Rule Breaker (Light Novel)

  • 69982
  • 45
  • Ongoing
  • Translated
  • 346 Chapters
Action Adventure Different World (Isekai) Drama Dungeon Fantasy Harem LitRPG Magic OP Main Lead Reincarnation Romance Strategy
  • Author: 三上 康明 Mikami Yasuaki
  • Translator: Kell
  • Raw: Hero Bunko
  • Schedule: Every 70 hours

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Welcome to the light novel version of Rule Breaker.

The story follows Hikaru, a young boy who died in a traffic accident. As he stands in line in the spirit realm, waiting for his soul to be judged, he receives an offer from a young aristocrat named Roland to transfer his soul to another world, one filled with magic, dungeons, and dragons.

Upon arrival, he learns of his unique ability called the Soul Board, which allows him to view people’s stats—and his own—and even edit them. When Roland tells him to kill someone in exchange for his body, Hikaru decides to put all his available points on the Stealth Skill tree.

The basic premise is similar to the web novel, but the light novel follows a different plot from the second volume onwards.

Alternate Titles:

Sacchi Sarenai Rule Breaker
The Undetectable Strongest Job: Rule Breaker

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Rule Breaker (Light Novel)

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Current schedule: Every 70 hours

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Rule Breaker (Light Novel)

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