Uuh…… Kuh……」

Taketo’s tongue traced Rumi’s neck line and lips. Warm breath touches her skin in an instant.

「Lift the hem of my jacket by yourself.」

Rumi followed his words obediently. She manages to regain her balance and lifts the hem of her sailor uniform with both of her hands, exposing her bare skin in front of Taketo’s cold stare.

She had no words and will to oppose a direct order like that. She did not know why, but that’s how Rumi felt at the current moment, and there was nothing she could possibly do about it.

But when her long hand slipped into her clothes as she lifted up her uniform and began to caress her skin, she naturally let out a sweet moan out of her mouth.

「Ahhh…… Haah……」

「No matter how many times I touch you, your skin feels so smooth and pleasant, Rumi. Did you know that? When I feel your skin, it becomes slightly rosy and more sexy.」

The air in the room gave her goosebumps for a moment after Rumi heard that. On top of that, Taketo’s lukewarm hand stroked her skin with a sticky touch. Rumi also felt that against her will, her body’s temperature started to rise.

「When that happens, your skin will smell like that of a woman in heat in order to excite men even further. I can’t wait for that moment to happen, you know?」

「Don’t say things that you know…… would humiliate me, please.」

Taketo only shrugged off at that wish of hers with a disgusting smile, and once again put strength into his hand that was fondling Rumi’s chest.

「If you want to go that far, then maybe instead of humiliating you with words I will humiliate you in some other way, huh?」

「Haah…… Aaahhh……」

Saying something like that, Taketo’s hand went over her underwear and directly touched Rumi’s breast. Manipulating it with all of his strength, his fingertips pinched the raised point of it with crushing strength. At that moment, Rumi could not help it but raise her voice.

「Were you getting excited to see Tomoko sucking on my dick like that? You seem to be unusually enthusiastic today.」

「T-That’s not……」

Rumi weakly shook her head in denial. However, Rumi herself noticed that her body had a fever that was way stronger than usual. She also could not believe it that she was initially hesitant to deny that fact.

(T-That’s because…… Tomoko made that kind of face…… And happily sucked on your dick and scooped up your sperm like that…… Aah, me too…… I wanted to have a taste, too……)

Taketo’s finger pulled on Rumi’s nipples, and then continued to pull on it with great force.


With a high-pitched voice, Rumi immediately bit her lip to suppress it. However, Taketo firmly pinched her nipple and caressed her ear slightly, and with a nasty smile on his lips, he let go of her chest with his hand.

「*Sniff*, *sniff*…… Can you smell that? This is what I was talking about. It smells like a horny bitch in heat here.」

His hand then landed on top of Rumi’s tight thighs, and then flew backwards into the back of her skirt. His eyes were firmly locked on her wet and clouded eyes, and he enjoyed it greatly, watching her react to each and every action of his hands. At the same time, being touched like that made Rumi feel really hot and bothered inside, a feeling that felt way too good than Rumi was able to admit.

(Horny…… bitch in heat……)

Those words were able to violently shake Rumi’s sense of reason. Even though it was the kind of words you would not want to hear being thrown your way and they meant only to humiliate you, for some reason her back was trembling with a luscious stimulus when he called her that.


Rumi’s pussy was then groped from above her underwear, and it caused her to twitch and jump slightly. But there was no word of refusal that would come out of her mouth, and even though Rumi expected everything that would happen in front of her, she did not even try to block Taketo’s movements with her own hand.

「…… Hoo, what a surprise! Aren’t you pretty wet down there already?」

While teasing her with his words, Taketo pointed his finger at the blotch on her underwear and scratched it with the tip of his finger. Rumi started trembling in response, and the spot on her underwear got bigger and bigger. On the other side of the stain, she felt a slimy dampness between the soft texture of her nether lips.

「Uuuhh… Aaahh… Nnnhh!!」

Rumi continued to turn her face away to escape Taketo’s gaze while shaking her body a little at her own disgrace. But she refused to close her legs. At least Rumi’s body responded to everything that Taketo was doing by touching her pretty nicely.

There was also no more disgust in her rough breathing. Even Rumi knew that. And she did not think that it was okay. However, she could not think of any way in which she could resist or reject the existence of a man that was right in front of her right now.

(What’s wrong with me today?)

It seemed that her body had stopped listening to her. As if she had lost her ability to control her movements and instincts, she turned her face away and closed her eyes so that at least she would not have to look down on her pitiful appearance.

「Oh, and won’t you look at that? I think I just found the source of that stench. Now, let me see it, to see if this is correct.」

Taketo put his hand on Rumi’s underwear, which was slowly becoming more and more stained, and slowly and impatiently pulled her underwear down and brushed it to the side like it was nothing.

Softly, the hard feeling of the skirt’s fabric touched her pubic area.

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