Volume 11 Chapter 1 Part 2

Camelia Oil shines mysteriously.

The skins of the girls glide smoothly on me while dripping with oil, which is them spread out all over me as if their bodies were brushes or needles and threads that weaved the beautiful tapestry of soft skin and slimy oil.

They use every part of their beautiful skins and torsos to massage me in a ritual that improves blood circulation, helps you recover from fatigue, and increases appetite.

What is fun without knowing this wonderful feeling?

What is life without knowing this wonderful feeling?

Can you say that you had fun or lived a good life without experiencing this height of man’s dreams at least once?

Girl’s soft skins touch me and rub me all over my body, until my blood reached the boiling point.

On the next morning, I was advancing through the Labyrinth with 100 times more energy than I would usually have. Well, I say that I am 100 times more energetic, but that’s not entirely true. Only a certain part of me that has received the oil massage is feeling 100 times more energetic than ever right now, while the rest of me is feeling pretty normal.

Anyway, even if I say it a little vaguely like that, all you need to know is that oil massage is always going to make men feel 100 times more energetic.

The next enemy that we should be facing should be Spike Spider… or perhaps Ugly Spider… or maybe Cheap Trick Spider or whatever. Basically a regular spider, but with a twist to it.

The Boss of the 36th floor of Quratar’s Labyrinth is called Spike Spider, which is essentially a stupidly huge spider. It’s so huge that its height easily surpasses Sherry’s height.

Furthermore, one of its patterns of attack is lifting its front legs and swinging them down on us.

It did so with such strength behind it that I thought it would pierce the floor of the Labyrinth and make a hole in it.

That’s a horrible attack. If I get hit by something like that, there’s no way that I’ll be able to withstand it.

However, Roxanne, as always, avoided each and every one of the Spike Spider’s attack with such grace as if it was nothing.

As expected of Roxanne.

However, starting from the 34th floor onwards, there are two Floor Bosses that we’re going to have to deal with. There is a second Spike Spider accompanying the first one, but Vesta was holding it down in place quite well.

After all, it doesn’t matter how big the Spike Spider itself might be and how high it is going to raise its front legs, because attacks of such caliber are nowhere near enough to pose a threat to someone as tall as Vesta.

In fact, Vesta is so tall that if she were to stretch out her arm fully, it would be enough for her to reach the Spike Spider’s front leg and catch it before it could swing it down properly.

Now think about what would happen if she was to be holding two two-handed swords, one of them in each hand…. Like she has now.

Spike Spider raised his leg and swung it down to impale Vesta, but even then, Vesta’s sword was ready and waiting for it, interrupting it before it could gain enough momentum.

Even so, the opponent is a monster. If it doesn’t manage to find a clear opening, I will simply attack its target with brute force, but each time when it tried it, the large Vesta was there to catch it before its front legs could generate enough speed for a proper attack.

It had been completely beaten by her in every way. Every time it tried to raise its legs to attack, Vesta was blocking it and holding it in place while hitting it at the same time.

And, as expected of Vesta, in the end she didn’t suffer any serious injuries herself, because due to its lack of speed behind the attacks and Vesta receiving them with her swords, then even if she suffered some damage, it was a miniscule amount of it anyway.

Well, as long as she’s capable of blocking every attack coming her way, I guess it doesn’t matter all that much. What matters now is that it’s Miria’s turn.

Miria who ran around to Vesta’s side, threw in a series of small attacks, petrifying one of the Floor Bosses with her Estoc of Petrification.

Now that she successfully managed to stop one of them, the remaining one is going to be dealt with by Roxanne, so we can all rest easy now.

While Roxanne continued to avoid the Floor Boss’s attacks, Miria came to her from the side.

Right now, I can wait and let her petrify the second Floor Boss as well, or I can rain some of my magic attacks at it until it finally collapses. Roxanne is so light with her steps that she could easily continue attacking along me or Miria.

In the first place, it was Roxanne’s wish for us to come fight this Floor Boss today, so now she has to stick with it.

There are no additional monsters in the Boss Room, so no matter how long the finishing of this other one is going to take, it should be fine.

In the end, Miria was the one who finished the other Floor Boss by petrifying it, thus ending the battle against the Spike Spiders.

「At this rate, I think it’s clear that we can manage the Boss battle on the 36th floor.」

It doesn’t matter if the enemy is Spike Spider, Mosaic Spider or any other kind of spider. None of them can have the slightest hope of defeating us when we’re powered by the oil massage from yesterday!

I mean, let’s be honest: how could a mosaic ever hope to defeat the glory that is soft, uncensored oiled skin?

「If it’s master and us at our current level, then we should really have no problems.」

「Yes, I think we can fight against this Floor boss pretty easily as well.」

「Pretty easily, desu!」

「I think we’re going to be alright.」

I’m not worried about Roxanne, because no matter what happens, she’ll always be able to handle monsters in front of her, and if Vesta, who is responsible for acting as our Party’s shield, says that we should be fine, then I guess that means that we’re probably going to be fine.

「Well then, I’ll distribute the Warning Sticks made by Sherry now.」

We moved to the 37th floor where I distributed Warning Sticks to everyone.

Appearance-wise, it’s a flat, long, wooden stick. It’s not as sturdy as a wooden sword, so it’s probably not as powerful as well.

「Could this be…」

「Beep Sheep will start appearing as a regular enemy from the 37th floor onwards, so if any of the Party Members ends up being put to sleep by them, use these to immediately wake them up.」
I handed the Warning Stick to Sherry after giving it to Roxanne and explained. Considering how light of a weapon it is, its offensive power is really going to be next to zero.

「So you’re supposed to use it like this?」

Roxanne waved the Warning Stick around to test it out. Oi, oi, Roxanne, don’t just go waving this thing around with such force! This is a simple Warning Stick, not a military grade Mental Injection Rod!
「Yes, desu!」

I said don’t swing it around carelessly, Miria!

「I think that it is going to be alright.」

No, I don’t think it’s going to be alright, especially since when Vesta took a hold of the Warning Stick and swung it down, it even made the sound of the stick cutting through the air, even though she was wielding it with only one hand.

Not even a minute of holding it, and she already turned it into a lethal weapon!

In the first place, it is a mistake to shake the flat side of the Warning Stick vertically. Just looking at the using it like that looks and sound painful.

I guess they can be excused since they probably never used it before, so they don’t know that you’re not supposed to be using it like you would a sword, so it cannot be helped.

This is probably still better than them getting to know how it works by being smacked themselves during ascetic training.

「This humble me right here will teach you how to use it, and then we’ll move on. Roxanne, come this way.」


I tried speaking like a Buddhist monk for a bit, but it only caused my words to be translated a little strangely.

Nevertheless, Roxanne twisted her neck and stepped forward. When she tilted her head, her dog ears swayed along in a really cute way.

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