Death’s Daughter Chapter 111




Author: “FoodLovingPanda”


“What are you talking about? Everyone stop! Stop! I will not be joining your group or anyone else’s for the matter of fact. Banbo-san, don’t go making up lies, I never said anything about that, especially since I already have a group of my own.”

My group is something I was able to gain thanks to Thanatos-sama and the bet he made with the adventurers present on the day I got really drunk in Kapitalia. I don’t know what he used to make them obey the bet, but thanks to that I got myself very loyal followers.

At first I felt bad, since technically they were being forced to act like that, but when I tried to tell them they are free to go and don’t need to follow me, the heartbroken faces made me not mention such topic again. I always made sure to visit them over the past few months and even with that, I would get letters that they send to me telling me about their daily lives and to stay safe and healthy. They are all really adorable.

The noisy room turned quiet soon after. Good this is much better over the chaos that was present earlier.

“So what if you do, just leave and join ours. I can promise you that your position in our group will be much better than your current one. Let’s prepare a contract. Lisa, go upstairs, grab a pen and paper and write down a simple contract.”

Better position than a leader? I don’t think it is something you can do. I just watched as Lisa ran upstairs and brought some paper. She was writing frantically the words Banbo-san was saying. It was turning more into a statement, than a contract saying I would quit my group and join his.

“Naoko-chan I need you to tell me the name of the group that you belong to.”

“Dragon’s Descent.”

Silence spread throughout the room once again. All of them turned pale faced. What’s with this reaction? We are not that big of a group, plus we’re still new, so it shouldn’t garner a reaction of this scale.

“You, a part of Dragon’s Descent? I simply cannot see you being their member. We crossed paths earlier this month, just before arriving back at Orzak. It is the most secretive group that appeared recently. Nobody knows who the leader is and what he looks like, but to be able to control all those ruffians he must be extremely strong. Probably an S-rank or maybe even the legendary SS-ranked adventurers otherwise those A-rank adventurers would never listen to him.”

What’s with those rumors? Since when did I become an S-rank adventurer? Sure the guys are strong and proud, but to think I became so strong overnight seems unbelievable.

“Why would you think that, to me it sounds ridiculous? Those guys are simply adorable, why would you call the ruffians.”

“You can say that because you weren’t there when we challenged them for their headquarters mansion. We were beaten to a pulp and that was only going against a dozen of them or so. I demanded the fight against the leader, but they kept on saying I was not worthy to even lay eyes upon such majesty and strength. I got curious and asked around, but nobody knew anything aside that the leader is someone of unmatchable strength. Since you are not there, you can call them adorable, but I bet they just treat you as their mascot. So you should join my group.”

Guys, what are you going about telling people about me in such a way. It is embarrassing. Also, why didn’t anyone tell me about territory fights? I was in Kapitalia several times, but no one mentioned a thing about it and none of the letters said there was fighting between groups.

“Umm… why did you challenge us in the first place? No offense but going with only seventy people against us was beyond reckless.”

“You think I don’t know that now? I just assumed it was a tiny group of several friends that was just formed and having headquarters at the capital city is a privilege. Unless you can properly defend it, there is no point in buying property to have as hq. I thought I could conquer it and finally set root in Kapitalia, but who thought I would be literally kicked out.”

Oh wow, there is so much I don’t know about groups. I should probably research more about them and guilds in general. It does kind of remind me of guild system inside games. I should visit the guys and give them some money to make an armory or something. That will make it easier to deal with challengers. I did get a lot of loot from the Temple of Rain. I am sure they will also be thrilled to see me again.

“I should visit them one of these days. They tend to get lonely when I neglect them.”

“Why? There is no need, you just need to sign this and then you will belong to my group and have no ties with Dragon’s Descent. Oh I did promise you a better position. Our ranks might be different, but if you tell me your rank I will recalculate it and give you a promotion, so how about it.”

There he goes on his own again. I seriously wonder how his brain is wired.

“I still don’t remember saying I would join your group.”

“How funny, nobody would ever refuse a promotion. Dragon’s Descent may be strong as a rookie but they are still too young and don’t have any reputation or fame. My group is known to be the most beautiful. Also, a poor girl like you with only curse magic would not be able to go far in a group like that which is mainly focused on power.”

Did he just insult me and called me weak? You really need to work on your communicating and negotiating skills. I seriously have no idea how you made all these girls swoon over you, but it definitely wasn’t using your talking.

“Are you challenging me? Calling me weak? As far as I remember, I told everyone that my class isn’t a Magician so you should not judge me just yet.”

“Of course not, I am sure you have great strength, but I’m afraid they might not value you as much as I would. That is why you must transfer here. Now will you tell me what was your rank? General member, right?”

That’s it, no more being polite and trying to reason with him. He simply does not listen to what I am saying. You tell him one thing he says another. This type of person is the worst to deal with.

“False, I am not a mere member. As a leader of a group you sure lack reason and skills, but then again I have no right to judge you since I don’t bother much with group management.”

“Not a mere member, are you then like a secretary or someone in charge of recruiting? That must be it, you must be dealing with all the paperwork. Don’t worry I will make you the head secretary once you sign this. It is a bargain, that way you would never have to fight, since you must hate violence.”





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