ShangriLa Frontier Chapter 076 Part 2



Translator: Kurehashi Aiko

Editor: ryunakama

Chapter 76: Epilogue: What To Do Now and Next Part 2

「Well then, let’s hear it…… How was the battle with “Undying”?」

「It was stupidly strong, if nothing else…… Umm, honestly, I cannot really compare it to anything else I have encountered before. Maybe that Loser mage would make a close cut.」

I could easily state that out of all the fights I have fought so far this one was the most intense one. Especially the skills of his that were dangerously balancing on the verge of being called broken or cheat.

「Hahaha, I see, I see…… I see that he gave you quite a challenge, but are you satisfied?」

「I sure am. Also…… I’ll take that as a compliment.」

「I see…… I see……」

Vash says while apparently getting lost in his own thoughts.

「Growing up, opening up…… Maybe it will happen soon.」


「It’s nothing. I was merely talking to myself there. Right…… You, do you know about the truth of this world?」

「…… I do not wish for anyone to tell me about it.」

Epic of the Vorpal Bunny…… I stepped into this world of my own accord and I am going to uncover its secrets with my own two hands as well!

「And for that reason alone, there’s something that I absolutely want you to do.」

「Sure thing.」

Was that perhaps the beginning of a brand new quest?

Pencilgton started all the way from the beginning in Firstia and went all the way to Thirdrema and the Hidden Garden in the caves, all the while laughing at just how easy the process of getting there seemed to him right now.

「Now then, it is a fresh start for Pencilgton, I guess.」

After the defeat of the Gravekeeper, this place basically lost all of its value. But for Pencilgton it was still an important place full of precious memories. Passing through the tunnel, he arrived at the field of flowers. Pencilgton reaches his hand towards one of the spider camellias and takes it in his hand.

「I thought it would be cold and desolate here, so I brought something to brighten up the place a little bit. …… I’ll be sure to bring something nicer on my next visit. For the time being, something arranged by the NPC florist will have to do, Ahaha……」

Pencilgton puts the bouquet of white flowers at the roots of the huge cherry blossom tree. She would always appear right in this spot, every single time without fail.

「I’m sure you would ask me just what kind of flowers those are, and I wouldn’t be able to answer…… That would be so much like you, Set-chan……」

The flowers were a type of really rare item, one that bloomed only for five minutes to wither away and die after its time was over. However, once collected, the flower would never die unless it was intentionally destroyed. Living in the moment and staying the same forever…… After looking it up a bit, Pencilgton came upon a curious piece of information. That the name of this flower was actually “Setsuna”. What a strange twist of fate.

「You said that you were just a fake and nothing but a copy…… But for me you were the real deal, in the flesh.」

Even though…… Even though she was just a character inside the game, she acted like a normal human being, talking to Arthur Pencilgton and responding to his words and actions.

「Set-chan, I think I will continue to enjoy this world for a little bit longer…… Especially since there’s still “homework” left for me to do.」

–––––– If you want to know the truth about the roots of this world, look for “Bahamut”.

「Fine by me. One day I will expose the truth about this world, be it with the help of this “Bahamut” or not.」

Having renewed her determination, Amane A.K.A Arthur Pencilgton got seriously into playing the game.

The Gravekeeper Wezaemon. The man who shackled himself in the chains of an eternal oath was now put to eternal rest. And the woman whose desires and dreams were left behind in this world was now able to rest, finally reunited with her loved one.

The world proceeds to its next stage, its pioneers getting excited for the new unknowns that await them. A brand new world opened before them, their “Grand Voyage” about to begin.

Little did I know that the world of ShangriLa Frontier was only starting to heat up……



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