Inyouchuu Gaiden Chapter 2 Part 1

CHAPTER 2: The Corruption of the Young Boy

When Takeru woke up, the sky was still covered with deep darkness. The room prepared for her lodging was also getting a little bit chilly. It looked like the rain had not stopped yet. On the contrary, the sound of knocking on the window was getting louder and louder with every moment.

「I don’t know if we are going to be able to go back home tomorrow at this rate.」

Takeru coughed to herself as she was in the middle of writing her report.

(Although I told Sis to do the same thing since we have some extra time to spare…… I wonder if she’s actually doing it right?)

Unlike the serious and diligent Takeru, her older sister was very bad at this kind of desk work, or any paperwork in general. For example, if you were to leave Mikoto completely unsupervised and to her own devices, she would end up not submitting any report, even if her life depended on it. And if that was to happen, then her portion of the work would be naturally reassigned to someone who actually knew how to do it properly…… and that person was of course Takeru. Just like she ended up having to deal with any accounting and bookkeeping for their company.

So if it was for the sake of her work, it would not hurt to actually urge Mikoto to get to her paperwork a little bit early on.

「Ah…… It’s Maki-kun.」

When she decided to act on those feelings and left the room, Maki was standing there with two coffee cups in his hands, right in front of the door.

「Y-Yes, that’s right, hello…… And I’m sorry to come here so late at night.」

The boy was still fidgeting while speaking. Takeru knew very well that this was his personality, so she smiled at Maki to reassure him.

「What is the purpose of your visit here? If you don’t mind me asking, that is?」

「Well, umm…… Actually, there’s something I would like for you to do for me, Shiratori-san. It’s for you to actually help me with my research for a little bit……」

「Oh, I’m sure that Takeru would not mind that at all. Besides, what do you want us to help you with? Is there even something that we will be able to assist you with?」

When she asked him that, the boy gave her a cup of coffee with a little shyness behind his movements. The girl Exorcist accepted it with a smile and said, “Thank you,” and invited him into the room. She then sat down on the bed and asked Maki to sit on the desk chair.

「So, you want our assistance with your research…… But what is it exactly that I should be doing?」

Even after sitting down, Maki was mumbling for a while all to himself. Takeru reminded herself that this was something that actually could not be helped all that much, so she urged him to talk while drinking her coffee. By the way, the coffee was very sweet for some reason. Was this perhaps the way in which Maki preferred it?

「W-Well, this is…… Umm……」

Prompted to do so, the boy begins to speak.

「You see, the thing is…… When I talked with you yesterday, I have come to realize something important. That I am not alone. That there are many people out there who happen to share the same dream with me. Having realized that, I also arrived at the conclusion that if I believe strongly enough and work hard enough to make my goal a reality, it will come to it eventually. That is why I made a decision. Shiratori-san…… I would like for you and Takeru-san to lend me a hand!」

Maki stopped here for a moment and took a deep breath, as if bracing himself for what he was about to say next. There was a strong light of intent in his eyes at the current moment.

「I think that in order to eradicate youmas for good, it is necessary to understand the basics of the power of the Exorcists. How do the Exorcists destroy youmas? Why can Exorcists destroy youmas in the first place? I would like to use that information in order to further my future research.」

(Hmm, I see.)

That would mean that he most probably wanted the two of them to participate in some sort of experiment of his. She felt uneasy about him having her data taken just like that, but she genuinely wanted to help this boy. His sudden appearance at such a time might also have been the result of him worrying about what kind of answer they would give him.

「Yes, I don’t mind that as well.」

Takeru decided to gladly accept Maki’s request. Upon hearing that, the frown on the boy’s face turned into that of a genuine smile. Then the boy exhaled exaggeratedly and coughed with relief from the bottom of his heart.

「Thank you. For a moment out there I was really worried about what I would do if you happened to turn my request down. But I’m afraid that even if you were to refuse to cooperate, it would be impossible for you to simply leave.」

「…… Impossible to…… leave……?」

Those particular words of his happened to catch Takeru completely off guard. Then the boy turned his gaze toward her as if observing a freshly caught insect inside of a plastic cage. It was a truly eerie gaze for someone like him to exhibit. One that was completely devoid of any emotions whatsoever.

「Now please tell me…… do you think anything has changed?」

「H-Huh? C-Change……? What does that…… What are you……?」

A strange change has taken place inside of Mikoto’s body at that very moment. Her vision became blurry, and the palms of her hands that she was staring at became doubled. Her whole body felt weak and heavy, as if she was filled with lead inside.

「Alright, so far so good, I see.」

Her upper body staggered tremendously. Seeing such a figure, Maki smiled refreshingly. It was strange that he did not care in the slightest about this sudden change in her behavior, but Takeru did not have the luxury of worrying about it for the time being.

Before long, her consciousness was dyed black and Takeru collapsed on top of the bed.


「Kuh, uuhh…… T-This is……」

The first thing to hit her nostrils was the smell of rotten meat permeating the air. An unpleasant odor that made her feel nauseous brought Takeru back to consciousness after she was passed out for who knows how long.

「Where…… where am I?」

Her consciousness was still unclear, but as an Exorcist, she would make sure to never neglect to check the situation and her current surroundings. She happened to fall on her stomach, her cheeks were pressed against the floor, and it was in this position that her eyes started to scan the room.

The only things in this room were a simple bed and a desk. It looked identical to the room that was prepared for Takeru to lodge in for the time being.

(What is going on……?)

She could not quite remember what happened to her. It was certainly a familiar place, but the situation that she was currently in was pretty dire. She could not even get up from her position of being spread on the floor.

「What is the meaning of this……?」

Her arms were tied behind her back. She could not see it because of her current position, but from the sticky feeling and lukewarmness of her own body, and from the way in which she was breathing heavily and was feeling hot all over, she knew it was a youma that was binding her. The fishy smell that was piercing her nose must have also been emitted by this youma.

But that was not the only anomaly that was happening with her body at the current moment. The uniform that she was supposed to be wearing was taken off, and Takeru was left wearing only her underwear — a black bra and black panties. Her underwear was complimented by laced garter belts and black stockings that hid her plump thighs and added color to her pale limbs. Her breasts were crushed against the floor, and her flesh that you could see through her underwear was slightly pinkish in hue. The secreted sweat wetted her skin. Even in such a situation, strangely enough, the necktie of her uniform was still wrapped around her neck.

(Why am I in such a bizarre state?)

While her cheeks blushed at the shameless appearance of her exposed skin right now, she began to think about the situation calmly. But before any good thought could be put together inside of her head, her body was subjected to one more change.

「Nnnhhh!!! Kuhyiih!? Aaahh! W-What the……!?」

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