Ruler Vol 1 Chapter 31




Author: Anit666

【Shiggurath’s POV】


“Is that so?” (Sam)

Huh? Sam was awake?

“Eavesdropping when someone is monologuing isn’t a good habit, you know.” (Shigurath)

I tried scolding him, but.

“Entering someone’s room without knocking isn’t a good habit, ya know.” (Sam)

He had a comeback too.

“So? What are you doing here? Can’t sleep?” (Sam)

“Something like that. What about you? Why are you still awake?” (Shiggurath)

“Well…. I was just planning for the future.” (Sam)

“Planning?” (Shiggurath)

What is he planning now?

“You know, what I should do with the Demon Army and all that. It’s necessary to consider every step so that I don’t end up losing something precious to me.” (Sam)

“But is it really necessary to do it right now? Rest is also important for the body. If you overexert it too much, then your body might give out at the crucial moment.” (Shiggurath)

One must never forget to let their mind and body rest so that they can work in optimum condition.

Sam got up from his bed and sat on its edge to face towards me.

“Victory costs, Shiggurath. I need every bit of time I can have to properly plan my future moves. I’d gladly sacrifice my sleep if it raises the chances of victory by even 1%. And hey, don’t worry about my body. Skipping a day or two’s sleep in nothing for me.” (Sam)

Or so he said. I’m still not convinced though. How should I persuade him……?

Sam, who perhaps noticed my disapproval on my face, spoke.

“Now now, don’t be like that, Shiggurath. I need to do everything I can to raise my chances of victory. But alas! That’s all I can do. Whatever tactics I use, all they can do is create a chance for victory. The spectre of defeat is always lurking in the shadows, ready to pounce on me the moment I make a mistake. So, I cannot possibly rest right now.” (Sam)

Hmm… he’s too tensed. He needs to relax a bit. But looking at the determination in his eyes, I understood that there was no use in trying to persuade him. But what’s victory for him anyway?

“Is that so? Anyway, what’s your idea of victory? I mean, would you call it victory if you could somehow kill the Demon King?” (Shiggurath)

I need to get an idea of just how he is trying to win so that I can help in a more efficient way. Though if he wants to kill the Demon King, then I reckon I won’t be of much help. I have made a promise after all. A promise that’s more important than the contract with Sam.

“My idea of victory, huh……… I just want to safely escort Chloe to her home. There’s nothing more that I want.” (Sam)

Huh? That’s all?

“What about you or Jack? Would you be fine if both of you died while protecting Chloe?” (Sam)

“Death is just an inconvenience, Shiggurath. Nothing more. And I don’t think that me or Jack would mind dying for Chloe. If someone in this world can kill us, that is.”

“What would you mean by that?” (Shiggurath)

His tone had an unnatural confidence in it, as if he was sure that no one could kill him.

“I meant what I said. Anyway, let’s keep these mundane matters aside for now. Since both of us cannot sleep, let’s take this chance to learn more about each other. It would be beneficial for my future plans.” (Sam)

That sure came out of the blue. So he wants to know more about me, huh. Well, there’s not much harm in it, is there?

“Fine. Ask anything you want. I’ll answer what I can.” (Shiggurath)

I made myself comfortable on the sofa. He also got up and sat on a chair opposite me and crossed his legs.

At least serve me tea or something. Does he not know basic etiquettes?

“Good. First of all, who killed the first Hero?” (Sam)

Eh? Didn’t he want to know about me? Why is he asking about the first Hero? What does he hope to achieve by that?

The previous carefree look vanished from his face, and was replaced by seriousness. Looks like he really wants to know about the first Hero. Don’t tell me……

“I unfortunately cannot answer that question. But I can tell you that I wasn’t the one who killed her.” (Shiggurath)

“Understood. Then, what was your relationship with the first Hero? Also, can you describe her, like what kind of person was she?” (Sam)

He sure is asking a lot of questions, isn’t he?

“She was my first comrade, and my first friend. Someone for whom I could’ve sacrificed anything. Unfortunately, I failed to protect her. As for what kind of person she was, hmm… let’s see. Yeah, she was an airhead, but also…. How should I say it, yeah, she lacked common sense, but still knew how to use her brain in crucial situations. She was always cheerful no matter what. She was fearless, and brutal. She never forgave an enemy who had hurt someone precious to her. But she was also very kind, and a chatterbox. She always used to tell me stories about the world she came from. And the most frequent one of them was about her best friend. She used to tell me that her friend had a huge role in making her who she was today. According to her, her friend’s favourite quote was something like this, ‘Whether you can achieve victory or not boils down to one single question: What are you prepared to sacrifice.’ and ‘To preserve one thing, you have to sacrifice the other.’” (Shiggurath)

Damn. I said too much. Well, doesn’t matter. Or so I had thought, but Sam’s eyes were wide with shock. It was as if he had heard something that he never expected to in his wildest dreams.

“Sam…….?” (Shiggurath)

My voice brought him back from his trance-like state. He blinked a few times, and after shaking his head, he spoke as if nothing had happened.

“Okay. Now, tell me……….. what was the relation between the first Demon King and the first Hero?” (Sam)

He’s asking the really important questions huh. I’m now afraid that I’ll say something unnecessary if he keeps questioning me. I’ll have to end this soon.

“I’m not sure what relationship they had. But I know for a fact that it wasn’t an antagonistic one. And you’re asking too many personal questions! I’ll allow only one more question.” (Shiggurath)

Sam smiled wryly after listening to what I had to say.

“Ok ok geez. You don’t have to be such a spoilsport. So, this is the last question, huh. Then, can you tell me what was the name of the first Hero?” (Sam)

Her name? Is he fine with that? Well, who cares?

“Her name was Susan Invern.” (Shiggurath)

“I see………. Hehehe.” (Sam)

He snickered.

What was with that creepy laugh? Moreover, just what would he gain by asking those questions? The information I gave him is clearly not enough to know the truth of what happened 5000 years ago. But….

Sam was grinning, with his legs crossed, his right arm resting on the armrest and his face resting on the palm of his right hand.

However, it wasn’t the grin of someone who had just found something funny, nor was it the pure innocent smile of a child who had just found something enjoyable. If I had to describe it…….. yes, it was the smile of the Devil.

I cannot understand. How can a mere smile be so beautiful yet so malicious?

His face had lit up with sick glee, while in his dark murky eyes swirled an indescribable emotion. He smiled in a very devilish way, and it seemed that he was trying hard to not burst out laughing like a maniac. His grin seemed to be saying, ‘Just as planned’.

For a moment I saw the illusion of Sam acting as a puppeteer while controlling all of us as puppets to enact a puppet show. It spent shivers down my spine. That’s when I remembered what Jack had told us.

‘It’s highly probable that we are just pawns dancing on the palm of his hands.’

“!!!” (Shiggurath)

No, I misunderstood. That smile doesn’t just belong to the Devil, it’s also the smile of a victor. A victor who has just found all the keys to solving the puzzle.

A victor who had just created the perfect stratagem to win a war.

Another vision flashed in my mind. It was of him.

He was sitting on a throne just like how Sam was sitting on his chair. He looked down on me with apathetic eyes. He was saying something, evident by the movement of his lips, but I was too distraught to register anything that he was saying.

The vision vanished just as quickly as it had appeared.

To think that you, a mere human dancing on the palm of gods, of all people would remind me of him. Just…… just what are you, Samuel Hayden? My hands were trembling due to the fear born from just being reminded about him, and cold sweat was already dripping from my forehead.

I somehow calmed my distrait heart, and called Sam.

“Why are you smiling?” (Shiggurath)

His smile quickly vanished, and he returned to the state he was previously in.

“Ah, nothing. But I must thank you, Shiggurath. Thanks for telling me all that.” (Sam)

He bowed slightly in gratitude.

“So, what are you going to do now?” (Shiggurath)

“Me? Well, I’ll have to plan some more. The victory conditions have changed, and I know how to fulfil those conditions. All that’s left is to pave the path to victory.” (Sam)

Just as I thought. I don’t know what it is, but he has gained some really useful information from my answers. I have to be very careful around him.

“It’s my turn to ask questions, isn’t it?” (Shiggurath)

“Ah yes. Do ask whatever you want to ask. I’ll answer to the best of my ability.” (Sam)

Let’s try to unravel the mystery that is Samuel Hayden.





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