ShangriLa Frontier Chapter 373 Part 1

ShangriLa Frontier Chapter 373: Roars of the Beast Echoing In the Crystals Part 1

So apparently not even a skill as overpowered as “Tachyon” comes without a cost and the appropriate backlash. Not only is there a huge cooldown period between the times that you can use that skill again, but you also begin to suffer hunger that is proportional to the number of seconds that your skill was being activated.

I don’t know about the former, but the latter drawback seemed to be a rather serious matter for the NPCs who would actually die from hunger and perish forever. So, in order to compensate for showing me how that skill worked in practice, besides the cake I also ordered a gratin and a few other things for Tias—sensei, so that she could satiate her hunger.

「Fucking kill me, please…… Not only did my instructor turn out to be some sort of roided beefcake, I also had to fight a whole group of monsters that looked like twisted and buffed bodybuilders…… Fuck my life……」

「Hey there, Mister Lolicon! Say, could you like, not look this way, the look in your eyes is seriously giving me the creeps right about now.」

「Seriously dude! At this rate starting from today I might even become the fully fledged member of Face Helmets!」

Since it was the first time I have ever heard that name in my life, I asked Survival for further details, just for the heck of it. And what do you know? Apparently there is a Guild out there in ShanFro that only accepts the members who swear that they are not going to wear any kind of armor other than helmets. Why would someone even want to do that I don’t know and I certainly do not care. This sounds really stupid for some reason, so don’t mention that to me ever again.

But thanks to that Survival at least brightened up. You might even wonder where did that gloomy appearance of his from a moment ago went? Also, it was time for me to change my clothes, since the three minute mark was approaching fast. However, I had to do it quickly, since I could see that Survival was about to go in for the kill with the screen-capturing device, combined with some really strange poses.

「Oh, yeah? This reminds me! Guess what, Lolicon Survival? Tias-chan happens to be extremely hungry right about now.」

「Yo, Master! Give this magnificent creature the most expensive food you have in this joint! As much as she wants, as many times as she wants! I will pay for it all!!!」

「Certainly, sir. Please wait for a moment.」

Yeah, as long as it is something he is passionate about, this man has little to no breaks. Like at all. A perfect target for any potential gold digger out there. Plus it is not helpful at all that his avatar looks like that of a woman, but his behavior could not be any more manly if he even wanted it to be that way. That kind of mismatch is what makes people like that really unsightly and creepy in more ways than one.

「Well, at least he is honest with himself. I don’t think that you can actually be any worse than that Magical Girl Wannabe though……」

「But you know, by doing things half-assed you are not going to get very far in this particular line of job……」

「Haa, don’t even get me started…… But tell me something, Mister φ Survival: how does it feel to be fighting such strong monsters out in the wilderness once more?」

「Honestly, I had my reservations about this, but this is actually pretty awesome. But that being said, fighting a group of monsters like that without any kind of a break or backup surely get you tired.」

When I was having my orientation a while ago, I was forced to fight a time attack against a monster that looked like a bunch of arms bound together. But in the case of Survival, his ordeal was quite different, it seems. He had to fight a group of beefed up Ogres and Orcs. It was not all that difficult of a stage altogether, but the enemies were many and on top of a whole lot of HP and incredible strength they also possessed excellent regeneration powers.

「Well, there is no use in getting scared that you are going to get one shot in this game. Just make sure that you are very hard to actually hit and you should be fine vast majority of times.」

「Hmm, is that so……? By the way, is there a way to fight using only your bare hands in this game? Because I swear that I saw people doing that not so long ago.」

「Hmm, I don’t think so? I mean, there is a Monk class, but they are more about adding abilities to their bodies and extra effects rather their relying solely on their physical strength and agility alone. Also, Warrior class might be somewhat proficient in hand to hand combat, but again: not relying only on that. Fighting only with your hands is really troublesome. And most of the time, even those who use fists to fight only do so as a secondary option, with the primary option being axes or short sword and other stuff like that.」

I mean, judging by your past exploits and playstyle, Barbarian would probably be the perfect match for you here, even though they are using weapons. And I mean, why limit yourself to a class that only uses fists to fight? Have some class, man! Take a look at me! I mean, I still have a main motive that I follow with my build, but as the time goes on, I keep on adding new things to it! Experimentation, man! Experimentation!

「Oh, that’s right! Before I forget! Sanraku! I heard that you managed to pull off something crazy at the new continent! And right after coming there for the first time ever, no less!」

「Ugh…… It was an accident! An accident, I tell you! A product of chance! Nothing more and nothing less!」

「No, no, no! You may claim that it was just an accident, but the public has a completely different opinion on the subject. But if it really was just an accident, have you ever considered trading stocks on the stock market? Or maybe becoming a con artist? You surely would have a bright future ahead of you!」

「…… If I were to do something like that, I’m pretty sure that people would be sending Avengers after my ass in no time at all!」

「–––– Aaahh, just the thought alone is more than enough to cause me to have goosebumps all over! It’s simply wonderful! That’s the spirit! That’s what being an Avenger should be all about, without fail!」

Dude, if you are going to get so fired up about something like that, you might as well put that energy into something else. Like, for example, being a better person. Or maybe digging up a hole in which you can bury yourself.

「Thank you very much for your patience. I present to you: the Fall of the Tidal Sea Serpent, a recipe fresh out of the New Continent.」

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