Volume 11 Chapter 1 Part 6

I see, instead of fighting just Rapid Rabbits, we might take her to a place where there will be a lot of different enemies.

Roxanne is trying to convince me in some way, but it should be fine.

「I think it’s okay because the attacks of the enemies just now weren’t such a big deal.」

Thankfully, Rapid Rabbit is not that big of a monster, and its attacks are not of the particularly heavy-hitting variety, although they are not so light as to completely be brushing them off.

They’re quick, so they sometimes pass through the vanguard and attack me instead.

Well, they certainly may have been light for Vesta, who has a large build and a lot of stability in her posture. I even offered to heal her, but she refused, saying that there was no need for me to do that just yet.

If she says so think so, then that’s how it probably is.

「Anyway, the biggest problem is that the number of enemies cannot be reduced by petrification.」

No Roxanne, I won’t let you guide us to a place with six Rapid Rabbits.

I won’t, you hear?

Because I can’t trust you that we’re going to be okay if you take us to them.

Maybe we would actually be fine if we tried fighting them, but I won’t risk it until I’ll be absolutely sure.

I feel like I’m being deceived.

I can’t even imagine the fear of having to fight six Rapid Rabbits at once, nor the pattern where battle with that many of them would have gone easy for us.

Compared to fighting against six Rapid Rabbits at once, fighting a mixture of other monsters is obviously not going to be as hard, but if you were to ask me if I think that the battles on the 40th floor and above are easy, then I would have to say that no, they’re not.

I just think it’s okay to compare these two cases, but anyway, it looks like climbing up with the pace of one floor per day won’t be as easy as it was before starting from the 40th floor onwards.

Despite these concerns of mine, we continued climbing up the floors like we did before, even if it meant facing the fights that would keep increasing in difficulty, but at this point it would be too difficult for us to stop, because one of my Party Members was feeling extremely motivated.

「As expected, the higher you go, the harder it gets.」

「Or perhaps things were just too easy until now.」

「Is it really getting a little tough?」

「No. If it’s at this level, then we should still be fine.」

What should I do now? At this rate, are we really going to stop after we reach the 44th floor? Or is there no possible way to stop Roxanne’s advance?

That is what I am worried about the most now. Does it really can’t be helped? Or maybe there’s some kind of trump card that I can use to flip this situation around?

「The higher the floor, the more severe the battles in the Labyrinths are going to get」

I tried to explain that to Roxanne and the others.

「Yes, we know. But still, it should not be a problem for us.」

And yet, they still insisted that we would be fine.

「As I said, if we continue to advance to the upper floors at our current pace, it will become more and more difficult for us to fight the monsters that are present there.」

I made another attempt at reasoning with them.

「Yes. I’m looking forward to it.」

Am I going to lose to Roxanne’s drive once more? No, I cannot allow myself to lose here, but that’s actually beside the point.

「From now on, in addition to my usual support role, I will try to focus more on providing healing, but if we continue to go to the upper floors so fast, I can easily think of more and more situations where it’s going to be more and more difficult for me to provide healing to the entire team by myself. So, in preparation for such a time to come, can I ask all of you to go and give it a try at acting as Shrine Maidens to get some experience with healing? After all, if we’re going to have more than one healer in the Party, it’s going to be all the safer for us.」

「Yes. I want to give it a try.」

As expected, Roxanne’s response to my request was a positive one.

「Becoming a Shrine Maiden was one of my original goals, so trying that Job out is an attractive prospect for me. However, considering the constant need for me to make better equipment for our Party, I would also like to gain more experience as a Master Smith.

「In that case, Sherry is going to continue being a Master Smith, and Miria is going to be an Assassin.」

「Yes, master.」

「Let’s do it, desu!」

Is it really going to be okay to keep her as an Assassin though?

「I think it would also be fine for me to try being a Shrine Maiden as well.」

「I was thinking of having you do something a little bit different, Vesta. Since you’re so good with dual wielding two-handed swords, I want you to continue being a Dragon Knight for the time being.」

「Yes. I think I am going to be fine continuing as a Dragon Knight as well.」

So it has been decided that Roxanne will become Shrine Maiden for the time being. Even if she starts back at Lv.1, it should go up in no time. Plus, it’s going to be good for her to try out various new things.

「Then I’m going to switch Roxanne’s Job to a Shrine Maiden now. Since its Roxanne that we’re talking about, I’m not too worried about your safety, but still, you should be careful, at least in the beginning. If at any point you’ll start feeling that things are getting too tough for you, don’t hesitate to tell us about it and we’ll go fight on the lower floors until you get used to it.」

Yes. This is going to be my trump card. With this, I am going to win even against someone like Roxanne.

「Thank you, master. Whenever I am fighting against the monsters I am always making sure to retain the highest degree of caution possible, so I should be fine when fighting the monsters on this floor.」
「No, no. That may be the case, but just to be on the safe side, you should still be careful.」

「Yes, of course, master. I will.」

Still refusing to let me use my trump card, are you, Roxanne? No matter what you say, I still think that we should go to the lower floors until you get used to the Shrine Maiden Job.

「Okay now, just in case, I’ll teach you the Spell used for the overall healing purposes.」

「Yes, of course.」

「Rest in peace if you make a mistake… Shrine Maiden’s Blessing.」

「Uhm… Rest in peace if you make a mistake… Shrine Maiden’s Blessing.」

Both the Priest and the Shrine Maiden Jobs have the same Skill, so the chant for the Spell should probably be the same, so I performed a quick Character Reset and removed the 「Chant Omission」Bonus Skill from my list of Active Skills, and then once I invoked it, the chant for the AoE healing Spell has appeared in my mind.

With that, when I passed the chant to Roxanne, the same kind of incantation should show itself in her mind as well.
It’s my turn to use the Brahim language freely for my own benefit.

「Just so you know, it may be difficult to use in battle if you don’t get used to it first.」

「Yes. It might be a little difficult to cast such a Spell while avoiding the monster attacks at the same time… but I’ll try my best.」

「Once again, be careful though.」

Do you find it difficult to cast Attack Magic while moving around? Well, I never tried doing that myself, so I might try it one of these days, but if you really find it so difficult, then maybe you should have just agreed with my suggestion of going to the lower floors untill you get comfortable with it?

For the duration of the next few battles, Roxanne was fighting while having Shrine Maiden set as her Job. However, I didn’t notice any changes about her at all. To me, both her speed of movement and evasive abilities were exactly the same as they were before.

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Comments (2)

  1. G0emi

    I am terribly annoyed how he is not hardcoded on getting every partymember a weapon (or two, Vesta XD) with petrification. The rates may be lower for non assassins, but, come on …
    Also how he lets himself be dragged along … he is the master, he could just tell them to slow down.
    Also² his focus on healing when noone ever really gets hit anyway … I mean, yeah they do get hit, but never, like, anywhere near critical.
    Well, whatever.

  2. PLaci

    We already had this whole conversation in Volume 10., Chapter 5., Part 8……

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