Return of the Fallen Volume 9 Chapter 107

The moment Zephris appeared from this rift, Fera understood what Detra’s so-called help was.

(My tear in space was meant to destroy Zephris yet he’s alive. Detra meant to get in my way since the very beginning and was just waiting. In the way she did it, she technically didn’t interfere but this is all bull shit. Fine, you’ve sealed your fate. Once I absorb the rest of these souls, nothing will escape my wrath.)

Zephris came rushing out of the rift in the sky and Fera moved to stop him. She gripped at the air and tried to freeze the space around him but realized she couldn’t. Detra’s domain around the area was blocking her control over space.

(That bitch. Even now she intends to stand in my way but her excuse would be she’s not interfering, she’s simply protecting the planet from being destroyed.)

Fera changed tactics and grabbed both of the Azirian’s at her side. She couldn’t allow Zephris nor Kazuki, to steal what was rightfully hers. At the same time, she reluctantly decided to kill Kazuki now instead of waiting to become a Demigod. She wanted him to be humiliated once more and witness her reach something he never could but things were swiftly becoming complicated so she changed her mind and wished to end Kazuki now.

To her surprise, though Kazuki had already retreated. The moment Detra came, Fera had increased her own defensive measures and had unconsciously released her control over Kazuki. Now he was already in the distance and she could not hold him with the power over space. If she wished she could hold him physically but to catch him once more without her overbearing power would be almost impossible. If she used weak magic on Kazuki, he would simply devour it and grow stronger, at the same time, Detra’s domain suppressed her own element of space.

The only way to catch Kazuki would be to physically chase after him. That as well as a no-go. If she went after Kazuki in this exact moment, that would leave the Azirian’s open to being stolen away by Zephris or even destroyed by him. That she would not allow.

Fera made a split decision and chose to remain on the defensive for a brief moment. As long as she protected the Azirian’s and was allowed to absorb the millions of unique powerful souls within, her ascension was all but guaranteed.

Just as Kazuki retreated, so to did Fera.

Zephris to both Fera and Kazuki’s surprise did not chase after Fera and the Azirian’s but instead descended upon Kazuki like a dark bolt of lightning.

Kazuki shouted in alarm.

“Why are you coming here!? Destroy the Azirian’s before she gets the souls!”

Zephris though ignored this warning and dove toward Kazuki.

It was right then that both Azirian’s fell to the ground and the godly aura shot out of their limp giant bodies, dragging behind it was the unique souls the bodies used to contain.

The godly aura in a single move pierced Fera’s body and entered her soul world and into her soul tree.

All at once magical energy across all of Gordonia started to rush toward the Feya continent. As the power rushed forth, it condensed and became so palatable that it could be seen by the naked eye from even those with no magical ability.

A myriad of colors lit up the sky and left streaks in the air across the globe as this magical energy flew at an incredible speed toward Fera.

Kazuki was witness to this and felt chills running down his spine.


At the same time, Zephris finally reached Kazuki’s side.


Zephris ignored Kazuki’s almost lost look.

“I still have a way Kazuki. It’s not over just yet!”

Kazuki didn’t understand how Zephris could say that as the powerful seemingly unstoppable force of magical energy was drawn into Fera like an unending flood.

Zephris slapped Kazuki across the face to snap him out of it and yelled.


Kazuki was taken aback but Zephris was impatient.

“The Azirian’s their souls were powerful but I am the source of them all. Combined, the Azirian’s had the potential to overwhelm me but they never did. I had the upper hand slightly. Not only that, after taking my body and destroying all of the souls within the Miasma, my power is something beyond what one would call normal. For an endless number of years, Fera and Torzz used me as they pleased, in doing so, what do you think I was made to do all that time. I swept across more than half this continent eating away at anything in my path. All of that power, what would happen if you took, what would happen if I gave it to you. Do you understand what I’m saying? In this form I have now, I can only use dark magic mixed with my Miasma and space magic. I can’t use the other elements as I please but you, you can mimic them all and use whatever you desire. Take my power and make it your own! In this way, who will live and who will die still can not be determined but at least there’s a fucking chance!”

Kazuki eyes went as wide as possible at such a crazy notion but an instant later he realized it really wasn’t so crazy.

A million questions ran through his head but he knew now wasn’t the time. Before Fera reached the apex, Kazuki had to move and he had to move now.

The spinning void that was fused to his soul tree at this moment activated with a single thought.


Zephris as well didn’t hesitate and allowed himself to be brought into Kazuki’s soul world. Just as his entirety was being sucked into the spinning dark void, he sliced a small piece of himself away and separated his soul. With his soul detached, Kazuki would receive a bountiful gift. Not just any gift. Because Kazuki already had a piece of Zephris’s soul fused into his own, absorbing, this power was like absorbing his own body and magic. It meant that not only would his body grow stronger but his magic and soul would increase by leaps and bounds as well.

While Kazuki was absorbing Zehris’s power, Zephris’s soul remained in Kazuki’s soul world and he called out to him and instructed.

“Kazuki, not just me, all of this energy that Fera is dragging toward her, you can eat a portion of it as well. All this power must be rushing to fill up her newly expanded Mage core, this is an opportunity. Take as much of it as you can. The more you take, the less she will have when all is said and done.”

Kazuki’s spinning void expanded a full size after it devoured Zephris’s power and everything was growing and expanding at an exponential rate. When Zephris said to devour the magic flowing energy as well, Kazuki had zero hesitation.

The suction of the spinning void was like a black hole and it grew stronger and stronger as it devoured the ocean of magical energy flying across the world.

As all of this was happening, nearly everyone around the world was in a state of panic. Witnessing this pure magic energy streak across the sky, they truly felt this was the end times. Only a few still kept their calm.

Danny was still completely composed. He had hundreds of people gathering supplies across the land using Asuna’s magical gates but the very second all of this energy was being drawn to Fera, Asuna’s gates all collapsed.

“Danny, my power, I can barely sense it.”

King Brian pointed up at the sky.

“It has to be that right?”

It was like an infinite meteor shower as power was sucked in the direction of the desert.

Shin laughed.

“No shit sherlock.”

King Brian didn’t know what that meant but he understood it to be an insult but he knew now wasn’t the time to confront such disrespect and ignored Shin’s loose tongue.

Danny nodded.

“Yes, not just here but everywhere. I can sense it. From the sky, land, and sea, everywhere there is magical energy, it is being pulled away and is being sent toward the depth of the desert. The final conflict is upon us.”

Asuna almost panicked but she was able to steel herself as she spoke.

“Danny, my gates have closed, all of them. I can maybe open one, maybe two more but I can’t hold them for long. If I can’t use my magic, we can’t get the last of the supplies. We won’t have enough and we also won’t be able to help Kazuki from here.”

Danny stretched out his aura to sense the world and the flow of magic before shaking his head.

“No, Detra she will…Never mind. The supplies we have, I will make do with them. As for getting it to Kazuki, the flow of power will settle soon. As for your gates, you said you have enough power to open one…that’s all we’ll need…Just one.”

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