High School Hack and Slash Chapter 141 Part 2

The queen has a gorgeously decorated belt wrapped around her waist.

That must be the objective of this quest.

「O Queen. I would like to have that belt.」

「I mind not, I p’rmit t. I doth not mind giving t to thee.」

So easily, I go and achieve my goal.

It’s a bit of a letdown, I should say.

「Though, in exchange, I has’t a condition.」

「Let’s hear it.」

「Doth blesseth me thy se’d. Alloweth me beareth thy issue, Muko-dono (husband).」

「One more time.」

「Maketh not a wench sayeth this kind of thing again and again. Giveth me thy se’d. Yond is mine own condition.」

As I thought, I didn’t mishear it, huh.

「Yond is the w’rld view (rule) of this oth’r w’rld (raid). Accepteth t. Thee eke has’t something thee has’t to doth, thee not, muko-dono?」

「But I have no time for such a thing.」

「Is yond a line a dandy who is’t suddenly starts m’rry making shouldst sayeth? Nay needeth to w’rry, as this oth’r w’rld (raid) is deep. Its ability to int’rf’re with the timeth axis is incomparable with the oth’r twelve lab’rs (subquest).」

「In a simpler manner.」

「… Until thee completeth the quest, timeth in the outside w’rld shall not passeth.」

I see, I don’t understand the logic, but I’ve grasped the vibe.

「Well, fine. First of all, t calleth f’r a welcometh banquet. Alloweth us headeth to the castle, thee all cometh ‘long as well.」

Everyone from the amazoness group, who have gotten quiet, are raising shouts of joy.

I don’t quite get it, but given things, I guess I’ll just have to go with the flow.

◇ ◇ ◇

 The atmosphere of the townscape has the image of a Mediterranean bay city, I guess.

It’s not that big, but it boasts an exotic vibe with its white-plastered walls.

From what I can see at a glance, I get the feeling that it’s quite half-baked in terms of civilization level.

How should I put, it’s like an ancient city as imagined by modern people, I should say.

「Mm. Yond is a p’rfectly fitting evaluation.」

Next to me, who, for better or worse, have been made to sit on what seems to be the chief seat, the queen is seated.

There are no chairs or tables, so the platters are laid out directly on a colorful rug.

In attendance is everyone from the Amazoness Warrior group.

The only other people I got to see are the girls who serve as waitpersons.

I guess the fact that it turned into『night』 as soon as we arrived at the castle and the banquet began is proof that the conquest of the lore raid is progressing.

「Thee too, muko-dono, doth drinketh and consume to thy filleth and recharge thy en’rgy. I can provideth thee with as much as thee wanteth, aft’r all.」

What comes out of the bottle is a grape juice with strong sweetness.

It’s not made of grapes only, as I get the feeling that honey and spices are also in the mix.

It has an ethnic flavor to it, but not bad.

What is served as dishes are ingredients from the mountains and the sea.

There is a sweet and spicy bean dish, a sour sauerkraut-like dish, and chunks of what look like artichokes that I have seen on the Internet.

The meats are probably of the pork-type and wild fowl kind.

Some rabbit meat should be in the mix, too.

There are also sausages, of course.

Things like shrimps, crabs, and shellfish also seem to be eaten normally.

And then, there are also heaps of fruits that I don’t even know the names of.

No matter how you slice it, these ingredients are not that of Null Mobs living in the dungeon domain.

「Thee has’t surprisingly disc’rning eyes, doth thee not? These art foods did obtain from the『Cornucopia』. T is a myst’rious entity yond produces an endless supplyeth of food.」

That truly is a sacred treasure.

If it’s Doggy-senpai, I think she would go down into a dogeza and beg for it.

「The same is true f’r this pot. T is hath called the『Cup of Dionysus』. T produces wine drinketh, and nev’r runneth out coequal if ‘t be true thee drinketh t.」

As a test, I take the liberty to drink it as it is, but I think it’s fine grape juice.

「Doth taketh this with thee. I am sure ’twill manifest again bef’re longeth.」

「That’s one lavish hospitality.」

「Mmm. How doth thee liketh t? This oth’r w’rld (raid) is a『jackpot』, is’t not?」

The queen is sporting a smug look on her face, but I have no objection.

With these magic items, I guess the amazonesses will never starve.

「Th’re existeth nay one but amazonesses who is’t s’rve as warri’rs in this w’rld. Beest t the town ‘r the w’rld, those gents art nay m’re than a miniature garden yond s’rves as the stage setting. 」


This esteemed queen makes a lot of meta remarks.

I know that characters are bound to appear in Lore-type raids, but she’s way too…

「… human-like, I guesseth?」

The queen, silver cup in hand, twists her lips ironically.

I guess the fact that she herself is aware of it is proof in itself.

I think, therefore I am, was it?

The same seems to be true for the other amazonesses who are making merry as they exchange sake cups with each other.

「I supposeth yond is thy fault, muko-dono. T is the so hath called irregular case.」


「Th’ref’re, we art eke did allow to dealeth with t without following the n’rmal practiceth.」

I offer a cup to the queen, who is chugging down her cup, in return.

「Und’r n’rmal circumstances, the right proceeding is f’r the challeng’rs to cometh and attacketh the state on a ship. On the ship, melanie, mine own dram sist’r, wouldst has’t did hold captive from the starteth, so thee seeth. The usual patt’rn is f’r h’r to immediately beest did turn into a plaything.」

Talk about sexually violent development.

Well, if she is the queen’s little sister, then surely, she must be a glamorous beauty.

「Then, the lodging the challeng’rs arriveth at just as those gents art getting not restful of melanie is this ground. And the ‘rthodox patt’rn wouldst beest f’r those folk to taketh melanie hostage and presseth me to exchange h’r f’r this belt. On the oth’r handeth, if ‘t be true those gents protecteth h’r without laying their hands on h’r, th’re is eke the patt’rn wh’re we begeth the challeng’rs to blesseth us with their seeds. T eke s’rves as a m’ral teaching yond those who is’t art patient shall reap m’re fruits.」

「But still, that many people come here, huh.」

「T hast been a while since we has’t some, i supposeth. Bef’re the m’rging, though, t wast an independent oth’r w’rld (raid), so th’re w’re a fair numb’r of challeng’rs.」

In my case, I came here directly without getting on a ship.

I guess that’s what she calls an irregular case.

Before I know it, the amazonesses have begun to hop a dance.

Sweaty skin and lively moving limbs.

Their bodies peeking out from their risqué outfits are terribly inflammatory.

「V’ry valorous, v’ry valorous. Yond is jump wherefore thou art our muko-dono. Doth blesseth all of us, in turneth, with thy se’d. 」

「Hmm. That’s different from what you said before, though.」

「I knoweth not. Yond is the ruleth. Aft’r thee shareth thy se’d with ev’ryone, thee may visiteth mine own sleep chamber.」

Be it those who are dancing or those who are sitting on the seats, all of them are focusing their attention in our direction.

There are about 30 people in this place alone, so the pressure is tremendous.

「W’rry not, i shall keepeth mine own promiseth. I has’t nay choice but to keepeth t. Yond is eke parteth of the ruleth, aft’r all. Doth beest at ease. Until thou art done with the deed, the night shall nev’r beest ov’r, and the banquet shall nev’r cometh to an endeth. Feeleth free to indulge yourself in loveth and enjoyeth eating and drinking to thy heart’s content.」

The first to step forward in front of me are the pair who must be the captains.

「Coequal if ‘t be true thee wanteth to giveth up this belt, yond is eke fine. The next challeng’rs, th’re shall most likely beest none, but until those gents cometh, thee shall beest the king of this ground, muko-dono. We shall kneeleth bef’re thee and taketh careth of ev’rything. W’rry not, we shall devote ourselves to maketh thee joyous with all of our hearts.」


「Mm. ’twill jump beest a paraiso, shall t not?」

The words of the queen, as she says so while smiling, exude no falsehood.

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