Volume 10 Chapter 3 Part 8

Just as I have expected, the level of my Explorer Job did not raise all that much, so it might be more efficient for me to level up Sex Maniac or Farmer Jobs. Even after changing my Jobs, we were still able to beat down on the enemies visciously.

By the way, even after both of these Jobs reached Lv.30, there was now new Jobs unlocked for me. That is honestly a little disappointing, but on the other hand, I never heard of any Jobs that would stem from these two, and even after thinking pretty hard, no potential Jobs come to my mind either.

What even made me want to increase the level of these Jobs to Lv.30 in the first place?

No, there are many ways in which I’ll be able to use these Jobs, especially Sex Maniac at night. That use of this Job is its most important one, so it’s only natural for me to want to increase its level. That is why I have no regrets about farming EXP for it.

When the leveling of these two Jobs has been completed, the next one in line was the Merchant Job. And once the Merchant Job reached Lv.30, I acquired a Job that stemmed from it, the Slave Merchant Job. I don’t think that I’m going to be using that Job all that much, but there’s definitely no harm in acquiring it. Roxanne and the others are also here.

Later, after some more levelling was done, I also managed to acquire Weapons Merchant and Armor Merchant Jobs. The size of my Item Box has also increased to thirty spaces x thirty items, so it probably must be treated as a subclass of Explorer Lv.30. Does that mean that increasing the Merchant-related Jobs to some specific levels is also going to turn out to be a necessity?

I thought that the only Job that I’ll be able to get by increasing Merchant Job to Lv.30 is going to be Slave Merchant, but that was apparently not the case, because I managed to obtain another Job as well. Does that mean that each Job can have more than one derivative Job?

It’s a Jobless Job.

Jobless Lv.1
Effects: Empty
Skills: Effect Settings, Skill Settings, Empty

I don’t get how a Jobless can be a derivative Job of a Merchant.

There are empty Effect and Skill Slots present. Are the Effect and Skill slots empty because their settings haven’t been configured yet? They also seem to be same as Empty Skill Slots on equipment.

Jobless seems to be a Job capable of setting Effects and Skills

There are two skills: 「Effect Settings」 and 「Skill Settings」, so I can probably set them myself, I believe. It seems to be a really interesting Job.

「Speaking of which… Sherry, do you know about a Job called Jobless?」

I ask Sherry about it. If it’s her, then she may know something.

「It’s a job found only in legends. Other than that, not much details of that Job are known.」

If it’s a Job called Jobless, then it definitely cannot be famous for making money, right?

「It’s not that well known?」

「Long ago, there was someone who claimed they had that Job. As for the details of the Job, no one knows anything concrete.」

So apparently it doesn’t seem to be well known Job after all.

It seems to be a really rare Job.

「That person who claimed that they were a Jobless didn’t disclose any details about that Job?」

「No. They just spontaneously spread the word that they were a Jobless one day.」

「It sounds like a useless kind of Job.」

What kind of a sane man would even go around declaring himself to be a Jobless?

「I have heard something in this regard, I think. Wasn’t the Crown Prince said to be a Jobless as well?」

Roxanne seems to know something about it after all. As expected of the world renowned Toyama Sakura.

And he’s a Crown Prince, not a Shogun?

「Crown Prince?」

「That’s right. The Crown Prince. He has been disinherited, however. He is said to be the worst Crown Prince in the recent generations of royalty. To start off, he’s known as a man with no patience. He quits one job only to take on another one immediately, and keeps doing it over and over again. Furthermore, lying is his forte. He’s a true good-for-nothing shit man. An imperial-scale good-for-nothing shit man that only served to destroy the empire’s reputation.」


Wow, talk about a pretty harsh opinion. Oh well, he’s a NEET Crown Prince, after all, so he probably deserves it.

But if it’s like that, then it’d probably be better to keep my Jobless Job concealed from the world.

「Master can probably see that the words of such a person can’t be taken seriously.」

Oh, oh, oh, oh!

I have a feeling that I should just shut my mouth and listen quietly to what they have to say.

I’m sure that the Crown Prince must have had his own reasons for acting the way he did. That’s probably the reason why he took on various Jobs. In that regard I am the same as him, because I also have a multitude of Jobs.

I was of the idea that a Jobless is a derivative Job of a Merchant, but it doesn’t seem to be the case here. It’s probably a Job that’s acquired by acquiring various different Jobs.

When I acquired Slave Merchant, I must have reached the requisite number. And looking at the amount of Jobs that I have, it was quite a large number.

I’m also sure now that there’s no relationship between Merchant and Jobless Jobs. It was just a coincidence that I managed to acquire it after my Merchant job reached Lv.30.
Is Jobless by any chance the last Job that could acquire? That is what I initially thought, but that’s not possible since I haven’t acquired Jobs such as Adventurer and Priest yet.

Is there an upper limit in respect of the number of Jobs one person can possess at any given time, and you cannot possess any more than the upper limit? There’s probably no such thing, so I don’t need to be worrying myself with it too much.

My worries are unfounded. They have to be baseless once again.

To relieve my anxiety, I switch my 「Fifth Job」 to Jobless. I can allow myself to do that since I have already raised Merchant to Lv.30.

I then invoke 「Effect Settings」and try setting the Job Effects by myself.

A long list of Job effects kept floating up inside my head to the point where I was confused as to what was going on. I was of the idea that I would have to choose one from the effects of just the Jobless Job, but it would seem that I can choose the desired effect from the effects of other Jobs too.


And because I have Jobs like Explorer, Hero, Mage and Monk on the list, it seems to allow you to choose one from the effects of the jobs you possess. Well, that much should be a given.

If you could select the strongest Effects and Skills of the strongest Jobs available via 「Effect Settings」and 「Skill Settings」, then that would make the Jobless the best Job out of all of them.

You can only choose an effect from among the Jobs you personally possess.

In a way, you won’t be jobless anymore. You can continue to acquire Jobs, and the more Jobs that you have, the stronger the Jobless Job is going to become.

As the Effect of Jobless Job, I select the most powerful one that I have, Hero’s 「Increase INT (Medium)」which is going to increase my Intelligence stat and my magic attack power along with it as well.

Jobless Lv.1
Effects: Increase INT (Medium)
Skills: Effect Setting, Skills Settings, Empty

It’s configurable, indeed. It’s a pity that I can set only one Job Effect though. If it weren’t limited to just one, it would be better than Hero.

Hero has a total of eight Job Effects, so allow me to choose up to three of them at least.

If it could choose three or four Effects and Skills, it would be best for someone like Roxanne who can use no more than one Job at a time, and it would justify getting the Jobless Job for them as well.

Even if I could select two effects, it would still be better. I would choose two 「Increase INT (Medium)」effects in that case.

If there were two Empty Slots available for usage, would it let me choose two instances of「Increase INT (Medium)」?

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