Volume 5 Chapter 103

「Alright, I’ll go now」

「Yeah, go do a one-hit kill」

「Good luck」

Ryuushin and I cheered Merdie on.

I knew Merdie could do it.

The surrounding Beastmen started to become noisy when Merdie took a step in front of the target

「Hey, look!」

「I, if it’s not Merdie-sama!?」

「When did she return?」

「Participating at the tournament while at it…」

Everyone was surprised that Merdie had joined in the tournament and appeared.

Merdie stayed with the Beastmen king while Ryuka, Tina, and I took care of the soldiers, so word of her return didn’t get around very quickly.

Moreover, it was Merdie’s first time to join the War God’s Strength Tournament.

「However, Merdie-sama got magic, if I remember correctly?」

「Yeah, her physical attribute is slightly stronger than average」

「Can she proceed to the main battle without using magic?」

I also heard some of them making fun of Merdie.

Wasn’t her strength that was slightly above average in this country more than enough for this battle that didn’t use magic, even though she was a magician?

On top of that, Merdie could use both magic and undetectable magic.

Okay, Merdie, go knock them!

Merdie concentrated on what she was doing, ignoring the Beastmen around her.

She released mana from her entire body.

She already used body-strengthening magic since it was allowed. Merdie, a high-level magician, strengthened her physical ability with magic using all she got.

At this point, Merdie already had a physical attack power that was on level with, if not better than, Beastmen with physical ability occupations

However, this much was not enough to destroy the target.

The hide of a Crenu, a cow-like monster that had Slash Attribute and Thrust Attribute, was used on the target’s surface, and it’s inside was filled with steel sand that could easily absorb impact.

Given this structure, even if one slashed it or stabbed it, it would be difficult to do any kind of damage to it. On top of that, it also had a high Damage Attribute.

That was why Merdie had to raise the level of her technique in order to destroy the target.

She gathered the mana she released around her. She still hasn’t mastered convergence yet; however, though it wasn’t perfect, it did have the shape of a magical suit.

She faced the target and raised her hands in a fighting pose.

She then thrust her right fist towards the target.

The moment her fist hit the target—

Merdie moved the mana wrapping her whole body, and transferred them with very high speed into her fist.

And without a moment’s notice, her fist and battle aura simultaneously reached the target.

When Merdie’s fist connected, steel sand burst out of the backside of the target.

The steel sand was unable to absorb the shockwave’s impact coming from Merdie’s fist, and it destroyed the Crenu hide-covered target, smashing through its surface.


「A, amazing, Merdie-sama is so amazing」

「Hey, did you see that? The magical detection crystal balls did not react, right!?」

「Y, yeah! It didn’t react!!」

「Without noticing, Merdie-sama had become strong to this point without magic.」

The Beastmen were in an uproar.

Even the reactions of those who had made fun of Meldy earlier had completely changed. After all, the beastmen have a tendency to admire the strong, therefore the most efficient way would be a show of strength.

By the way, what Merdie did was a practical use of a magical suit. Applying magical force on the physical attack at the moment of assault would result in shockwaves.

It was not the same as punching with mana wrapped on your hand. It was necessary to move mana so that it would hit the target, but the timing of that attack was challenging.

It took me two years to learn this skill, but Merdie learned it in less than two days after I taught her.

A Beastmen girl’s battle sense… was awesome.

「Haruto, I did it, !」

「Merdie, good job, it was perfect」

I patted Merdie on the head after she returned happily.


I found Merdie quite cute as she squinted her eyes in satisfaction.

「Alright, it’s my turn now」

Ryuushin strode toward the target after saying that.

「Do your best」

「Ryuushin, fight!」

Ryuushin didn’t turn around and just waved his hand.

Well, Ryuushin won’t have any problems of this sort, probably.

Ryuushin is strong enough to defeat my flaming knights without using magic.

Ryuushin was led to a target that was different from the one Merdie destroyed, and while being guided, he already dragonized a few spots in his body.

Unlike the last time, he didn’t fully transform his arm. On his hand, elbow, shoulder, hips, knees, and various areas of his foot, dragon scales emerged in small numbers.

Ryuushin couldn’t dragonize his whole body yet.

Apparently, it would take time for him to grow into it.

However, since the time he lost against the Majin, he realized that he needed to create a way that would allow him to battle without having to dragonize his entire body.

While fighting the flaming knights during our training, Ryuushin had managed to invent [Partial Dragonize], dragonizing the body parts that he would use to move, It would also significantly increase his Physical Ability.

In the first palace, Ryuushin, who was part of the Dragonoid race, possessed a racial skill called Dragon Skin, and it had relatively great protective power.

And so, he didn’t use Dragonize for protection. Instead, he used it on the parts necessary for attacking.

The results—

「Destruction, Dragon, Fist!!!」

Ryuushin obtained the power to easily blast the target that most of the Beastmen, the race who was superior to him in physical attacks, could not destroy.

The surrounding Beastmen all stood frozen in place, astonished.

But even though he is a Dragonoid, using [Destruction, Dragon, Fist] as a skill name is a bit too wordy. Wasn’t that kind of name used by Dragon Slayers?

If you use that, then weren’t you killing your own kin….

According to him, the sound was good, and it was easy to pronounce, so he liked it that way.

If Ryuka heard about it, she would probably get mad.

I advised him to change the technique name to something else during the main battle since Ryuka was going to watch it

Finally, it was my turn.

「All right, I’ve got to go!」

「Haruto, good luck, !」

Merdie was rooting for me.

「Hey, Haruto… Are you really using that?」

「Of course! My Physical Ability isn’t as strong as the Beastmen, and I can’t dragonize like Ryuushin. I’m just a mere human. So let me use a weapon, at least」

Ryuushin seemed to be concerned about something, so I answered his question, then I headed toward the target.

I carried Hakoku, the treasure sword I got in Alheim, the Kingdom of the Elves, on my back.


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