Return of the Fallen Volume 7 Chapter 31

Funny enough, the design of this dangerous weapon resembled a large grenade. The difference, a grenade launches shrapnel in every direction while this weapon launches all three energies in a needle-like pattern in every direction. The amplification of all three energies has the capability of destroying god metal and the radius, by Kazuki’s calculations was more than 10,000 times that of a grenade. One would blow off a limb, the other would leave nearly nothing behind in its aftermath.

When Kazuki was done with his new design, he took a step back and looked at all the large stone tablets in front of him. All in all, there were nearly 30 of them. Each one was 50 feet high and nearly 10 feet wide, yet Kazuki had covered every inch of them with inscriptions and designs for this new weapon.

As he went over them, he began to discover weaknesses and flaws. After all, all of this was mere theory and had yet to be tested.

Kazuki pointed out every mistake and took note of them before trying to solve the problems. Unfortunately, he was not an expert when it came to crafting items and he could only solve a few. Maybe if he made the weapon and experienced it first hand he could cut the problems he faced in half but to make an unknown that had such destructive capabilities, Kazuki would be a fool to test his luck.

(It’s too complex. I can’t solve this alone.)

Kazuki immediately thought of Sid. Sid had over 50 years of experience when it came to rafting magic items. The man was so confident that he took a single glance at the blueprints for the Golem and was already building one.

(If anyone can do it, it’s him.)

Kazuki stored all of the stone tablets in his ring before taking off into the skies. In a few seconds, he was near the city. Landing in the nearby forest, he walked out of it and followed the road back into the city.

Entering Sid’s shop, Kazuki headed to the back room just in time for Sid to come walking out. Sid was covered in sweat from head to toe and had soot all over his face, hands, and arms.


Kazuki couldn’t help but laugh. Seeing as Sid was tiny, he resembled a kid that had just got done playing in the dirt.

“Hahaha, I guess this means things have been going well. At least it means you’ve been working hard, right?”

Sid slapped his hands together and a small cloud of black dust fell off of him and got Kazuki’s pants dirty. Sid smiled.

“I am but what about you? In and out in and out, tell me, have you been playing all this time, or am I nuts.”

Kazuki was annoyed with Sid getting crud on his pants. He waved his hands and all at once stone tablet after stone tablet came out of his storage ring and crashed heavily on the floor. Thankfully Sid’s shop was sturdy and huge, otherwise, these 50 feet long tablets weighing thousands of pounds each would have destroyed his place of business.

Still, seeing all of this junk suddenly filling up his shop, it was Sid’s turn to be annoyed.

He was just about to go off on Kazuki when his gaze caught a few of the inscriptions. His mouth hung open loosely like a back alley lady of the night. Placing a hand on one of the tablets, he caressed it gently as he read over line after line of inscription.

“Boy, this is…this is…”

Sid couldn’t even finish his sentence as he was left flabbergasted at what he was reading.

Sid ignored Kazuki and began inspecting the tablets individually. Every few minutes he’d nod in understanding, other times he’d grunt in annoyance at Kazuki’s unpolished process. While Sid was making a bunch of weird-ass noises, Kazuki’s ring glowed with a gentle light. A glob of water materialized in front of him. With it, he soaked it into his pants for a second before removing it. As the water was dragged away from his pants, it took the grim and soot with it.

Kazuki then dropped the glob of water into a nearby bucket before drying his pants with wind aura. If king Oren saw the way Kazuki used the aura technique he taught him, Kazuki wondered if he’d laugh or be disappointed seeing his technique being used on something so insignificant.

Sid was still gawking at the stone tablets and rubbing them too much for Kazuki’s like.

Kazuki quickly stored them before things got weirder. As soon as he did that, Sid turned on him and glared at him as if Kazuki had stolen his precious.

“Damit Kazuki! why did you take them from me!”

Kazuki gave him a look and Sid’s shoulders shrunk momentarily, as he realized he shouldn’t have yelled.

Kazuki skipped Sid’s question and asked his own instead.

“Tell me, you got a long look at those inscriptions, what do you think it was for?”

Sid snorted.

“A weapon of course. Do you think my eyes are already so old that I can’t tell what I’m looking a right away?”

“Forget that, tell me, what do you think this device does?”

Sid now realized Kazuki was testing him.

(If I answer correctly will this brat let me see the rest? Will he let me make it!?)

Sid grew excited and began raddling off answers.
From what he saw he easily concluded it was a weapon. It was made with the ability to store different kinds of energy and combine them. Using a timed method, the energies would come together before becoming unstable and exploding.

As Sid explained everything he saw, he also added on and answered a few of the problems he had seen and how they could be corrected. The more he spoke, the more Kazuki was convinced that Sid could not only fix the problems but even improve on his original design.

Kazuki asked one more question.

“So, can you build it?”

Sid crossed his arms.

“Boy, what do you think? Not only can I make it, but I can also improve upon the first design. Whoever wrote this down was quite sloppy in my opinion and was hasty. I can already see ways around the flaws though, just leave it to me Kazuki.”

Kazuki was once again annoyed.

“You know it was me who wrote all of these. You’re insulting me. You know that right?”

Sid cracked a huge grin.

“Yeah, I know.”

The two shared a laugh after that. Kazuki’s annoyed expression eased greatly.

“I’ve answered everything thoroughly. This means you’ll let me make this device right?”

Kazuki went silent like he was seriously considering it.

“Come now boy, don’t play with an old man’s heart. You’ll let me build it right? Right?”

Sid stared up at Kazuki with puppy dog eyes as well as anger if Kazuki said no.

Sid;’s face contorted between the gentle friendly puppy and the rage-inducing cranky old shit. Seeing this look on an old man was incredibly creepy and Kazuki felt chills run up his spine. He quickly took the stone tablets back out along with more god metal.

“Ok ok, just stop looking at me like that old and, you’re starting to freak me out.”

Sid jumped for joy, but his little legs only took him a few inches into the air before he came back down. Kazuki wondered if there was even a point to jumping when one couldn’t even tell if you left the floor or not but at the same time, he wouldn’t say anything. Why purposefully take someone’s joy away.

Kazuki was about to head back up to the broken attic when Sid stopped him.

“Before you go up, why don’t you go check the back room.”

Sid was pointed at the back room with a mysterious grin.

“You…Did you already finish the golem? That’s amazing!”

Sid’s smile faded and he roared.

“Damit! Who in the 7 realms of hell can finish a golem in less than two days. Get your head out of your crack and just go look. Damn! just when I was in a good mood.”

“Alright you cranky old man, no need to snap my head off. I’ll go check the back room so calm down ok?”

(What’s got him in such a fuss?)

Sid turned his attention back to the stone tablets and started nodding and grunting nodding and grunting. The two ignored one another and Kazuki entered the backroom.

As soon as he entered the backroom, his gaze fell on something lying over on a workbench next to a wall. Kazuki couldn’t help but run over and pick the item up.

(This is the arm I designed.)

The arm was made entirely from orichalcum. On the outside, it seemed beyond plain but Kazuki knew it was anything but. He stretched out his senses and discovered 10’s of thousands of intricate inscriptions carved within. The ancient language was layered over top of itself in thin layers. Several formed circles and connected like chains, linking them together to get the most benefit. The inscriptions were a thing of near perfection. Each inscription was tiny and was something thinner than a hair. In width, it could only be a tenth the size of a human hair. In order to carve these inscriptions out, it was not something that could be done with a person’s hand.

(He used the Sozo glove to do this. Even still, to lay the inscriptions out so perfectly, Sid is truly a master of crafting.)

Kazuki’s hand flashed as he made a few dozen signs and gathered the power of light and filled the arm with a bit of it. Immediately the god metal started to glow. Patterns lit up on the surface of the arm, shining from within. Kazuki had designed this arm specifically for Kimi and she used the power of light.

Kazuki’s curiosity got the better of him and he decided to test its power. Calling out he willed the metal arm. This though was a mistake.

“Orb of light.”


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