Nanana’s Buried Treasure Volume 7 Chapter 7.1

Episode 14: Second Stage 4 -Advent-


「What should I do?」

Saki Yoshino, Organizer M, was worried about the unexpected situation.

Anego’s intrusion throws the second stage into complete disarray.

At the same time that Saki is feeling troubled and complaining, the little Sakis in her head are also fretting about what to do with this uncontrollable situation.

「Yeeeeah, we’re in trouble.」

「Yeah it would be bad if we didn’t do something about Anego.」

「That’s right.」

After much deliberation, no real solution could be found.

「What should we do?」

「I’m not sure what to do.」

「We have to do something.」

「No…, I need to think of what to do first, yeah.」



Saki, along with the little Sakis in her head, all turned to the person who said that last line. There is a woman mixed in with the many little Sakis that are floating around Saki’s head.

A girl with beautiful hair tied behind her head and wearing a blue dress. She is so

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