ShangriLa Frontier Chapter 381 Part 1

ShangriLa Frontier Chapter 381: Side Story 4 – Unique Daily Life of a Man Who Is Not Unique at All – Part 1

Let us change locations for a moment and pay a visit into the real world.

「Now then, today I am going to make you spill the beans for sure…… KEI!」

Right about now, Uomi Kei, nineteen years old, was in a position that one might have called an exemplary wall slam (kabe-don).

「And that is because, this here Silvia Goldberg has come to personally deliver to you her handmade bento……!」

「Why, hello there……」

However, even though this was your typical wall slam situation, the roles in it were all but reversed. And if one were to be asked to describe what was currently going on in here, the only possible explanation could be contained in a single word: “Shuraba”.

「No, I assure you, there is a perfectly reasonable explanation for this situation……」


Said Natsume Megumi while gazing Kei in the eyes with a really sour expression on her face, slamming her hand against a wall right next to Kei’s head and holding a French fry like a cigar in her hand. For some inexplicable reason, the smile on her lips was truly disturbing.

「Well in that case, let us hear it, this perfectly reasonable explanation of yours, shall we…… wouldn’t you agree?」

「Umm, I mean, you see, this is, how should I put it……?」

「Hey, Nutmeg! Cool down! Cool down!」

「Uguh…… And here I was wondering who might have caused all that heated atmosphere……」

「That is exactly why I, live right next to Kei! For this exact reason……!」

With a smile and a thumbs up that proclamation seemed like the announcement filled with confidence and superiority, but in Kei’s ears it was nothing more but a loud gunshot that was about to announce the start of the bloodiest war that the world has ever seen.

「Wha, huh……!? W-W-W-What the hell does that supposed to mean, KEI!?!?」

「No, Megu, you’re misunderstanding things here! She means next apartment! Next apartment, I swear……!」

「It can be a living room or even a kitchen for all do I care! This basically mean that the two of you live together in here!」

「And I’m telling you that you have it all wrong! I’m telling the truth! She lives right next to me! In the next apartment! You can even go and see it for yourself!」

All of a sudden Kei was grabbed by his shoulders and Megumi started to shake him with all of her might, demanding an explanation. And fortunately for Kei, he was able to come up with one really quick, before his head suffer a concoction or his neck was about to snap in two from all the unnecessary shaking he was being subjected to. Before long, Megumi let him go and his vision returned to normal.

「Why would she want to live in the apartment that is right next to yours? Not to mention, in the same building!」

「But that only makes it easier if we want to play together.」

「Wait, Megu……! No, don’t grab my neck like that! I’m serious now, I’m going to die at this rate……!」

「Kei, you dummy! You absolute dummy!」


No matter how you would want to look at it, it was a scene taken straight out of a soap opera.

「Amelia Sullivan?」

「YES! And guess what? I have heard that she might actually come in here in the nearby future!」

「Eeehhh…… the “Dynaskull” or the “Bird of Pray” herself? I see that troublesome individuals keep on flocking here one after another……」

For the current moment Kei managed to (barely) evade being forced to cross on the other side of the Sanzu River, and right now he was eating the self-proclaimed hand-made bento that Silvia Goldberg made for him. But to be honest, it was nothing more but a repacked boxed lunch set that you could find in every convenience store. He muttered the name she just told him while munching on some fried potatoes.

Amelia Sullivan.

A Professional Gamer affiliated with the team “Dynoskull”, one of the best professional gaming teams in the entire United States. Even though they were not as good as the “Zodia Cluster”, they were surely a force that one had to reckon with on the professional gaming stage.

She is a professional gamer who mostly specializes in fighting games, and on that field she holds the number two spot, being right below Silvia Goldberg.

Although she is a woman, she is over one hundred eighty centimeters tall, and her eyes were so sharp that it earned her the moniker “Hawkeye Sullivan” in some gaming circles. However, her biggest selling point is the fact that she managed to climb all the way to the second place in the fighting games world purely by virtue of playing heavyweight characters, which makes that achievement even more impressing when you think about it.

When it comes to the field of American fighting games, Silvia Goldberg in considered to be a God. Sure, Kei managed to defeat Silvia in battle once, but even when you take that into consideration, it is merely one black star on Silvia’s otherwise flawless record.

Needless to say, with Silvia Goldberg sitting on top of the fighting games world in America, many people look up to her as the example and role model, following in her footsteps thinking that it is the guaranteed way to success. This means that there is an assumption that speed and compete offensive is a way to go.

But since Amelia was able to come this far purely by virtue of going in the opposite direction than the mainstream, using sluggish, heavily armored characters with a whole lot of HP on them, her playstyle was starting to become a role model as well for the general players. And at this rate it would be catching up to Silvia sooner rather than later in terms of popularity.

「…… I knew it, this guy….. right?」

「Yes, EXACTLY! I do believe that she also sent an e-mail to you, right, Kei?」

However, it’s small wonder things turned out this way. After all, what appeared there on that day was simply way too unidentified and mysterious to comprehend. It’s just like with those energy drinks, to a certain extent, you never know what to expect and where did it come from. But one thing was for sure here: this ‘True Cursed Prison’ was on par with Silvia Goldberg’s Meetias, even if it was only for a short while. But it was more than enough of a reason.

It is something that someone like Amelia Sullivan would never be able to overlook. It was like a personal call to her. And since there were no other information about the GGC and that mysterious person vanished without a trace, it was a perfect excuse for her to want to travel to Japan. After all, what better way to confirm something than to do so with your own eyes?

But the actual problem is not there.

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