Return of the Fallen Volume 9 Chapter 54

After the first two batches of women were teleported to safety, everyone saw that there was nothing to fear and their nerves were almost fully calmed.


If not for the constant explosions outside and the ever collapsing mountain base, they might actually be relaxed but that constant shaking and the mountain falling apart left doubt at the edge of their minds.

The King and Asuna’s group on the other hand were different. They had been through way too many life and death situations to allow such doubt in their mind. They had a plan and they were executing it. That left no room for anything else, especially doubt.

At the same time, as the mountain was falling apart, Danny and Asuna were teleporting people at their fastest speed possible. Every few seconds they could teleport 80 people to the grasslands at the edge of the Patar desert.

After only a few minutes they had transferred every woman along with a small group of men. In the end, the number of women in this army was far less than the number of men. Because of this, they finished teleporting all of them fairly quickly.

Next were the rest of the men.


Another explosion rippled out, this time far stronger than the others. The barrier that had been wavering again and again finally failed and was torn apart. The shaking of the mountain was a lot more intense and violent and the sound of several rooms nearby collapsing under the weight of the falling mountain echoed out loud and clear.

Panic set in and thousands of men began to rush past one another and trample over their fellow man as they stomped kicked and punched their way to the teleportation gates.

Before King Brian could calm them he first had to reset the barrier, otherwise, they would all be crushed to death. Before he could even make a move though, Sam, took a step forward. His eyes glowed with emerald green light along with his ring. With a mighty stomp, tall thick pillars made of metal shot up out of the ground and grew up and into the ceiling.

Sam quickly reinforced the entire mountain making it stronger, tougher. The mountain in an instant shook no more. King Brian quickly re-established the barrier, except this time he made it much smaller than before. With everyone focused in the grand hall, there was no need to place a barrier over the entire mountain. Instead, to save on power he focused it entirely on the grand hall and a few hundred feet out from said room.

Danny as well made a move. His aura spread out across all of these panicking men and with brutal force, he pushed them all to the ground and allowed none of them to move even an inch. The pressure was so great that it stole the air from their lungs and none could breathe.

Danny looked over the crowd and simply asked.

“Are you not all embarrassed to call yourselves men? Facing death, I have done it many times, and I can’t blame you for being cowardly, even I was terrified many times and wished to hideaway. But never, ever did I run away. Never did I harm my friends or comrades, pushing and knocking them down to escape and save myself. When you act like this, you are no better than a dumb beast. Not only that but every time you all panic, you waste everyone’s time, time that we do not have. So I am done humoring such actions. Those that wish to live, I will do everything in my power to save you if but if anyone panics and acts like this again, I will not hesitate to put you down like the beast you are and move on. Now get up and get in line!”

Danny withdrew his aura and the men could breathe once more. Taking in those first few breaths after not being able to breathe was like God’s miracle. They all went from terrified and feeling death knocking on their door to having a strange sense of calm spread amongst them. After Danny told them, he would do everything in his power to save them and seeing Sam’s reinforcing around the room, these men realized the way they acted was brash and foolish.

They could see that these people, Asuna, Danny, Sam, their King, and others were trying their absolute hardest to try to not only protect them all but save them as well. To die like a coward in front of brave people who were trying their hardest to make sure you live, many men did end up feeling embarrassed.

A sentiment spread throughout these men. As they felt their lives were on the balance of life and death, many accepted the fact that they could die at any moment. If they died, at least they would die without being a fool. At least they could die with strong brave warriors and Mages. At least they could die by the side of their King. These thoughts left these men feeling some inkling of comfort and they all calmly began to move and act with a sense of pride and duty.

They all lined up respectably and acted like they had some dignity. Danny nodded before transferring power back into the magic circles around him and Asuna.


As the two Titans continued their chaotic fight, the world around them suffered. The sky burned from Torzz’s white flames and the ground disintegrated from Zetrazz’s dark energy. Space tore again and again and the two were starting to feel its effect. The space cracks formed miniature black holes and began to suck in anything in the immediate vicinity.

Because Zetrazz and Torzz were made of nearly pure energy, their bodies were being consumed and sucked into these small black holes. At first, the suction was small and only stole fragments of their power but as time wore on and their fight was heightened to an extreme level, the black holes only grew in strength and the two were now feeling their powers being drained at a terrifying rate and they could feel themselves starting to become suppressed.

After another exchange of blows, the two separated and exchanged a similar look.

“Big brother, look at all the damage you’ve caused. Do you think mother will allow this?”

“Zetrazz you little bastard, you dare push all the blame onto me. Look around, I had help in doing all this and you know it. Whatever punishment I receive, you will get an equal share.”

The two became silent and stared at one another for a moment. As they did more and more of the two’s energy was being drained at a dreadful rate. Any more than this and it would affect their actual strength.

“Since big brother knows we will both be punished, and we both do not have such desires, why continue like this?”

Torzz smirked at Zetrazz.

“You think I’m afraid. Once Fera ascends and becomes a Demi-God, she will shield me from Detra.”

Zetrazz shrugged.

“Is Fera a Demi-God yet?… I didn’t think so. If we look at the damage around though, how much more until mother steps in and deals with us both? I guess the question is what do you think will come first, Fera’s ascension, if she even ascends, or mother stepping in. I’m not suggesting we stop, I’m merely suggesting we contain the area. That way we can deal with the world and at the same time, we can get a little rougher. After all, I haven’t gotten tired of punching your face just yet. What do you say, big brother?”

Zetraz smiled fiendishly at Torzz, the sight of this cocky smile, really pissed Torzz off. Even though the two couldn’t destroy one another, Torzz found his little brother’s suggestion noteworthy. Even he knew Fera couldn’t ascend that fast. At the rate the two were going, surely Detra would step in first. Torzz was already on his mother’s shit list. He had already betrayed her in the past. If he destroyed the world too much, his punishment this time would not simply be imprisonment.

Torzz finally relented and agreed with a nod.

“Good, help me fix this place, and then we will seal it up. Nothing in and nothing out, you and me.”

Torzz heard this and a glint of joy sparked in his eye for a split second.

(My foolish little brother. The more time you give me with this stupid little fight, the more time you are giving to Fera. While we accomplish nothing against one another, she will capture every Azirian Giant beneath the surface and will become a Demi-God. The look on your face when you realize you’ve not only wasted time with this stupid display of fists but Fera’s actually reached the apex of this world…I can’t wait to see the expression you will have.)

Dark energy and Gordonian energy flew down to the ground and within seconds the world around them was repaired. Afterward, the two released their auras simultaneously, and using the extreme pressure, they collapsed the miniature black holes with loud explosions.


The land repaired, the black holes no more, the two exchanged a knowing look before dark energy and white flames encircled around the two. Their powers rushed forward, preparing to slam into one another but at the moment of impact, something interesting happened. Their powers flowed around one another. White blazing flames and dark disintegrating force moved and flowed like water around each other. A calm wave of power began to shape around the two Titans.

Billowing white flames and a dark mass of energy mixed and began to form a large dome around the two and their immediate area. This area though included the mountain base not too far away.

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