Chapter 481: The Price of Madness




Translator: Nat

–Aegir POV–

A dull ache all over my body wakes me up.


When I let out a groan, a presence moved away.
Apparently, someone was touching my body.

I blink a few times before sitting up.
Because my entire body was heavy and the effects of the pain still lingered, I felt practically no fatigue.

The dull pain in my thigh that was screaming during my frenzied state has also disappeared.
I must have slept for quite a while.

「So you have finally woken up?」

A woman stood beside my bed.
From the looks of things, she’s the nurse tending to my wounds.
She is in her forties and clearly possesses an abundance of experience.

「How many days did I sleep? Where am I?」

「One week. This is Altair, we haven’t moved.」

I mutter in acknowledgement.

One week is a long time to sleep.
My injuries and exhaustion were worse than expected.
If I kept fighting like that, I might have actually died.

And our troops haven’t left Altair.
Is it because they haven’t finished hunting the remnants or is it because they suffered too many losses and can’t move……?

I mull over the possibilities in my dizzy head as I get up.

「You can’t move yet! Hardlett-sama has almost every conceivable injury one can get on the battlefield, from cuts, gashes, burns, bruises, and torn muscles to minor bone fractures! You’ve also lost several buckets worth of blood! Despite medicine being used, one week is too early!」

I step out of bed while the nurse panics.
Although there is still some aching and slight disorientation, it isn’t enough to hinder me.
After all, I don’t have any life-threatening injuries.

But when I completely sat up, the pain in my back caused my body to reflexively curl up.

「Fufu, it’s funny how even though I acted so recklessly, the deepest wound in the end was the one from Piris.」

The wound inflicted by the powerless Piris carrying the full force of her killing intent seems likely to be filled with a curse.

I speak to myself and smile, standing up while suppressing the pain with my willpower.

「If your wounds open……ah.」

The nurse freezes in place right as she tries to stop me.
She looks down at my cock.

The shock of Benel being killed probably calmed down my unusual erection.
However, my post-battle carnal lust is certainly pent up to the point that I could swear I saw my tightened balls move on their own.
If I’m given a woman in heat at this time, I’ll immediately lose my mind.

「Fumu, it seems darker than before I slept. What do you think?」

I show my dangling dick to the nurse.

「I-I don’t know! Well, it’s……r-rather burly, yes. It’s……just like a log of a great tree after a forest fire.」

The strange comparison puts a smile on my face.

「You’re cruel to show a dick of this size to a mature lady…… there were many instances where I thought I would abandon my duties of treating you and suck on it instead.」

「Hahaha, you could have done it as much as you wanted. You could also have rode me.」

If I die from a woman’s prank, regardless of my injuries, then it’s my life that’s at fault.

「Honestly, my mouth opened after you stabilized because I was at my limit. But Celia-sama was in your arms.」


I realized when the nurse pointed it out.
I was standing up with the naked Celia in my arms.

「She stayed by your side the whole time. Hardlett-sama looked cold from an excessive loss of blood, so she must have wanted to keep you warm with skin-to-skin contact……she was awake about three hours ago.」

Celia surely couldn’t have gotten much sleep in the week I was out of commission.
The reason I didn’t open my eyes until I was healthy enough to stand might have been because Celia’s body temperature felt so comfortable.

「I can’t go outside and expose Celia. She still seems tired anyways, I’ll let her sleep a bit longer.」

I lay Celia on the bed and kiss her.

「If the doctor comes, tell him I’ve recovered and went for a walk.」

I actually have more important business.

「Gosh……he’s going to be angry.」

The sighing nurse is cute even at her current age and she reminds me of Mel.
I’d like to examine her crotch in the near future.

「Ah, Hardlett-sama!」

「Hahaha, I’m off.」

I leave the reluctant nurse behind and exit the room.

「Hardlett-sama is also naked―― aah, there he goes. ……it’s so big and dark……aaah, I’m feeling so horny! The person I’m supposed to nurse isn’t here, I might as well go to the toilet.」

I try to hide my unsightly gait to compensate for my injury by walking slowly towards the destination next to where I believe is Alteria.

「Oh, that’s Lord Hardlett――uwah!!」
「Are his injuries healed――dowah!!」

The knights guarding the area fall off their horses as they greet me.
Aren’t you too relaxed after the decisive battle? You guys are going to worry Erich.

「Look, it’s Hardlett-sama! He’s the central figure of――hiie, black!」
「He rode into the enemy camp by himself and defeated Maestus――uhyaaa, thick!」

Troops start to say one thing and suddenly shout.
Have they not relieved their post-battle stress? It’s troubling for the soldiers to be so cranky. What’s the commander doing?

「You’re awake too? Then why don’t you fight me? If you win, I’ll do any――kuh! I won’t lose!」

「Hey Felteris, what are you taking your clothes off for!!? S-stop it! Don’t reveal your boobs!」

I hear Felteris and Natia, but their voices are soon drowned out by the cheers of the rowdy soldiers.

I’ve got to say, it’s cold.
Although it’s late into the season, it’s still autumn. I wonder if the shivering has to do with my injuries.

I finally noticed after scratching my shoulder.

「……oh, I’m naked.」

It would be bad to go like this. I’ll go change.

I arrive at the destination which is outside the city like I anticipated.

「20 is the limit for this one. If they’re new, we can put in 50.」

「Are there no new holes yet? This one has reached the maximum with 200. If they rot any more, they’ll leak poison and become untouchable!」

「Place a rock on those that haven’t been burned. If you leave them alone on the battlefield, they’ll rise up as zombies.」

This place is a temporary graveyard to bury those who have died in the decisive battle.
Countless holes are dug and countless fires are started and many more corpses are stacked in piles.

The bodies of our fallen comrades are sent back to their hometowns quickly if possible.
This time, it may also have been done for nobles and those with standing.

However, once the number of bodies passes a certain amount, sending everyone back is impossible, so they have to be burned and buried on site.
It’s because leaving the bodies unattended will result in them decaying and spreading disease or becoming zombies and inflicting harm on others.

And in the case where the number of bodies is so great, like this time, they have to be buried without being treated with fire……or more crudely put, they just get tossed into a deep hole in the ground.

Properly buried bodies won’t turn into zombies, but with how roughly they’re handled this time and the location being next to the battlefield filled with deep-seated grudge, there is considerable uncertainty. That’s why they are taking extra precautions by dumping massive amounts of bodies into deep holes and using heavy stones as lids.

Nevertheless, the burial not ending in a week is abnormal.
I can’t imagine the extent of sacrifices both armies suffered.

I shrug my shoulders slightly. As always, I have no sense of guilt or grief.
It’s natural for people to die in a war, and it’s not like crying will trigger a miraculous reincarnation.

But that applies to those who are accustomed, it’s a totally different story for others, especially women.

「Where could Benel’s grave be?」

A makeshift cemetery has been built beside the site where military processing is being done.
The third son of a lower-ranked knight without a fief to his name, a subordinate commander who was a commoner but reached a certain rank, and possibly those lucky enough to be buried in the early days, who cannot be taken back to their territory, but who were part of the masses and not thrown into holes with stones, are buried here.

Benel is technically an enemy and would normally be treated like the general public, but considering her relationship with me, she should be given a better burial.

I will check each tombstone individually.

My anger towards South Yuguria hasn’t exactly disappeared, but my heart is calm.

「I also did the same to Piris and killed Maestus in front of her. I’m in no position to resent.」

My heart gives an excuse despite words coming out of my mouth.
I fought Maestus and killed him when we clearly treated each other as enemies.
Benel, on the other hand, was killed by a trusted ally. The difference in regret is big.

「Still, it probably felt the same to Piris.」

The last time I saw Piris, she was swinging her hips on top of a dead Maestus with a broken smile on her face.
If it’s truly broken, then I have to take responsibility and look after her for my entire life.

「……this is also the wrong one. I don’t want to think she was thrown over there.」

I check the next tombstone with a somewhat darker expression.

「Hey, isn’t that Hardlett-sama? Is he inspecting the graves one by one?」

「The other higher-ups would have said a simple “praise all those who died for the kingdom regardless of rank”, and left with the Military Commissioner……」

Be……Be……Beneludo. Don’t die with such a misleading name.

「Hey, he poked the grave.」

「Hardlett-sama was a commoner. Maybe an acquaintance of his died…… crap, I think I’m starting to cry a little.」

I feel some people looking at me strangely, but I can’t find Benel’s grave.

That is when I find a familiar face and call out to him.
It’s the doctor who also treated Gido.

「Hey, if it isn’t the doctor.」

It’s a bit late for a doctor to come visit a cemetery.

「It’s kind of like a lesson. It doesn’t matter how much time I devote to medical studies if the amount of people I save is fewer…… anyways, what is Hardlett-sama doing here?」

Benel’s final treatment was done by this doctor.
Since that is the case, I ask the doctor if he knew where she was buried, to which he unusually bursts out in anger.

「Don’t say such an ill-omened thing, she is still alive! Come with me!」

The doctor pulls my arm and walks briskly.

It initially didn’t register, but as soon as I understood what he said, a smile naturally formed on my face and I picked up the doctor, continuing to walk with him on my shoulder.

「Then I have no more business in the cemetery.」

I dump the flowers and alcohol meant for Benel on a random nearby grave and run off.

「Woah, what a splendid offering. It’s very characteristic of Hardlett-sama. Let’s see the epitaph…… Christoph? Christoph from the penal unit, he died!?」

「Yeah, I remember it…… he was brought back as a charred corpse, but he was just unconscious and covered in soot. He ran back after pissing his pants from seeing all the dead bodies around him. His name was inscribed on the tombstone and I guess they just used it as is.」

「Hey, that’s absurd.」

I hear the soldiers behind me talking about something, but I could care less about it at the moment.



I kick down the wall of the building being used as a first-aid room and rush in.

Benel is resting face-up on top of the lonely bed placed in the center of the small room.
She didn’t open her eyes from the commotion and remained sleeping peacefully.

When I hold her hand, I don’t get a response, but it feels warm.

「She’s breathing……so she’s safe.」

In order to calm down, and also to punish myself for jumping to conclusions, I hit my head on the stone wall.
The wall crumbles and my head pops into the corridor, but I don’t feel any pain because of my happiness.

「P-please stop! Don’t destroy the sickroom!」

The nurse’s words bring me back to my senses.

「With that kind of injury, I was sure――doctor, your skills are magnificent.」

The doctor under my arm who I praised shakes his head.

「……the one who did the treatment was me. Of course, we’re talking about the use of first-rate medicine.」

The shady doctor who handled Gido’s surgery stood in the corner of the room.

「So it was you!? Wonderful, what great work! If you saved Benel, then two or three of Gido’s dicks won’t be a problem for you.」

「Hmp, I couldn’t help healing her, but my treatment fees aren’t cheap for a great lord like you.」

That’s a trivial price to pay.
If I can save the life of a woman I’m fond of with money, I’ll pay as much as needed.

「――or so I want to say, but I can’t accept the payment. I only accept money from healed patients.」

I’ve heard that before.

「Are you saying she isn’t healed?」

「I saved her life by sewing her blood vessels and closing up her torn liver. Along with the effects of the miraculous medicine, her body has made a complete recovery. But she has lost too much blood. Her brain has gone too long without enough blood.」

The doctor lifts up Benel’s body and opens her eyes with his fingers.
Sunlight shines on her face from the hole I created in the wall, but she doesn’t groan or squint from the brightness.
She just sleeps soundly.

「Even if you fix the broken bottle, the spilled water won’t come back. From what I’ve seen in the past, people in this state never opened their eyes again……as for me, I don’t know whether I should have healed them or not, and even now I don’t have conclusive evidence. That’s why I don’t take money.」

I embrace the doll-like Benel.

「If she was dead, there would be nothing we can do, but we have some hope if she’s alive. No big deal, I can wait patiently. Treat her as my lover from now on. I know she used to be an enemy, but it should be fine after she’s been killed once.」

Probably noticing the ruckus, Myla and Celia came to check.

「Aegir-sama, how cruel of you to leave me behind! Because of that, I-」

She was sleeping so deeply, I didn’t feel comfortable waking her up to go to the cemetery.

「I was surprised. You suddenly came running naked, plus you were seen by Christoph.」

Celia did the same thing as me?

「I-it’s fine! I kicked him in the crotch, then elbowed him in the solar plexus, then finished with a heel drop to the top of his head, so he should not remember anything!」

Alright, if you say so.

「By the way, the assassin who did this was detained as you commanded…… how should we kill her?」

My bloodlust automatically overflows when I hear Myla’s words.
I should be scolding her for suggesting something as ridiculous as killing her.
Of course, I don’t intend to kill her. Killing a woman is unforgivable.

But for some reason, those words don’t come out of my mouth.

「……ahem. Before that, I have a message from the Military Commissioner. He told you to go to headquarters as soon as you regain consciousness.」

It’s obviously bad news.
I can clearly see now that my actions created a mess.
My rampage likely erased the plan constructed by Erich.

I can tell because he said “when you regain consciousness”, not “when your injuries heal”.
In other words, he’s telling me to come even if I have to crawl with a body riddled with wounds.

Normally, this is the kind of summons I definitely don’t want to attend, but it’s better than meeting with the female assassin.

「I guess I’ll go after cooling my head.」

When I went to headquarters, I boldly knocked on the door of Erich’s room.

「Margrave Hardlett has arrived!」

The soldier standing guard in front of the room announces in a loud voice.

「Wait――alright, enter!」

Once Erich gave permission, the door was opened.
It was right when I stepped in with my chest held up.

「You idiot!!」

I was punched in the face by Erich as soon as I walked through the door.
It was so sudden that I couldn’t block it and I had to stabilize myself by putting my hand on the wall.
That hit was fairly……no, it was honestly a good hit. I feel blood trickle from my nose down to my chin.

I don’t even have to look to know what face Erich is making and Celia, who was beside me, jumps in between the two of us to prevent another hit from happening.

「Do I need to explain why I punched you!?」

I’d like him to, but saying that will make him angrier.

「Because of your recklessness, the plan was ruined from the ground up! I can understand if a captain on the frontlines rode the momentum and acted impertinently, but for the commander of an army to do so!? Is that hard head of yours empty!?」

So he properly explained the reason.

Well, there’s no excuse.
If Leopolt suddenly ran into the enemy lines yelling, I would also beat him up.
Actually, I might be more gentle. I wouldn’t know how to touch him if he did that looking like he does.

「You as well, Lady Hyuutia! You have a duty to stop Hardlett and the other lords working with him from going out of control! Laying in bed with him every night is not your only job!!」


Myla shrinks when she gets reprimanded.
She turned red because her relationship with me was revealed in front of the other nobles.

Celia steeled herself to be chided next, but was disappointed when Erich sat back down in his seat.

I’m guessing Erich only publicly scolds those with peerage.
It makes sense, since Myla is the only one who possesses rank, whereas the others have to follow my orders no matter how outrageous and won’t be able to stop me from going berserk.

In actuality, Leopolt and Tristan belittle me as matchless individuals.
And when we return to my territory, Adolph also joins them.

In any case, I have to protect Myla right now.
As I open my mouth to claim that I went off on my own before she could stop me, the next arrow comes flying in.

「What is the punishment for acting without the orders of me, the Supreme Commander!?」

Erich asks the staff officer beside him.

「Under military law, insubordination and deliberate deviation from orders is punishable by death on the commander’s authority.」

The words ‘by death’ cause the surrounding staff officers and generals to murmur.

「It’s only natural.」

Erich stares straight into my eyes.

The stirring settles down and eventually an unpleasant tension and silence dominates the room.

Celia spreads her arms in front of me in an attempt to block for me.

「Sekrit has a small boat prepared in the creek behind us. If necessary……」

Myla whispers softly in my ear.

There’s no need to worry. If they really planned to kill me, they would have been ready while I was sleeping.

Erich, after staring for a while, raises his chin in a way only I can see and then slams the desk ostentatiously.

「Hardlett’s actions deserve to be punished by death in light of military law. However, there is something that takes precedence over military law――and that is winning the war.」

He throws the messed up strategy plans all over the desk.

「Military families have pardoned the crimes of men due to distinguished service in war. In the Battle of Alteria, which will decide the outcome of the war, it ended with our victory. The casualties also fall within the expected range of the initial plan……and more importantly, it took merely half a day for the capture of the enemy capital. I have to say this is an unanticipated result.」

Erich stands in front of me with a grim face, or more accurately, a sullen expression.

「The role Hardlett played in the victory was extremely important. Considering his military service, it is more than enough to outweigh his crime. It is unfortunate……truly unfortunate.」

Celia assumes a blocking stance again when Erich approaches, but her cheek was tugged.

「Therefore I will not blame you this time. When I write the report to His Majesty, I will outline your folly along with your valor.」

It seems things worked out in the end.

「But, putting a boar like you alongside others will have a negative influence on them. So you will lead your army back to your territory and independently suppress the enemy from the east. Your chances for merit will decrease when you are away from the main warfront. Let that be the punishment for a battle maniac like you. Until then, control yourself from doing anything unnecessary.」

I am given a decree on the spot.
There is a piece of paper pasted next to the signature with a list of criticisms and a note saying, “The victor has been decided. We don’t have to rely on an injured person anymore, go back to your territory and rest”.

In addition, it seems Myla was handed the same order, but she turned red and trembled, probably from what was written.

「Furthermore, regarding that big monster. I left it alone because you said someone in your house was taking care of it……but if it acts wildly and inflicts harm, I won’t forgive you!」

Hm, is he talking about Pochi?
I don’t really care, so let’s just nod.

Once Erich finishes addressing the issue, he waves his hand to dismiss me.
He wasn’t as angry as I expected and I’m guessing he had to be stricter in front of the others.

If someone else rampages like me again, it’ll be trouble for him.

「Well, time to obediently accept my demotion.」

I regret not being able to stay and watch the last of South Yuguria, but I’ll be satisfied with Benel surviving.

Besides, I’m sure no matter where I go, I’ll meet Wilhelmina again. I have a feeling.

「All that’s left is……」

「The assassin, right? Externally, she’s a small fry who just killed a prisoner of war, so there are no particular restrictions on contact.」

Myla’s words cool my heart.

「I’m glad I was punched once. I feel somewhat calmer.」

I wipe my nosebleed with the paper in my hand.

「That’s the probation letter! Aaah, there’s blood all over……!」

While listening to Myla’s flustered voice, I prepare myself to face the assassin.

Protagonist: Aegir Hardlett. 25 years old. Autumn.
Status: Goldonia Kingdom Margrave. Great Feudal Lord of Eastern Area. Mountain Legend.
Friend of the Dwarves. Friend of the King of Aless. Dragon Slayer Hero.
Elf Mediator. Sex King of White City. Mad Demon God
Condition (demotion)

Myla (demotion), Celia (blocker), Irijina (unharmed), Luna (treatment)
Gido (insane), Pochi (bewildered), Leopolt (withdrawal preparation), Tristan (skipping out), Agor (treatment)
Yakov (treatment), Mack (critical condition), Jim (despair), Christoph (seriously injured), Guigue (doubtful)
Altair (funeral), Remia (at limit)

Sekrit (lonely, on standby), Ivanna (fulfilled), T-99 (debugging), Brynhildr (……)
Natia (clenched fists), Felteris (naked), Ijaris (fruit), Yularen (fruit)
Annette (rest), Piris (insane), Baroness Rukino Escaote (silent), Seika (silent), Naesys (silent), Nasis (silent), Busco (promoted)
Zillia (first aid)

Army – Southern Goldonia
Under Protagonist: (Injured recovered, Also includes those who evacuated to territory)
Escort Unit: 25 ⇒ 30
Infantry: 2000 ⇒ 2400
Cavalry: 250 ⇒ 300
Archers: 250 ⇒ 300
Cannoneers: 360
Bow Cavalry: 5000 ⇒ 5800
Independent Celia Squad: 150 ⇒ 180
Conscripts + Security Unit: 4500 ⇒ 5400
Cannons: 40, Large Cannons: 21, Dwarven Cannons: 15, Field Artillery: 15, Chariots: 35
Reinforcements / Allied Forces
105 Army Corps: 2500 ⇒ 3000
Elves: Black: 200, White: 200
New Penal Unit: 100 ⇒ 90
God Altair’s Army: 500 ⇒ 550
Tropical Smooth-scaled Monitor Lizard

Teries Fleet: Battleship Suvorov, Battleship Leviathan IV (temporary), Large Combat Ships: 3, Medium Combat Ships: 7
Ally Forces:
Western Front:
Royal Army: 15 000
Conscripts: 20 000

Eastern Front:

Enemy Force: Regular Soldiers: 3000?
Conscripts: 10 000? , Young Male Soldiers: 10 000?
National Volunteer Corps: ⇒ 5000

Assets: -10 000 gold
Sexual Partners: 797
Children who have been born: 69 + 567
Current Location: Alteria




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