Return of the Fallen Volume 9 Chapter 53

Danny and Asuna sat back to back in the center of the room. Seeing the difference in body size, it was comparable to a parent and a toddler and gave off an odd impression. Of course, no one here would dare say anything, not to the ones who were just about to save them.

“Hehehe, Asuna looks like a baby imitating her father.”

All eyes turned toward Shin as they couldn’t believe he said this. SHaila couldn’t help but laugh at this comment and she wan’t alone. A few people chuckled lightly in the crowd. Danny glanced at the crowd and spread out his aura. The moment it touched these people, all sound was sealed as the pressure they felt at this moment put the fear of God in them.

He then glanced over at Shin and spoke coldly.

“You do realize that even the slightest break in either of our concentrations could kill whoever we send through these gates. Shin for once in your life, keep your mouth shut or I will do it for you.”

Hearing that a slip in their concentration could mean their death, everyone went silent. They had grown excited thinking they were already out of danger but this told them the truth and opened their eyes. The danger was ever-present and they weren’t safe and sound until they were safe and sound. Everyone kept their mouth shut and kept as still as possible. They would not be a distraction even if their hair was on fire.

Shin as well was just messing around as always but when he felt Danny’s aura, his entire body ceased up and he could barely breathe. All of the pressure from Danny’s aura was crushing and he could feel his body starting to collapse from it and his blood flow starting to reverse. He had never seen Danny so serious and knew he meant his words.

(Someone like Danny who’s been through death itself. For him to threaten me like this, he really means it. I better not fuck around for now.)

Even though he could hardly breathe, Shin just managed to eek out a…

“Alright, I get it.”

With that, Danny withdrew his aura and went back to the 8 gates and Asuna.

When he did this he glanced at Shaila, he could wanr others in this way even King Brian he could talk down to if he wanted but not to Shaila. At the same time, Shaila had the good grace to not cause trouble after she knew what could happen and she easily stifled her laughter. If she didn’t do it, Tozu surely would have done it for her as he glared at her at this moment.

“Asuna, whenever you’re ready.”

“I didn’t need you to do that.”

Danny gave her a side-eye but said nothing, a few seconds later Asuna continued.

“But thank you anyway. I’m ready.”

Danny nodded before he extended his aura once more. This time, not in a crushing manner but in a much gentler way.


Another explosion rocked the mountain base and even though the barrier remained intact, several more chunks fell away from the mountain terrifying the survivors inside. They all couldn’t help but look at Danny and Asuna and worry about their focus but to their surprise, neither Danny nor Asuna was bothered in the slightest by the explosions. A small bit of relief washed over these scared people.

Danny’s aura extended over toward the other side of the room where all of the items containing magical energy sat piled to the ceiling. Wrapping his aura around these items, he began to pull the energy out of them with his aura and then bring said energy into his body. His body was made from god metal which caused him to pull every ounce of energy out of these items and directly into his Magic core. Through his core, he then used the energy and moved it through his body once more. The high efficiency and the amplification effect of god metal caused the amount of energy to skyrocket as he sent it into the magic gates.

“Asuna it’s your turn. Remember, when you picture a place, do not think of one too far away. There is a limit to how much energy we have here. Think of a place that is the minimum safe distance from here so we may save on energy consumption.”

Asuna grumbled.

“Maybe you should have said that to me beforehand.”

Danny didn’t respond to this.

Asuna’s mind flashed to the borders of the Patar desert. A small grassland at the edge of the desert, a place where the two lands connect and meet. It was just over a thousand miles from where they were currently. It wasn’t the first place that came to mind but it was the one that met Danny’s criteria.

The element of space began to gather around Asuna and with her control, it spread out and completely encompassed all 8 gates around her. The gates began to blink with golden-white light as they were on the verge of activating. Asuna split her powers among the 8 gates simultaneously and locked the image of the grassland into her mind. At this exact moment, her eyes snapped open and glowed with bright purple light.

The blinking gates completely stabilized and the golden white shine increased brighter and brighter until nearly none could see.


All 8 circles went from blinding light to the normal dull of the room in an instant and the 80 women were gone.

Everyone was nervous at first but King Brian held up a small orb in his hand. With a stamp of his scepter, the orb floated high up in the center of the room and displayed a fuzzy image. He had given one of the women a similar crystal orb. The two orbs of course were connected and one would be able to see what the other saw.

Everyone held their breath as they waited for the image to clear up. One second passed, then ten. Concern started to spread as they wondered if something had gone wrong but after the eleventh second, the screen finally cleared up and floated above the grasslands.

Down below, all 80 women appeared to be safe and sound. King Brian was frustrated seeing that it took so long but he refused to show it on his face.

“What, took, so, long?”

The woman who had originally been entrusted with the crystal orb immediately fell to her knees and apologized profusely.

“Forgive me your majesty but I hold no magic power. I could not operate your device and had to ask someone else to activate it for me, forgive me, please forgive me!”

King Brian now was annoyed.

“Why did you not tell me this before I gave the orb to you. Everyone here thought you and everyone on the other side had met some misfortune and died. You gave us all unnecessary worry.”

Again the woman apologized over and over before saying.

“How could I refuse when your Majesty was directly handing me something and ordering me. I would have been a traitor to refuse you and this small life of mine would have been forfeit. Forgive me my King I did not wish to disobey you!”

King Brian hearing this could only sigh.


He didn’t know if this was his fault or what but he had no energy to blame this loyal servant who was only following the will of her king. He did not think for a moment to ask the woman if she could use magic and had made assumptions. This in itself was a lesson. Thankfully the lesson was not a costly one.

King Brian waved the woman to stand up.

“This is no fault of your own, forget it. Now hurry, you and everyone else clear the way, we have more people coming, now move.”

The woman bowed one last time.

“Yes, your Majesty.”

She then jumped to her feet and started shouting and shooing everyone else away.

With the crystal orb still floating in the sky, King Brian waited a few seconds for the women to clear a path before stamping his scepter.

“The women in line, hurry up! It’s time for the next wave. Step into the magic circles and prepare to be teleported through the gates.”

The shuffle of feet was prompt and in a mere few seconds, another 80 women were standing inside the circles. This time a few couldn’t help but hold hands as they were even more nervous. Sure the first transfer went okay but would the second one. Would the small red flower not be tired after teleporting so many people at once. Could she manage again after such a short rest? These thoughts were normal but completely backward. Asuna’s power had been depleted by a small fraction.

She was now someone at the Core stage, a 5th stage being. Someone with the power that could now start to shape the world around her. If she wanted she could teleport these women across the continent but she was being conservative with her power at the moment just in case. If they knew what she could really do, they would laugh at themselves for such concerns.

Asuna was unaware of such things and only had the grasslands in mind. Danny once more fueled the 8 gates while Asuna used her power to guide them to their destination. Once more the gates all shined simultaneously.


The golden-white light dulled and vanished in an instant and the women were teleported away.

While this was happening, outside the base and in the sky, the two Titans were starting to go harder and harder against one another. The continent was starting to take the brunt of their damage and they knew what the consequences of such actions would bring.

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