Volume 10 Chapter 4 Part 6

I leave the front to Vesta, and just hit it from the side. There is almost no danger to me. Even if Vesta in front of me was attacked by monsters on the thirty-third floor, she still wouldn’t budge, even against the attacks of the Floor Boss.

She really is a reliable companion.

Roxanne is the Floor Boss’s opponent, but its attacks don’t even manage to hit her. At least there is almost no worry from me about her being hit repeatedly. Even now, she lightly dodged the Land Dragon’s ramming attack.

「It certainly seemed to move a little bit faster.」

As usual, Roxanne is terrifyingly cold-hearted even in her evaluations.

Only a little bit faster, you say? I thought that it was moving pretty well since it was able to approach us so suddenly like that.

What a view from above that was.

「I did it, desu!」

The Drive Dragon behind it was petrified by Miria before the Rock Bird fell. We also defeat the Rock Bird and then move on to attack the Land Dragon.

Every time it showed signs of movement, I was terrified that it might come this way, but every time it aimed at Roxanne in front of me and its attacks were all dodged by her, so I finished the battle without taking any damage.

At this rate, will it be okay for us to fight more battles against the Land Dragon? Rather, it might be easier than a normal battle with a group of six Drive Dragons.

「Umu. Well, it’s like this, huh? It’s definitely not an opponent against whom we cannot do anything at all.」

「Yes. It wasn’t much of an enemy yet. It would be a little more fun if it moved faster.」

I didn’t hear anything. Did you hear anything just now? Because I heard nothing. Must have just been the wind, get it?

「There was no problems. At this rate, rather than the Floor Boss battles, it would be even tougher to fight against the regular enemies on the thirty-third floor.」

Does Sherry have the same opinion as me? I guess that’s what it is.

「Let’s do it, desu.」

「I think that we’re going to be alright.」

Miria and Vesta brought the monster Drop Items they were in charge of back to me. The Land Dragon left a reddish-colored Drop Item when the smoke cleared.

Is this meat? When I used 「Identify」on it, it turned out that it was actually Dragon Meat.

So even Land Dragons are leaving food items behind when they die, huh?

「Dragon meat?」

「Yes, this most definitely looks like a Dragon Meat. You can eat it as it is, and it is said to contain the power of the dragons within it, so it does rot as easily as other foods so even people who aren’t Explorers or Adventurers tend to take it with them when they go out on faraway journeys. Also, just like with the Dragon Skin, if you put it in the soup, the taste of it will be enhanced.」

I listened to Sherry’s explanation, but when I looked at it, it totally looks like beef jerky to me.

No, actually, it’s not beef jerky. It’s Dragon Jerky.

「Is it really okay to leave it as it is?」
I involuntarily look at Roxanne.

Does being a member of the Wolfkin Tribe means that beef jerky is her favorite food? Surely not. Maybe not? No, that can’t be right.

Then again, Miria, who is a member of the Catkin Tribe, loves fish.

In particular, I can’t see Roxanne jumping at me for a piece of jerky… but still, I think I’ll cut a little bit of it off and give it to her.

The Dragon Meat split easily in my hands, like jerky. It really is a Dragon Jerky.

When you put it in your mouth, it tastes just like dried meat. Well, it tastes like rich meat, and it’s good. It has a pleasant texture and is chewy at first, but after two or three bites, it loosens and melts.

「It’s nice to eat the monsters right after defeating them like this.」

Roxanne seems to have taken a liking to it.

After I went around to everyone, I took it from Vesta, cut it into pieces, and gave it to Roxanne again.

The taste is quite addictive. I can’t stop eating it.

Come to think of it, it would be nice to eat snacks once in a while. And nostalgic.

If it’s potato chips or shrimp rice crackers, I feel like I can do it with ingenuity and research, but I don’t really want to go that far if I don’t have to.

Basically, I don’t have many Japanese foods that I want to eat. I’ve never eaten expensive and delicious food so much that I remember wanting to eat it, and I’ve eaten a lot of cheap food, so I’ve had enough. I have never eaten sushi or eel, let alone caviar and foie gras, so I have no desire to eat them in the first place.

Have I ever wanted to try matsutake mushrooms or real shishamo? I wonder if it’s good.

I’ve eaten peaches a few times and they were delicious, so I’d like to try them again, but I’ve never eaten them so many times that I’m so particular about them.

Melon also feels like too high-end of an ingredient.

I got tired of eating cup noodles, partly because that was all I had for dinner for a while. I feel like I don’t have to eat for the rest of my life. I sometimes feel like wanting to eat rice, but that desire is not very strong in me right now. I don’t think the light taste of rice will make you want to eat it.

It’s hard to believe that when you go abroad, you start to miss rice and miso. Most modern self-catering urban Japanese don’t even eat miso in the first place.

And then there is curry.

Curry huh? There may come a day when I want to eat it, but that’s about it.

When I think about it, I also feel like I’m a person suitable for living in this world.

「If you eat a little, it won’t fit in the Item Box, so Roxanne should have the rest. Ah, no…」
「It’s almost gone.」

As I ate while thinking about such things, the Dragon Meat was gone in no time. Of course It will be gone if everyone eats it. It wasn’t that big in the first place.

「Well, we ate it all.」

「It’s so small that it disappears quickly.」

「Yes, desu.」

「I think it’s okay to eat.」

At the end, Sherry halves the remaining piece and gives it to Miria, who then breaks it in half and gives it to Vesta.

「Well, even if it’s gone, we can hunt for it again.」

Vesta tried to break it in half again and give it to me, but I refused. I will get more of it soon anyway.

「Right. Let’s do another Boss battle.」

This again, Roxanne?

However, I think that Boss battles are easier to fight than Drive Dragon battles.
If it’s a Drive Dragon, there’s a possibility that a maximum of six of them will come out. It’s not like that because different monsters are usually mixed, but a Drive Dragon is resistant to all types of magic.

It would be quite difficult if six of them came out.

Boss battles are less likely to cause damage to us

Roxanne avoids normal attacks, and Sherry cancels magic. If you fail to cancel or evade magic and get attacked, of course the Land Dragon damage is going to be bigger.

「Land Dragons sometimes leave Dragon Skin behind. However, even if we get it, then the current me is still not going to be able to create equipment out of it.」

According to Sherry, Land Dragons also leave Dragon Skin behind.

Is Dragon Skin a Land Dragon’s rare drop?

I have only partially equipped armor that uses Dragon Skin as material. This means that right now, the materials we can procure have caught up with the ones that our equipment is made of.

If the Land Dragon leaves Dragon Skin, we have to repeat the Boss battles to collect materials.

I wanted to order Sherry that she should try making some equipment out of it, but she’s probably going to tell me that she’s not feeling up to the task just yet.

The Land Dragon is the Floor Boss of the thirty-third floor, so on the sixty-sixth floor, which is thirty-three floors higher, it is going to show up as a regular opponent and come out in large numbers, just like the fish enemies.

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Comment (1)

  1. ranomeinon

    You can eat it as it is, and it is said to contain the power of the dragons within it, so it does rot as easily as other foods so even people who aren’t Explorers or Adventurers tend to take it with them when they go out on faraway journeys.
    ^-shouldn’t it be that it “doesn’t” rot as easily?

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