ShangriLa Frontier Chapter 318 Part 1

ShangriLa Frontier Chapter 318: Blue Collar Workers Go to Challenge the Unknown Part 1

Right in the middle of the raging storm, I let out a might scream while holding a watering can in one hand and placing my other hand on the ground, desperately trying to maintain my balance and not fall onto the ground. I feel like if I let myself be swept away here by this storm, by heart is going to literally split in half.

The act of screaming does not have anything to do with any in game mechanic at this point in time. It is merely and action that serves to prevent me from losing my mind here.

「FUUUUUUUUUCCCKKKKKK THIIIIIIIIISSSSSS SHIIIIIIIIIIIIT~!!!!!!!!! I’m not letting you assholes rob me of my cute little ones! Forget about it!!!」

Ahhhh! AAAAAAHHHHHH!!! Not again! Not my vinyl house!!! You bastards! It got blown away again! I have spent hours trying to rebuilt and reinforce it!

Fuck this all to hell……!! At this rate my children…… my beautiful children are all going to succumb……! AAAAAGGGHHH!!! My beautiful radish! Where the fuck do you think your going, dirty soil!? Get the fuck away from the radishhhhhh!!!

Cursing and screaming in my mind, I cut through the pouring raid while moving step by step towards the wall. Then I open the small window that was there and I start swinging my watering can as vigorously as I possibly can. Why was I doing that in the middle of the raging storm? Why, it was of course to keep the quality of the crops spread across the fields as “Excellent” and prevent them from deteriorating. That is why the water in the watering can was mixed with the highest quality of fertilizer that I could afford.

I open the system window and quickly adjust the settings displayed there. I needed to quickly put together the finest greenhouse over my crops that I could afford, no matter the cost. I then started to lay down the materials necessary to complete the construction.

「You know what would be great just now!? If the monsters appeared hear and attacked! Yeah! That would be fucking great! Real adding insult to injury here!!!」

And then I heard something. A sound of someone approaching where I was. Someone…… or something. I then lifted my head to see what that thing was, but I was unable to see its face even if I bent my neck back as far as it was humanly possible.

It was a giraffe-looking monster with a body so gigantic that it could essentially reach the clouds. However, that was the real cause of this here storm and heavy rain, because whenever that monster goes, there are always various calamities and natural disasters centered around it. The strongest calamity beast of them all, bane of all crops and good weather: “ZebraGira” was here……!

And since this monster was so huge to begin with, in its eyes I was nothing more but a grain of sand under its feet. There was no real reason for it to concern itself with someone like me, so it was just casually strolling by without turning hostile or anything like that.

However, I could not simply allow this thing to do as it pleased. After all, it may have been just passing here, but that passing by was more than enough to bring my eggplants and radishes, alongside my other adorable children to ruin! And do you even know just how much time I have sacrificed to grow them all!? Way too much time, that’s how!

Some little losses I would have been absolutely fine with! However! This thing is not only damaging the crops, but soil and terrain as well! All the things I have been carefully planning and raising from zero! This will not stand here ––––!!!!!!

「Oooohhhh! Since I am actually facing against the sky here, this thing might actually work! “Ignis Saizen Full Blasten”!!!」」

You see, this particular game has a sort of providence system incorporated into its world-building. I use that just now: the highest ranking fire magic possible, and it flies towards the Giraffe’s head, looking like a fire genie shaped projectile. …… Could it be that my timing was off? The projectile just shot through the clouds and disappeared just like that…… Man, what a ruthless game world.

I guess no matter how hard the ants will train themselves in the art of war, they will never be able to defeat the elephant, no matter how hard they try. And who would have thought that such a painful but accurate world truth would be taught to you by something like a farming simulator. Wait! Forgive me! That was not me! NOOO!!! That paddy was left there so that I could plant some fresh seeds there next season! No way, the alloy hut!? Why is its durability decreasing so fast!? Ahhh! Please, stop this! I am already ruined! Forget about tomorrow, I won’t be having anything left for me to eat for today if this thing continues like that!!!




Just like that, I have woken up in the real world, a mute scream about ready to break free from my mouth.

「Praise be to the farmers, for they provide us with the things that we eat every day. Praise be……」

I may have lost about fifty percent of my entire crops to that walking calamity and the storm it has caused, but on the other hand I have succeeded in safeguarding the status of “excellent” for the remaining fifty percent of the crops. Well, it’s been a while since I have last done something like that, so I would say that it was a job well done here.

Not that things like that exist in the real world, but after playing through this game you really learn to appreciate the value of the contents of your fridge and the hard work of the people who worked their assess of so that you could buy them. That is why, it is my salute to the farmers of the world. One day I’m going to beat that giraffe and put an end to its menace once and for all!

「…… But how about I go and have some breakfast for the time being?」

Time for the best breakfest ever! Cup noodles! And if we throw an energy drink to that , then I am going to be virtually invincible! No one is going to be able to stop me! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!

「Now, then.」

The time is now about 6:00 a.m. And if everything goes according to the voyage schedule, then the new world research vessel should be arriving at the new world’s port at about 9:00 a.m. Now, I do believe since the arrival is so close upon us, it might be vise to pay my employer a visit one last time.

With that thing in mind I got out of the bed in my cabin, woke up Emul who was still sleeping and put him on top of my head, changed myself into Sanrako once more and we went to meet with the Saint-chan once more.

「I knew that you were leaving the ship quite often, so honestly speaking, I have assumed that you were already gone today as well……」

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