Volume 10 Chapter 3 Part 2

And just like with the Non-REM Golem, they have no elemental weaknesses.

It looks like it’s going to be pretty hard. Well, there is an advantage that you don’t have to think about which type of magic you should use at the very least.

Is there really?

Well, even if it’s not, then let’s do it anyway.

「They look strong.」

「That’s right. They don’t have any weaknesses, so they’re one of the strongest enemies among the monsters that appear up to the thirty-third floor.」

「Let’s fight them anyway.」

Sherry is showing no signs of stopping either. If that’s the case, then I guess I have no choice but to fight together with them as well.

Roxanne is also looking at them with the eyes that were saying she was as ready for battle as she could be.

「Yes. This way.」

We proceed with Roxanne leading the way with a gleeful expression. Two Rock Birds then appear before us.

It feels pretty good that Roxanne is starting to understand that you don’t always have to challenge a group of five enemies at once.

Rock Birds are relatively large birds. I wonder if there are actually swans. I’ve not seen many swans in person, so I’m not sure. However, when I was in the lower grades of elementary school, I remember seeing it in the park when we went there on a walk.

Thinking about it now, my body was way smaller back then, so that’s why they probably seem so big to me. These Rock Birds are also much bigger than the common pigeons and crows. They are dark brown in color, so they are probably made of rocks, just as the name suggests.

Sherry’s information is correct.

They did not flap its wings often, but they were positioned in the air with their wings spread. Are they simply gliding?

The four of us run to them, and I attack them while shooting 「Fire Storms」at them. Roxanne and Vesta blocked the front of the monsters, while Miria and Sherry solidified their surroundings.

The Rock Birds don’t run away into the sky either, and seems that they want to challenge us in close quarters combat.

Almost any monster is belligerent, same as Roxanne. In other words, Roxanne is…

「Did it, desu!」

While I was thinking about such strange things, one of the monsters was already petrified and fell onto the floor. Since there were two of them, it was good that Miria managed to proc petrification so soon. All that we have to do now is to surround the remaining one and defeat it.

Now that the last Rock Bird was surrounded by us, there’s no way it can launch any of its attacks with Roxanne in front of it.

「Un. Like that? But I’m not done yet!」

The Rock Bird tried to launch a suicide attack towards Roxanne, who seemed to have really dislike it, but she dodged it anyway. That’s Roxanne for you after all. The time of the battle has become a little long, but we must not let our guard down!

However, the longer the time of the battle, the better for us, actually.

「Did it, desu!」

Miria managed to petrify the other monster as well. As I thought: if there are only two of them, then she won’t have any problems with it at all. the next question is how she’s going to fare when there will be more enemies to fight, but for the time being I go and kill the remaining one with magic.

The Rock Bird disappeared in a cloud of smoke. All that was left after it was its Drop Item, the feathers. My 「Identify」has revealed that this item is indeed called Feathers. This must be Rock Bird’s common drop.

「Feathers, huh? What can they be used for, exactly?」

「If you have ink, then you can write on a papyrus with them.」

Sherry informed me while I was receiving the feathers from Roxanne and Vesta. So the default use for the feathers is turning them into quills, just like in my old world?

「A quill pen, huh?」

「Alternatively, if you gather enough of them, remove the stems and stuff them all into a cloth, then you can make a quilt futon.

「A quilt futon, you say?」

「Yes. Since the items needed to make it are difficult to get and it takes time to remove the stems from every single feather, futons that are made by using feathers are actually luxury items of great value. That being said, you can often find quilt futons where the stems have not been properly removed from the feathers or where feathers have been mixed with something else.」

「So people are making fraudulent business with it?」

Sounds kinda vicious, but I guess you can find merchants like that everywhere, no matter to which world you’re going to go, and there will be no cooling off here.

But a quilt futon, huh? If we can make it, then I would very much like to make it. Especially since it looks incredibly soft.

I imagine laying on that soft, fluffy, refreshing feather quilt futon, and telling Roxanne and Vesta to lay next to me. This is the ultimate combination of the softness of the futon, the smoothness of Roxanne’s skin and the hair on her tail and back and the coolness of Vesta’s body.

This is the best.


Just thinking about it might be enough to cause me to not fall asleep. I even feel like I might have a fever tonight because of it.

However, feathers are pretty small in size, so even if we collect hundred or two hundred of them, that still might not be enough to make a single futon out of them. But in that case, how many of them are we going to need to make it?

Assuming that you could get around fifty feathers in an hour, you could get five hundred feathers if you were to hunt for nothing else but feathers for ten hours straight. If you’re going to need five thousand feathers to make a single quilt futon, then that means that we would have to stay on the thirty second floor for ten days in order to gather the necessary amount. That sounds like a lot of work, but it actually might not be as bad as it sounds.

Recently, we’ve been doing nothing but repeating the same rough act of going up the Labyrinth at the [ace of one floor per day, and I am sure that sooner or later we are going to end up stumbling against a wall that we won’t be able to surmount. And when we reach that limit, we might end up dying in the Labyrinth if we’re unlucky.

That being said, wouldn’t it be nice to just stay here and relax for ten days? Or perhaps the girls might prefer quilt pillows instead of a quilt futon? But even if they do, I feel like I might like or dislike the quilt pillows depending on how they’re made.

If I make only one and use it myself, then the girls won’t be able to use it. But if we go and make a single long pillow, then all five of us should be able to enjoy it.

If we have an option of making something with it, then obviously that would be better than simply selling all of the feathers that we have worked so hard to obtain. That’s why I feel like it’s necessary for us to decide if we want to make something with them or not, and if so, then we have to decide what to make. Also, buying them at the Adventurers Guild seems like a stupid and counterproductive idea. It is going to be better to collect them ourselves.

Alright, I have made my decision. We’re going to be making a quilt futon, and for that, we are going to collect feathers on this floor for the next ten days. I think that no one is going to have anything against it aside from…

「There doesn’t seem to be any monsters nearby.」

Roxanne said before we entered the Waiting Room again.

I have no way of knowing if Roxanne is going to accept my change to her plans comfortably. If I say to her that this is an order then she is definitely not going to refuse, but that would probably make me look bad in her eyes. The timing of the proposal is also going to be important, but I cannot procrastinate with it for too long.

We returned to the thirty-first floor and proceed to the Boss Room one more time. When we got there, we challenged the Floor Boss again. We then got home and ate breakfast, and then it was time for another Boss battle.

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