Volume 10 Chapter 4 Part 5


「The monster on the thirty-fourth floor is Kobold Kampfer, who was the Floor Boss on the first floor. It is weak against all types of magic, which is why people probably tend to think that it is weaker than the drive Dragon. If you use magic, you should be able to fight it rather easily, master.」

「Is that so?「

Sherry always seems to be thinking firmly and calmly. As expected of her.

I got the feeling that the thirty-fourth floor would be easier to fight on for us.

「Then, today we will have a Boss battle on the thirty-third floor, and tomorrow it will move on to the thirty-fourth floor.」

Roxanne also made some concessions. You are making concessions, right, Roxanne?

However, even if the thirty-fourth floor is supposed to be easier, I still don’t want to go to there now.

Since this is Roxanne we’re talking about here, then I cannot be sure that if I allow her to go to the thirty-fourth floor today, she won’t request us to advance to the thirty-fifth floor tomorrow.

In that case, isn’t it a concession for Roxanne to fight on the thirty-third floor today? Yeah, let it be a concession.

「Umu. Is that okay with you?」

「Yes. The thirty-fourth floor should be no problem for us.」

「Let’s do it, desu!」

「I think we are going to be alright.」

The remaining three were completely deceived by Roxanne’s concession plan. In any case, things should be alright for now.


「Yes. Here master, take this.」

After accepting the plan of action, Roxanne gleefully hands over the item. It’s the skin left by the Drive Dragon. It’s white and bumpy. Dragon Skin is a lot like chicken skin.

「This is it, huh? Shall we make it into the soup for dinner tonight?」

「Whole Fish soup, desu!」

Miria suggests seafood soup. I wonder if those bumps on the chicken skin are pores. But dragons have scales instead of feathers, so it wouldn’t make much sense.

Well, it’s not like Milia can’t cook. Up until now, Miria has been quite good at cooking fish-based dishes.

「Can you make it?」

「Yes, desu.」

「It should be fine to leave it to Miria then.」

I looked at Roxanne, and she nodded affirmatively. She seems to be okay with it.

She’s going to be in charge of making it then.

「Okay than, I’ll be counting on you to do it.」

「Let’s do it, desu.」

After asking Miria to take care of it, we move on to the next target.

By the way, nobody got the Dragon Slayer Job. Killing the Drive Dragon doesn’t seem to be a gateway to success. Or are there any other conditions, perhaps? Like killing a Drive Dragon by yourself alone from the beginning. Or maybe throwing a Cape Carp’s Liver and turning a different monster into a dragon and then defeating it? Or turning a stronger dragon into a weaker dragon and then defeating it? Or maybe you need to fight the dragon to the death and finally winning after being in tatters?

I would absolutely hate that.

Well, I guess we can leave it alone for now. I don’t even know if such a Job even exists in this world in the first place.

I’ve never seen someone who was a Dragon Slayer with my 「Identify」, so I have no guarantee that being aggressive with it is going to be of any use.

「The Boss Room should be just over here.」

Roxanne gleefully guides us forward towards the Boss Room.

On the way there, we still had a few encounters with the Drive Dragons, so getting to the Boss Room took a little more time because of the need for us to fight here and there.

「The Floor Boss variant of the Drive Dragon is the Land dragon. It can’t fly, but it moves faster than the Drive Dragon, so be careful. Like the Drive Dragon, it is resistant to all types of magic and has no weak points.」
After receiving Sherry’s briefing, we enter the Boss Room. After all, when it comes to Bosses, is it just a stronger variant of the Drive Dragon?

However, even if its movements are fast, Roxanne is still going to respond to it even faster, so as long as only one Floor Boss is going to show itself, then there’s going to be no problems for us.

There is also Miria’s petrification, so we don’t have to be afraid of the Floor Boss battles any more than necessary.

Smoke gathered in the middle of the Boss Room, and monsters appeared. The Floor boss itself appeared in a low position because it can’t fly in the sky.

It’s a Land Dragon. A four-legged monster with a solid stance. Its torso is stuck to the floor as it laid on its stomach, out of which four legs are sticking out.

「Isn’t that just a lizard?」

Yes, it was more of a lizard than a dragon. A Komodo Dragon rather than a Land Dragon.
A lizard, not an Earth Dragon.

It’s certainly big though.

In this case, the Drive Dragon looks more like a normal dragon and looks scarier than this one right here. However, if you ever saw a Komodo Dragon on Earth, you would have felt terrified.

Thinking about it, I wonder if I’ve gotten used to it too?

Roxanne stands in front of the giant lizard that appeared before us… and then, she moved the rapier in front of the lizard as if she was trying to stir it. Or rather than stirring it, she was focusing its attention on herself, because that is Roxanne’s role in my Party: to attract the Floor Boss to herself and keep it occupied.

Even in front of such a giant lizard, she is not showing any signs of being afraid. She was even spinning the tip of her rapier in an excited manner. She looked so comfortable as if she was catching the dragonflies instead of fighting with a dragon. As expected of Roxanne.

Well, even I don’t feel any particular fear of it. It’s more of a lizard than a dragon, after all.

For Roxanne, who was born and raised in this world, this would be a perfectly natural thing to do.
Milia and Vesta also stand in front of the monsters without any fear.

I know that Vesta isn’t afraid of Rock Birds, but Milia isn’t afraid to face the Drive Dragon either, even though that one is actually a real dragon.

The reason Milia took charge of the Drive Dragon was probably because she wanted to neutralize the Drive Dragon when petrification was activated. As expected of Miria who moves in front of the monster on her own without any instructions.

By the way, when it comes to Vesta and the Rock Bird, Vesta is always looking reliable, so it doesn’t really feel like something that needs to be explicitly stated.

Being big and reliable is a great combination for her.

In reality, just standing in front of a terrifying monster would be a big deal for me.

Rock Birds are ferocious monsters, even if they’re not as ferocious as Drive Dragons. Well, even if she was facing a Drive Dragon instead of a Rock Bird, she would probably still do it without fear, which would only reinforce her ever-reliable appearance.

As expected of her, she is still a reliable shield of the Party.

When the Land Dragon appeared, it suddenly approached Roxanne, who was standing in front of it. It moved forward at a rapid pace. It opened its jaws to reveal terrifying teeth and closed them in an attempt to bite her.
However, Roxanne twists her upper body to dodge that attack easily and thrusts her rapier into the monster’s eyes.

Her counterattack is also frighteningly calm.

She decided to go for its eyes as if it was the most obvious thing to do. But still, it doesn’t feel like the dragon received that much damage. Did it close its eyelids to protect itself, are its eyes stronger because it’s a monster, or maybe they are just for show?

At least now I know that eyes are now one of its weaknesses.

In the first place, this is a monster, and it’s not clear whether or not it’s getting visual information from its eyes.

Then what about ears? Do dragons even have ears, or do they have some other organs responsible for their hearing?

Doubts continue to spread, such as whether NT Ants have compound eyes, or whether Non-REM Golems can see their eyes.

Needlewood and Half-herbs are plant-based life forms, so they probably don’t have eyes or ears.

While thinking about that, I fired Fire Magic in rapid succession and turned around to hit the Rock Bird with Durandal.

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