Volume 10 Chapter 4 Part 3

Should I go to have a meeting with the Duje of Hartz in order to rid myself of my anxiety? Or would it perhaps be better for us to go back to the thirty-third floor of Quratar’s Labyrinth for the time being?

What would Roxanne have done?

Actually, no. I don’t need that kind of curiosity I my life.

「Yes. That’s right.」

「There are no monsters worthy of challenging nearby, so I think that the thirty-third floor of Quratar’s Labyrinth would be a good place to look for some.」

Oh, yes, that’s right. I didn’t want to hear Roxanne’s opinion, but it’s such a practical opinion this time.

「Whole Fish, desu!」

「I think we’re going to be alright either way.」

I just listened to the opinions of the other two since I don’t want them to be offended if I didn’t hear them out as well, but no matter how I look at it, they gave me the opinions that could hardly be classified as opinions in the first place.
「Understood. Then let’s go to Quratar’s Labyrinth. First stop, the seventeenth floor.」

「I didn’t bring a map of this floor with me, so I think it’d be a good idea to go home and grab it.」

Even Roxanne didn’t bring the map of Quratar with her today. Well, it might be for the better, since if it somehow got damaged or lost, we would be I pretty big trouble.

That said, even though I just said that we’re going to go to the thirty-third floor of Quratar’s Labyrinth, we still have the Floor Boss of this floor to take care of.

Not listening to Roxanne’s opinion was the correct choice here after all. I might start listening to her again, but only during the Boss Battle with the Floor Boss of the thirty-third floor of Quratar’s Labyrinth.

「Ah, y-yeah. As for today, let us try fighting against the Drive Dragon first.」

「We still have the time, so it should be okay. I’ll be looking forward to going to the thirty-fourth floor tomorrow.」

Do not look forward to it.

I certainly won’t be looking forward to it.

Is Roxanne going to start rampaging once again?

Once we enter the thirty-fourth floor of Quratar’s Labyrinth, we’ll have to go visit the Duke of Hartz again, so I would like to do it later, but the thirty-fourth floor of Bode’s Labyrinth is the only thing that can possibly stop Roxanne!

What a dichotomy! What a dilemma!

However, even if we do decide to go to the thirty-fourth floor of Bode’s Labyrinth, there is going to be no reason for us to explore and run through there, since we’re not at the forefront of exploration.

If it’s the frontlines anywhere else then I can make excuses, but I don’t want to stand on the frontlines in Bode’s Labyrinth.

In other words, there is nothing that can stop Roxanne now. In that case, should I keep it quiet on the thirty-third floor of Quratar’s Labyrinth?

「However, should we fight the Drive Dragon somewhere else before going to the thirty-third floor of Quratar’s Labyrinth? Come to think of it, since we have the Cape Carp Liver on us, then maybe we should use it to transform other monsters into Drive Dragons to get some experience with fighting them?」

「I don’t think it’s necessary to go that far with the monsters on the same thirty-third floor.」

「We’ve fought a lot on the thirty-third floor of Bode’s Labyrinth, and we’ve also finished a lot Floor Boss battles, so it would probably be too cautious to go that far. Plus, Cape Carp liver is a valuable item, so it’s better to keep it on us just in case.」

Both Roxanne and Sherry seemed to be skeptical of the idea.

I understand that it’s important to keep it because it’s a valuable thing though. It seems that the original usage of it is to weaken stronger monsters. In other words, there are many monsters stronger than the Drive Dragon. Is it too cautious to go out of your way to experience fighting it then?

That being said though, Sherry’s remarks are persuasive.

「Okay. Let’s do that.」

In the end, I followed Roxanne’s opinion. After returning home, we moved to Quratar’s Labyrinth.

First, we aim for the Whole Fish. We could go for the Fatty Tuna instead, but I don’t want to indulge the girls in luxury too much.

We are having an all-out battle with the Mabreams while I have the Cook Job equipped. For the time being, I also didn’t remove 「Basic Fire Magic」from the Jobless Job because reversing that action won’t be easy.

On the seventeenth floor, even Mages can fight alone, so I wanted to increase the drop rate of rare ingredients by choosing 「Rare Ingredients Drop Rate Up」as the Job Effect for the Jobless and see if it would overlap with the Cook’s effect, but for the time being I’m restraining myself.

Well, it’s not like I’m expecting it to give me ten times the drop chance or anything.

If I play this poorly and make the change to the Skills too early, I won’t be able to change them when it’ll really matter and it’ll cause me to fall behind. It is inconvenient not to be able to change them freely whenever you like.

The scorching sand attacked the monsters around us since Jobless’’s Skill was still set to be 「Basic Fire Magic」.

The effect looks pretty strong.

Marbream’s weak point is Earth Magic, so I used Mage’s 「Sandstorm」 and Jobless’s 「Firestorm」 to attack them.

A lava hell with Earth Magic and Fire Magic? I feel like I could pull that off.
Or maybe hot water hell with Water Magic and Fire Magic? Alternatively, if I use Wind Magic and Fire Magic, then the fire should burn even more violently than usual. However, if the wind is going to be too strong, then the fire might get extinguished.

Will things be alright?

Maybe some types of magic have a synergy effect based on their attributes? Well, I don’t think something like that might be going on. And even if it did, then what would happen to resistances and weaknesses?

Enemies could probably prevent my combinations of magic by being resistant to Water Magic or Wind Magic.

「Amazing. As expected of master.」

「I see. So you can also do something like that.」

「Whole Fish, desu!」

「I think that this is amazing as well.」

All four of them praised me when I managed to dispatch the enemies easily with my continuous magic attacks. But even so, I only care about the opinion of one of them.
After that, we continued to fight on the seventeenth floor of Quratar’s Labyrinth in search of the Whole Fish.

I defeated the monsters one after another by burning them all in lava hell. One of the enemies that we encountered here, Bitch Butterfly, is resistant to Fire Magic which makes it incompatible with our current battle strategy, but all in all that is not too big of a problem.

Looking at the simplicity of the battles on this floor, you can probably see how the battles on the thirty-third floor are much more difficult than what we are dealing with here.

It was like this a week or two ago, even though the simplicity of it is owed largely to the fact that I currently have two magic-oriented Jobs.

I also did a little experiment. I used「Firestorm」 for the first shot of magic and 「Sandstorm」for the second shot, but it didn’t turn into lava hell. There are sparks flying in the air, but no sandstorms. Earth Magic didn’t work.

As soon as I invoked 「Firestorm」, sparks began to fill the air. It’s a success.

Perhaps the Mage’s 「Basic Fire Magic」was activated in the first Fire Magic Spell. Even if I tried to fire a second 「Sandstorm」, the Jobless’s Skill only had 「Basic Fire Magic」, and the Mage’s Fire Magic had already been, so it didn’t activate.

In that state, if you use 「Firestorm」, this time the 「Basic Fire Magic」that you haven’t used will be activated. I wonder if the order of the Jobs is related to the Mage’s magic being activated first.

Or maybe it’s in order of level?

I changed the order and tried to use lava hell on the next group in order of Fire Magic and Earth Magic.

Sparks and sand danced properly in the air. By the way, the order of Earth Magic and Fire Magic also went well.

That’s what I thought, but there’s no Earth Magic among Jobless’ Skills.

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Comment (1)

  1. GoingAway

    Not for the life of me am I going to remember the results of his blend of jobs.

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